Hi girls. Another day that I just don't feel like shopping. How weird is that?
Could be because I woke up still feeling crummy. I'd had PMS but last night TTOM finally started, so that doesn't help.
Then Ewan got into a bottle of children's Claritin and I had to call Poison Control. It looks like he didn't get too much and they said he would be fine but to keep an eye on him. I should give him extra fluids to dilute it. It has a child-proof cap but maybe it hadn't been closed all the way. I usually keep medicine on a high shelf but happened to leave that on the counter after giving some to Isaac. Ewan also managed to eat one of my birth control pills last year.
Yesterday I did just a premix from Kelly Coffey-Meyer's new Cardio Kick Step-Boxing video. I liked it a lot more than her original step-boxing workout (which I ended up selling). Today I plan to do Legs from Amy's
Slo-Mo Strength Challenge. I might do a shorter premix and do a bit more step aerobics since my cardio was brief yesterday (and since I'm a bit rusty on lower body work and don't want to kill myself with it).
Belinda, have fun with Kick Max! (You've probably already done it by now.) KM was my very first Cathe workout! I remember stopping to stare open-mouthed when she got to the Kickbox/Bootcamp challenge part. I had to just do jumping jacks and stuff to try to follow along. That's when I knew I was in for something different with Cathe!
I now have all of the DVDs Cathe offers, but I'm actually considering selling a few.
http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/surprisedf.gif I never thought I'd do that but there are some I just literally never use so they are just collecting dust. I wonder if I shouldn't sell them so I can afford something else I'd use more (like the barbell I want).
Amelia, thanks for mentioning the blog update yesterday! I hadn't a clue before I saw your message. I'm pretty excited about this system. I might do well with that kind of structure if I can stick with it--and if anyone could make me stick with it, it would be Cathe.
Lori, I bet your DS was just punishing you a bit for being gone. He'll get used to it! (Kids are like dogs in some ways, aren't they?)
Carrie, I really liked KCM's new Step-boxing workout, but I guess I already said that up^^^ there.
Stacey, your rotation right now sounds like mine--I'm just trying to fit in all my new stuff but get a certain amount of weight training and cardio in! My favorite Cathe workouts tend to be step workouts--like Rhythmic Step and Step Blast. I also like the Pyramids and Gym Styles for weight training. I tend to like upper/lower splits or 3-day splits. Sometimes I enjoy a good circuit (like LIC) or total body weights (favorite is MM). So I guess I like a variety. I'm not a big fan of the Imaxes, though I have them--probably because I'm weak!
Hello to Cheryl--how's work going? It always seems to keep you busy!
Hi to Cathy if you drop by!
I think I need some more coffee now.
[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:
http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif