Weight Watchers and Cathe

i think that sounds great! it is really good that the firm has a board specifically for checkins. see you there on monday!
What if you only have 10 pounds to lose

I have 10 or so pounds to lose, but I hide them well in clothes, so when I talk about losing a little weight, I hear "you look fine, you dont need to lose weight"....you get the idea. But I seem to be creeping a little weight here and there. So my question is has anyone heard of a person going just to lose 10 pounds or are they going to think I am nuts???

Thanks, Jennifer
RE: What if you only have 10 pounds to lose

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-01 AT 05:06AM (Est)[/font][p]If you feel it would help you, don't pay attention to what "they" will say! Years ago (yikes! it was 28 years ago!) I was tormented by other people in a TOPS club because I had only about 10 pounds to loose, but I did it anyway and lost mu 10 pounds. I needed that weigh-in to keep me accountable. Do it! Weight Watchers is great.
RE: What if you only have 10 pounds to lose & the check-in for Monday

YES!!!!! I would definitely go to WW. If they see that your weight is below their height guidelines, they will tell you so. I commend you for wanting to do something about those ten pounds before they creep up to 60........like mine!

Also, for now let's call our check-in the Weight Watcher/Workout Check-in. As a matter of fact, I'll go post over there now in case others want to jump into the checkin as well. See you over there on Monday!!
Amy, it took me a good three months to lose the twelve pounds. That's okay because I needed to reinforce my new good habits over time. And Jennifer, the folks at ww should not give you a second glance over wanting to lose just 10#. Their minimum requirement is 5#.
RE: What if you only have 10 pounds to lose

I joined WW at home when I only wanted to
lose ten pounds. No meetings, no pressure.
At the same time, I started doing Cathe
again. The combination worked so well that
I lost 22 pounds and can fit into clothes I
haven't been able to wear in years even after
all other kinds of workouts and diets. I have
to make myself eat all the points plus all the
activity points so I don't lose too much.


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