Hi everyone!
Very late check in for me today. I was decided to go grocery shopping at 8am today, right after dropping DD1 off at the bus stop. Then I came home, put the groceries away, gave DD2 a snack and got her down for her nap. By then it was 11am. I did PUB, and added PLB stability ball & stretch. My upper body feels toasty, no doubt. I'm kind of, oh I don't know, feeling discouraged (?). That's not really the right word. I don't feel like I've seen any change or progress in a very long time. I need to change things up. I've already planned to begin P90X on January 1st, and that's probably exactly what I need. Actually, what I need is the patience to make it another month, continuing to do what I'm doing.
Another thing I'm tired of is eating for weight loss - especially when I feel like I'm depriving myself to a degree that is not reflected on the scale. I firmly believe that to see real muscle gain and development, you need to EAT, like the P90X eating plan. WW is great for losing weight, if you don't exercise, IMO. It's not good for making your physique build muscle definition. But, will I see muscle definition if I've still got a layer of fat around the middle (ooooh, this baby gut!). And if I begin eating the 1800 calories a day that P90X recommends (with substantially reduced cardio!), won't I just end up gaining fat again?! Agh. I drive myself crazy with these questions. If you're still reading this, then I'm sure I've made you nuts, too.
The arctic blast has finally moved on, and the temps today are around -8C, with some lovely fresh snow on the ground, and brilliant sunshine. The perfect winter day. When I pick DD1 up from the bus stop today I'm going to take the kids to the park for some sledding.
Buffy - Florida to Vermont! Yes, that would be a big change!!
Traci - Around here, it's business as usual, regardless of the temperature, or what's coming from the sky. Well, the kids don't have to go outside for recess, we have to plug our cars in when they aren't being used for a few hours, and if you're lucky you will get a remote car starter for Christmas. We have a city that's built for this climate, so that makes it easier. For example, we have a pedway in our downtown core that allows you to go anywhere in that area completely indoors. The city budgets for snow removal and street sanding, which comes out into the millions of dollars every year. And winter parkas sell really well at our local stores
I do not envy you those bugs!!! That would be a freak-me-out kind of change for me, if I moved to more southern climes. I can't stand things with more than 2 legs and 2 arms
I'm sooo happy your mother recovered from her illness! It sounds like it was a very traumatic time in your life.
OMG, look at the time. I haven't read the rest of the posts yet, but I'll try to bbl.
-going to go get some sunshine and perk up a bit