Weight Watchers CheckIn Wednesday 8/9


Good Morning Everyone and welcome to hump day!!!!
Stayed at 20 points yesterday and earned 5 APs that I didnt need to eat... really working on eating when hungry and not just because I have points available.
Love the $10.00 mini omelet maker from Walgreens recommended on this check-in! Is a lifesaver and takes all the guess work out of breakfast / snacks for me...I made a batch of 20 over weekend and they were egg whites + broccoli/spinach.... YUMMY
I'm doing a January 05 Rotation to bust off fat but since I have all Cathes stuff I'm using rotation but DVDs from Body Blast Series and Hardcore Series... I'll keep ya posted on results.

AMY: Hope you get back to a natural sleep pattern.... lack of sleep really affects us all in so many ways. Congrats on such a great workout yesterday.

Have a great day all!
Good morning, Traci and all that follow! Great job staying OP and earning more AP points. You are doing great!

I'm trying desperately to get my head on straight. Work has packed on quite a bit of stress right now and I'm consoling myself with food 'big time'. I can't even get to a meeting to re-motivate myself so I'm here to read all of your journeys and successes so you will motivate me until I can get to a meeting and recharge.

I have been doing great until I get home from work and then I eat EVERYTHING in sight from stress. I need to maybe take a little longer drive home and think about it before I get home.

I hope everyone stays OP and I'll be back later.

I feel your frustration. Just take it one day at a time- one meal at a time..... Stress & Fatigue are my 2 biggest triggers as well.... I haven't mastered it yet but at least I know they are triggers.
Your idea of a little longer drive home is a great idea- you can also try having a plan to pick up the phone and call someone as soon as you walk in the door just to break the habit.... I also am trying to eat a fruit/string cheese first....then decide what I'd like to eat later.
You'll go back to a meeting when you are ready- please don't let add to your stressors.
I don't know if you are married/kids so dinner is a big thing but I also had to talk w/ my DH and let him know that I'd still make dinner but I just cant sit down to the same meal (its healthy but its my portions I cant control in the evening) ... I now eat what my body needs at night- usually very little because my true hunger is always 12-4. My metabolism really starts to shut down around 4 and I tend to eat just cuz its there....So I just sit at the table w/ him and have fruit/yogurt or smoothie or salad w a protein.
Just suggestions to get your mental juices flowing.
We're w/ ya! ;-)
Question for the WW Team:

Do any of you have / used the Slim Series (beach body)? ... (Not Slim n 6 it the one after that)

If so.... Do you think it would do any good to do it before I've lost my last 13 pounds?

I ordered it and it will be here this week but its 8 weeks away in my planned rotation... Since my rotation is pretty intense I was thinking of plugging 2 weeks of it in after August to give my body a bit of a rest from Cathe's high intensity stuff.... What do you think?:)
Hi Traci, Marcia and all who follow.

I just got back from vacation yesterday. Did pretty good with the exercise. I ran on the beach most days. As far as points, I found it challenging to keep track. I was staying at our friends home on the beach so I didn't really have too many choices on what to eat. I tried to make the healthiest choices available to me. We'll see how it goes on my weigh in this Friday.

Anyway, I feel very committed to getting back on track. I did Cardio Coach 6 (with Sean) this morning. I burned over 400 calories according to my HR Monitor. I'm going to stay at 20 points for a few days and not use my AP unless I'm really starving.

Have a good WW day!

Good Morning! Yes, it's actually morning that I am up and about!!! (which means I actually got to sleep all night!)

Anyway, I have been trying to eat 26 pts/day (added 2 flexies everyday) because of all the exercise I am doing. I am hoping to kick the metabolism up with more food (not just any food, good food).

I had a fresh tomato salad yesterday that was only 2-3 points and super yummy (the dressing was made a 2am when I started my nocturnal prowling Monday night).

Today is PUB on the books for w/o and Lawn Max!!!!! Ugh! I don't usually mind doing the lawn, but it's been so hot lately and I can't wait any longer because it's getting shaggy!

Buffy- Welcome back from vacation! It sounds like you had a great time. I wouldn't worry about the WI on Friday, especially if you feel good about your eating and exercising. Plus, it was vacation!!! It's not like you're living like that everyday! Enjoy it!

Sorry, not enough coffee this morning, the thoughts are pretty fragmented.
Morning everyone -
Amy - you're right it doesn't make a bit of difference when I eat the crackers, it's just a personal guilt thing I guess. I always feel guilty about eating anything other than veggies or fruit an hour before bed. Glad you got good sleep last night. And I want some of that salad!

Buffy - sounds like you did great on vacation regardless of what the scale will say.

Marica - been there - stress and fatigue are definitely my triggers too. De-stressing before you get home helps, as does having a snack with protein. Try different things until you find what works.

Traci - sorry, haven't used the Slim series. But go ahead and try it. We all need a break from the intensity once in a while.

Had a good day yesterday overall, went to that fab restaurant. Had grilled trout, with grilled veggies, mashed potatoes (which I ate less than half) and a mesculin salad with cantalope slices. Dessert was a plum crisp which was an indulgence but worth it.

Today - an unplanned rest day. Just couldn't get motivated. My current rotation is not working out as well as I had hoped. I haven't been sleeping well the past couple nights and I've got little aches and pains that aren't bad, just irritating. So I'm taking today off and will regroup tonight and develop a new revised rotation based on what I've learned.

Happy Wednesday!

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Marcia - is there something you could eat in the car that is point friendly and would fill you up before you get home? Are you turning to chocolate? Good choices - the WW snack cakes (1 point), O'Cocos chocolate snack thins (2 points for a bag), Adora chocolate calcium pieces - 1 point each but the dark tastes like good quality dark choc to me. Kashi has 2 different type of bars. THe ones I like are 2 points each. Peanut Peanut Butter was my favorite until the cherry dark chocolate came out. If you want crunchy - maybe an apple or carrots or celery. Balance Bar has a 110 calorie bar I think. Or a bag of popcorn which is really filling and lots of chewing.

Traci - glad you like the omelette maker! I am loving mine. Did you freeze all those? I have been making 2 and refrigerating the 2nd one for the next morning. I have Slim Series but haven't tried it yet. Comments over at VF that it really thins you out like no other workouts around. On the negative side are comments about the boredom factor of these every day. Some use the music off and play their own music. Others alternate with cardio days.

I lost 2.2#s at my WI this morning! Very excited. Now DH will be home in a few days and I can start getting back to my workouts which will feel soooooo good. Maybe I will even jump out of bed when the alarm goes off at 4am! Any good premixes that you can think of for about 30 minute workouts? I do like the Pyramid Upper Body premix. I like minimum equipment due to the time of the morning.
Oh Marie how fabulous 2.2 gone for good!
I didnt freeze mine just put in plastic airtight in fridge- new DH would find them and help me eat all 20. This weekend I'll double the batch and freeze since that works well for you.
I like Push Pull FB Blast about 40min... let me keep thinking on that one.
Congrats again.
Do you have the Cathe Compendium? It lists all the workout/premixes etc... withg time / equipment needed sorted by type of workout. shoot me an email if you want a copy its in WORD format about 30 pages.
Anyone else need it? Just email me and I'll email it back

>Marcia - is there something you could eat in the car that is
>point friendly and would fill you up before you get home? Are
>you turning to chocolate? Good choices - the WW snack cakes
>(1 point), O'Cocos chocolate snack thins (2 points for a bag),
>Adora chocolate calcium pieces - 1 point each but the dark
>tastes like good quality dark choc to me. Kashi has 2
>different type of bars. THe ones I like are 2 points each.
>Peanut Peanut Butter was my favorite until the cherry dark
>chocolate came out. If you want crunchy - maybe an apple or
>carrots or celery. Balance Bar has a 110 calorie bar I think.
> Or a bag of popcorn which is really filling and lots of
>Traci - glad you like the omelette maker! I am loving mine.
>Did you freeze all those? I have been making 2 and
>refrigerating the 2nd one for the next morning. I have Slim
>Series but haven't tried it yet. Comments over at VF that it
>really thins you out like no other workouts around. On the
>negative side are comments about the boredom factor of these
>every day. Some use the music off and play their own music.
>Others alternate with cardio days.
>I lost 2.2#s at my WI this morning! Very excited. Now DH
>will be home in a few days and I can start getting back to my
>workouts which will feel soooooo good. Maybe I will even jump
>out of bed when the alarm goes off at 4am! Any good premixes
>that you can think of for about 30 minute workouts? I do like
>the Pyramid Upper Body premix. I like minimum equipment due
>to the time of the morning.

Congrats on your weight loss. Very inspiring!!!
Way to go Maria!

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Thanks! 2.2 is unusual for me - I am usually good for about a half a pound a week. But down anything is great.

Traci - I didn't freeze mine just put the extra in the refrigerator. Not sure if freezing would work but let me know if you try it. Actually the one in the fridge yesterday got partly frozen and was fine but to be safe you might try a test with one. There are eggs frozen in Swanson etc products so it could work and be a great timesaver. Once DH is back I am sure he will be eyeing up that extra one and it won't exist for my next day. This is the best thing for cooking eggbeaters IMO.
Congratulations on the loss, Marie!!!
I am glad that DH will be home soon for you as well!

I find it interesting that you have a hard time staying in routine with DH gone. I am the exact opposite. Last January, DH was gone fo 6 wks and I loved having the house to myself and found it was very easy to stay OP and on track. I think I lost about 8 lbs that month!
My routine is to work out in the morning and sometimes take classes at the gym after work. When DH is gone I need to take the dog out and feed him so that would be my workout time. I need to get home after work to take him out. When DH is gone, the dog gets weird and that makes it harder. Other than taking him for walks, I was going to do the Nordic Track but also need to water every night since nature hasn't been providing any. Was hoping for a rainy 2 weeks - it rained once! :-( But next week I get to return to my routine.

I ordered the Peter Pan Whipped Peanut Butter and it arrived today. Much lower in fat and calories but haven't tasted it yet.

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