Weight Watchers Check-In 8/1

Heather please take care of yourself! Its frustrating and scary when our bodies are trying to tell us something and we arent sure what... Just some thoughts:
Over heated ?
Enough Water ?
Enough Protein in your days?
Enough Sleep last night ?
Enough "down time" to just do something purely for yourself?
Take care of YOU first!
I found the omelette maker at my Walgreens! Looks great and I cant wait to use it tomorrow! Love the "mini omelet" concept. Its a winner
Thanks again for the tip
Hi Sherri!
I personally love GS series... Cathe uses band a lot and also does moves that I dont recall in other workouts. Open Forum had big discussion on all the details but I've not heard anyone who says the results are amazing!
As far as SH Series.... Its great for beefing up but I just find the pace boring. I do use it and I get great results but do not have the discipline to do it as a rotation on its own.
Just my .02
>I found the omelette maker at my Walgreens! Looks great and I
>cant wait to use it tomorrow! Love the "mini omelet" concept.
>Its a winner
>Thanks again for the tip

Traci - glad you found this and hope you like it too! It takes longer to heat up and cook the omelette but I can do other things during that time.

I did the Nordic Track tonight. Dinner was just a Lean Cuisine. I have been drinking water with crystal light in it and some plain. Very happy that I am finally doing this.

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