Weight Watchers CheckIn TUESDAY 10/17

Hi everyone..... Early Tuesday morning ... lots to do today as rained has moved east and yesterday was a TOTAL wash out! No flooding or anything at my house but lots of roads are still shut down this morning.... So thankful that I dont have that awful commute anymore!

Where was Amy yesterday???? I dont think we've ever missed her except for vacation.... Hope all is well out there Amy!!!!!!

Doing great with eating and w/o's.... for some strange reason it really is no big deal to me at jhome anymore but put me at the bay and I'm a crazy woman and sdont even recognize myself when eating... WEIRD

Today is AM: Ripped to the Core UPPER + BeachBody GREAT ARMS and PM is Cardio Coach 3.
Claude I am getting back to the weights THIS WEEK! You inspire me;-) and Buffy you unknowingly gave me a challenge when you brought up evening workouts.... I have put 3 per week on my schedule (30minutes around 3pm)

Jennifer: Glad you liked my perspective on points! lololol
RE Snacks: First: for variety I usually plan on 3 different snacks a week and get all the stuff at grocery store. I cant keep alot around or I am overwhelmed w/ choices and I tend to over do it....
Actual Snacks for me are usually 3-5 points (mini meals I call them) since I eat an average of 24-30 pts a day depending on APs. 24/6=4
and 30/6=5. I like to keep all 6 meals pretty even unless I'm dining out. Having said that! I pick the food combos I like and adjust the amount to fit my point goal for that mini-meal.
Protein/Veggie is always my goal and any before 3pm mini meal usually includes a whole/grain
1.: String Cheese (or Laughing Cow Lite) w/ WASA crackers & Tomatoe
2.: MetRX Protein Shake w/ water (I never use the entire package)
3. :FF Cottage Cheese w/ 4oz LF Yogurt and berries mixed in (MY FAV)
4.: LF/Low Carb Whole Grain Tortilla w/ tomatoe and Hummus inside
5.: 3oz chicken/turkey breast inside tortilla (above) w/ mustartd and veggies
6: 3 oz tuna (in water) either in tortilla or made w/ 1 whole hardboiled egg and veggies
7: 4-5 Egg Whites and veggie omelet (AWESOME LOW POINT SNACK!)

Thats about what I eat on a regular basis for "snack" meals.

I think I caught the rest of you on yesterdays board so take care - Have a great morning and I'll bbl to see how everyone is doing!
Morning everyone -
Today was Lowmax. I had trouble deciding, and then wasn't sure if I wanted to do it with one riser or two or any at all. But finally, using one riser, I got into it and had a great workout.

Eating was awesome yesterday - completely OP. That's three days in a row - I'm starting to feel back in control again.

Traci - isn't it weird how a different setting can completely throw you off your normal habits?

Jennifer - I'm like you - I like actual sit down meals. So my meals tend to be 4-5 points and my snacks tend to be 1-2 points. But by throwing some protein in the snack it helps carry me through. Some of my favorite snacks are Stoneyfield FF yogurt, veggies with a Light Laughing Cow wedge, sliced apple with 1 tbspn of PB (tough to keep it at 1 tbspn but I try), a vitamuffin (lots of protein and fiber and only 1 pt). I have a large green salad topped with shrimp or grilled chicken or crabmeat or sliced turkey or roast beef almost everyday for lunch and I use homemade dressing which adds only 1pt. Breakfast is almost always an egg white omelette with veggies, a light multigrain english muffin (1 pt) with sliced bananas on top. The whole breakfast is almost always under 4 points counting my coffee. Something I don't eat often, but I know others who swear by it is popcorn - it me it's not filling enough, but some of the members at my meeting say it satisfies them for quite a while. I have to admit, I generally dig into my flexies 1-2 per day but it's manageable that way. If I know I have a special occassion I'll stick to my 20 and save the FP.

To eveyone who follows, have a great Tuesday! I'm off to my Mom's to help her for few hours.


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Good morning!

Traci - I have your rain, it is pouring outside. I know exactly how you feel when you are on vacation. Thanks for the tips you gave me yesterday (all of you). I will try them. This is the first time I've been on vacation since actually joining WW officially and going to the meetings. I'm sure this is going to make a difference.

You know it's hard to change your attitude toward food. When I go on vacation or out for the day with a friend, I'm thinking ohhhh... what good food am I going to eat... don't think about the shopping or what I'm going to see, the food is usually the first thing. When you've done this all your life, it is hard to swift your focus.

Claude - I love LowMax... it really sneaks up on you. I am usually a sweaty mess after that one.

Today is suppose to be my rest day but since I'll be gone Thurs through Sun, I am working out today and tomorrow but NO LOWER BODY. My legs and glutes are rebelling but they need a break. Today will be UB from SS, either the UB blast premix (1 hour) or UB premix (30 minute). You know I'll go for the 1 hour one!

I have one flex point left and today is my last day. I keep it light on Tuesdays since I weigh in this evening. I keep track of my weight and measurements here at home on Tuesday mornings. I was down 2 pounds from last Tuesday and I lost a 1/4 inch on my waist, 1/4 in my hips and 1/4 inch in both my upper thighs. YAY!!! I am one happy Weight Watchers!

Have a great day!!!
Good Morning ladies!

Traci- I snuck in and read, I just wasn't up for posting all day. Even now, I am typing on the "injured/reserved" list.....I sliced my right hand ring finger open washing dishes yesterday. It took a really long time to get it to stop bleeding. Even now, I have a hugh bulky dressing on it that will need to come off, but I don;'t want to in case it starts bleeding again!

Typing is rather frustrating right now because I can't use all my fingers like I am used to!x(

Anyway, we are having huge gusts of wind and it rained off and on all day yesterday. At one point, I thought I was going to lose my porch canopy! We also had tornado warnings all day.

ETA-- HUGE typosx(
Jane - WOW - that's fantastic progress!! High fives!!!

Amy - Ouch!! If it's still bleeding, does it need stitches? Hope it heals better fast.


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Hey Everyone!

Sorry, I have been MIA for a while. My husband and I went to Yanceyville, NC for the weekend. I have biking pictures posted on picture trail if anyone's interested in sneaking a peek. I cycled 70 miles this weekend. It started on Friday with 25 miles in Gastonia (where I live), Saturday, 35 miles in Yanceyville, and Sunday, 10 miles outside Burlington, we went to a winery and I had a much deserved glass of wine :9

BTW, I probably ate all my APs on Saturday night. We went to Lone Star and YES, I ordered a steak and ate every bit of it!!! It was yummy!

Today is WI day and according to my scales I'm down a lb. We'll see what happens.

BTW, has anyone else been frustrated that you do intensive exercise and you really don't have a weight loss?

Jane--Congrats on your weight loss and I'll see you tonight!!!

Good Morning.

Did well eating yesterday. I stayed at 22 pts. I didn't use 2 of my AP's. I'm trying to concentrate most of my starchy carbs in the morning, tapering off as the day goes on; just to mix things up a bit.

I didn't workout this morning because I had an early meeting at work. I set the alarm for 5:00 a.m. to workout but that was just too early for me (even though I am a morning person). I'm going to do PLB this evening (standing portion only) and KPC- abs only.

Eating plan for today is to stay at 20 pts. I got on the scale this morning to take a peak (I know I'm not suppose to); I'm down 1# from last Friday's weigh in. That convinces me that I'm right that I have to stay at around 20 pts. and not use all my flexies in order to lose. Bummer!!

Enjoy you day.

Happy Tuesday :D

Jane – I can see you doing the happy dance :D nice work.

Tracie – Welcome back, details…details…

Claude – What can I say bout low max, its' one of my favorites. Keep up the good work.

School School School

I haven’t really worked out in days, seems like, studied all weekend long, that’s all I have been doing first thing and the last thing at night. I've been too tired to get up in the mornings :( Tonight, is midterm and Thursday than on too the second half. Its tough!

However, my weight is the same, I have not gained or lost, even tho I have been doing a lot of nervous eating, can’t sleep at night waking up bout 5 times, its CRAZY. I have a doctor appointment next month. We are going to nip this thang in the bud x( ;)

I’m getting back on track today. Even started grinding up my flax seeds to incor into my daily regimen, I lose weight much faster. Before class tonight, I’m going to rush home and push out a cardio workout, not sure which. But, moreeee than likely Low Max or Imax 2 :p but I will be doing something.

Have anyone tried stove top stuffing, I brought a few boxes and man oh man, I like this stuff, low in fat and points. Okay enough for now need to work,ttys

Thanks so much for the strategy tips, guys!! Today's another opportunity to practice restraint LOL. Tonight we have our final "send-off" party for our TnT team, for all the folks (including me! :)) who will be running in the Nike Marathon & Half Marathon this weekend. Unfortunately, we'll be in a rented space for the party, not a restaurant, which means we'll be having pizza *sigh*. Now I LOVE pizza, but it's not exactly healthy the way most takeout places make it (I think they're probably going to get the pizzas from Costco--and I know that's not healthy!!), so it's going to be a challenge holding myself to 1 slice (1 slice doesn't really satisfy me :(), which is already 6-7 points. I'll have to maybe forgo the snacks today so I can have a second slice, we'll see.

It's so weird because I don't remember it being this hard when I was first doing WW. I just remember having a jolly old time because it seemed so easy to stay OP. Granted, I didn't get to the 20 points/week until I had lost some of the weight LOL, but still, it seemed to be such an easy transition to going from the way I was eating before WW (we're talking 30-40 points a day--no wonder I'd gotten big in the first place!!) to the WW way of eating. Now I struggle with hunger all the time because of the activity I do, and I'm constantly faced with temptation to eat my "treat" foods because I've worked so hard (i.e. ran x number of miles or did x minutes of hard strength training). I KNOW if I stuck to the healthier, balanced snacks, I'd get more satisfaction AND be able to stick to my points, but it just seems so hard to resist those other foods. Don't know why!! It was never this hard when I was first losing the weight!

Anyway, sorry for the whining. I'm also PMSing (sorry if that's too much information LOL), so that's not helping in the cravings department. I just would love to reach the point where food is just food and I could loosen up about it. I wish I could recapture the feelings/attitudes I had about food when I was first starting WW and it was so easy for me.

Ok, I'd better stop now before I annoy myself ;).

I forgot to say, I think I just realized why I almost always run out of points: I try to get at least 2 (if not 3) dairy foods a day now (I used to just take calcium supplements), so that's 4-6 points right there from the dairy. Milk is usually my go-to dairy since it's got the fewest points per 1 serving of dairy. I think it takes 2 cups of cottage cheese (4 points) to count as one serving of dairy, and 1 cup for yogurt (2 points), but I always go for plain because I'm freaked by artificial sweeteners, and then I add a little honey and fruit to get the sweetness I'm looking for, and that's 3-4 points.

Long story short, those 4-6 points should really be all the snack points I take, but because I usually go for milk as my dairy, it's nt as satisfying as actually chewing something LOL.

I'm such a complainer, aren't I? ;)

Good morning everyone!

Finally things seem to be calming down a bit(at least until next week when DD and DH are on vacation). I got my 3.2 mile run in this morning. Eating has been a challlenge the last week--stress has a way of doing that to me.

Chrissy(RE Sunday post): I've been there with the points thing. After I had my son I lost 25 pounds OP, but I felt like I was becoming obsessed with points--almost an eating disorder in my opinion. So I just quit, because it was making me miserable. Now I've gained back 16 pounds(over 3 years), so I'm back OP. Hopefully it won't drive me crazy this time. I've thought of trying core, but haven't yet. Good luck and welcome :)

Corinne: ((((Hugs)))) to you and your mom.

Traci: Welcome home, sounds like it was a soggy welcome ;)

Jennifer: PMS week for me almost guarantees being off program. Darn those hormones.

Have a great day everyone--hopefully it's warmer in your neck of the woods. We're in for a cold few days here in Colorado.

Thanks for all the low point snack tips--it's always good to have some options.

First, Jennifer, if you can't complain here, where can you??? Don't worry about it! Second, I doubled checked the book and 1 cup of cottage cheese is a serving. Good luck on your run!

Claude, my finger probably does need 1-2 stitches, but that's not going to happen!! I just checked it and for the most part, it has stopped unless I mess with it. It oozed a bit when the dressing came off, but it actually looked better than it feels!

Kirsten- YES, YES, YES!!! You weren't here over the summer when I was vent all sorts of frustration at doing Cathe stuff and NOT losing. Traci finally convinced me to eat all my AP's a flexies, and it totally makes a difference! I am much happier, less grouchy-frustrated and not hitting the point-panic mode any more.
Hi everyone,

Late check in today. I took the baby to get her 1yr immunizations. She did fine, but it still sleeping it off. Fortunately she only got one needle today, instead of the two most 1 year olds get. She got the actual chicken pox at 6months, so no longer needs to be immunized from that x(

This morning I finished off this round of the Gym Styles with Triceps. Again, for the first time, I matched Cathe. I'm not sure how I've developed the strength this time around. It's been a while since I've done concerted upper body training. I matched Cathe in all of the Gym Styles this time around, even those 15 and 20 lb db bicep curls. I'd better check what's in that new bottle of vitamins I'm taking. Did I mention that my upper body is S.O.R.E.? DOMS lives here! Even my core is sore - from the pushups maybe? I dunno.

After the weight work this morning, I did MIC hi/lo.

Traci - oh dear, the flooding sounds awful. I'm glad your home stayed dry. What cardio do you do with your CC workouts?

Karen - lovely trip!!! And you definitely deserved that steak and wine!

Jennifer - I feel your frustration. I drink one cup of soymilk a day (2 points), have another half cup in my bedtime-cereal-snack, and take 2 calcium supplements. Otherwise I feel the same way you do - not enough points to go around. Can you bring along a salad or something like that, to eat in addition to a slice of pizza? And can of V8 is a great way to get in a 0-point vegetable serving, too.

Amy - take care of that hand. Are you deliberately trying to avoid getting stitches? I hope you didn't cut a nerve or anything. DD#1 has had two nasty head wounds in her short life that required a stitch or two. Both times, instead of stitches, they used some kind of super-glue. Can't you get that?

Jane - well, WW works for you!! Good job!!

Corrine - Oh my, I'm so very, very sorry to hear about your mother. The stress your family is going through is unimaginable. The odds of her making a full recovery are terrific. Keeps us posted! And don't forget to look after yourself, too. It's paramount that you also come through this as healthy as possible.

Claude - three days of OP eating is a great start!! And you're right; it tends to have a snowball effect, and you become more motivated to stay on track.

Teddygirl - I'm so impressed with your determination and ability to juggle all that you do. Good luck with your exams this week!

Buffy - I get up at 5am to workout, but the thing that gets me out of bed is setting the coffee pot the night before to brew at 4:55am. It's hard to stay in bed when the Magic Beans are calling my name. I need to do those pyramids some time soon. I adore them, and it's been too long.

Kim - the relationship between stress and eating is nasty. I eat because I'm stressed, then I'm stressed because I just ate something I shouldn't have. It's terrible.

I'm starting to do my after-lunch fade. I'm going to need a nap in a little bit. Probably just when the baby wakes up. I often will take some couch pillows and lay down on the rug in the playroom, while she plays around, but for some reason when I do this she always wants to sit on my head. <sigh> C'est la vie!

Have a good day.
Happy Afternoon Everyone!

AMY: LOLOLOLOL My favorite nurse doesnt want to get stitches.... I guess you medical people really do make the worst patients! Just make sure you dont get infection! I'm sorry you're in pain my friend:-(

Jane: You need to give those legs & glutes a nice massage! Way to go on measurements & scale victory....Great Great Great

Claude: LowMax w/ 1 riser is awesome! I just started using that riser about a month ago.... normally I do all the stepping on no riser just to keep knees healthy... all the plyos and lunges and squats every week take its toll on my so I dont risk it on cardio.Hope your visit w/ your mom went well. She is very lucky to have you near;)

Karen: What a wonderfully active weekend you had! I too LOVE my Texas Steaks and eat them at least 2x a month! Hooray on your wt loss and YES YES YES I get CRAZY w/ such intensive work and "small" results.... I am lowering cardio length again this month and upping strength training to shake things up as well as give me a bit more time.:)

Jennifer: I think you're right on about ww or any other thing getting harder after awhile... I think I just get bored with it all after a bit. Thats why I said yesterday that I just think of all of it as a little hobby... that keeps it more "fun" for me. BTW: Whining, stomping feet, pouting, yelling.... its all ok!!!!! We all do it girl and you know that cuz you read our rants! This too shall pass!;-)

Teddygirl: Allow yourself some slack if you need it girl.... this has been a tough couple of weeks and sometimes its counterproductive to try and juggle too many things.... get thru your exams and then recenter..you'll be ok!

Buffy: COOL on wt loss! Sounds like you're finding your rhythm w/ points... keep up great job! Enjoy your PM workout

Sandra: YOU ARE A MACHINE! There is NO WAY I could do any part of MIC let alone HiLo AFTER strength training.... Glad your little cutie is resting for you

Kim: Wonderful run!!!!!! Over 3 miles.....ah I remember those days! And YES some of us are down right hot and humid today urrrrrrr
Hi, everyone -

I'm not part of your thread (as of yet), but I'm a WW member and a relatively new Cathe-ite.

Traci, I'm right where you are - started at 144 lbs last spring, and am now down to 133.... my WW goal is 125, but I'd really like to get to 114. I'm 5'5" and small boned and would like to stay a little smaller for running.

How tall are you?

I have a question that's been driving me nuts- When Cathe talks about how much weight is on her barbell, is she including the weight of the barbell itself, or just the plates she puts on???? The barbells generally weight 10-15 pounds already, with no weight on, and I'm wondering if she's accounting for that....

If anyone knows, I'd be very grateful!!!

(Highland, Utah)
Hi Cheryl - Welcome!!! Cathe includes the barbell weight in her total weight count. Her barbell, incidentally, is 5lbs. It's some kind of Troy Lite bar, I think (?). I've got the old kind of barbell - it weighs 18lbs.

Traci - Gotta earn those AP points any way I can! And I must admit, my arm motions during the hi/lo were not the most enthusiastic. But it's all good. I think getting the blood moving after a weight workout helps flush out the lactic acid better, and I get less DOMS than if I do weights on their own. Just my own theory. I wish I could comment on your workout today, but I'm clueless when it comes to non-Cathe workouts LOL!

Hi Cheryl & Welcome!
We have the same stats... I'm 5'5" very small boned and would just do the craziest happy dance ya ever saw if/when I get back to 125. I am 43 years young and find that all my years of fasting/partying/working 60-70 hr work weeks and lack of sleep over the years have taken its toll on my metabolism. Got married at 38 and settled way down including retiring.... now I'm in full swing peri-meno and working towards getting to understand this "new" body I seem to have. I really have a goal to lift alot more weights (not heavy mind you just more often) so I dont know if the 125 is realistic w/ muscle mass.... I guess my REAL goal is my size 6 gap button up jeans that I've had for 10 years.... whatever the scale says is ok by me as long as I can comfortably wear them (& I dont like tight jeans!).
Hope you'll hang out with us here... so many wonderful people w/ fabulous perspectives!:)
Sandra: I think you have a great point about the lactc acid...hmmmmmmm I guess I need to get myself off the floor after I strength train, huh??????
As far as my w/o today... It took 3 non Cathe's to give me the same upper burn as 1 of Cathe's.... just wanted to blow off the dust on some of my collection}( Didnt really realize what a machine Cathe was until I started doing that every once in awhile.... I did A FIRM Upper 30min, a Beach Body Arms 11 min, and a Jari Love Upper 30 min.... other than bicep and shoulder burning now I really cant feel the darn things working!
Heading off to the treadmill to get my afternoon CC3 done.

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