Good Morning!
Well, I never got the floors scrubbed last night, but I did vaccuum! Holy Cow! I have one of those new Dyson Animals (made specifically for pet hair) and I had to empty the canister after every single room and twice for the darned living room!!! I keep hoping for the "Floor scrubbing elf" to show up, but he's running late for his appointment at my house! tip for him!!!
However, I did get TONS of snack mix made....a quadruple batch of Chex Mix (complete with red/green goldfish crackers, garlic sesame sticks, mixed nuts, pretzels, etc) and Honey Roasted chex mix (also a quadruple batch) and Herb Cheese bitz. Today is the cheese balls, putting away laundry and the floor. UGH!
I hope that my parents are able to make it through okay. DH just was showing me the storms that are brewing betweeen Chicago and here. Fortunately, Mom and Dad aren't speed demons and know that if it takes them an extra day, they will let us know!
TG- LOL at your party strategy! I totally understand about the wing, though, they are pretty hard to resist!
Buffy- Great work on feeding your body! With all that exercise and you "Bringing It", I am glad that you are listening to your signals! I can't imagine how ANYONE can survive on 18 points!
Well, no WW meeting for me tonight, but I do have to be on that side of town to deliver Christmas Avon, so I will see if DH wants to face the crowds and to dinner while we are out tonight!
Completely off topic (do we really have one?) but yesterday I was getting ready for our day long outing and noticed that my "pulls everything from the back and creates cleavage where there is none" bra doesn't create cleavage anymore and that there was actually space!!! Just a month ago, I was practically falling out of this one!! Sigh, I have a hard enough time with bras as it is! Why can't I lose more fat from the saddlebags, NOT the top??? SOrry, TMI, but I hope that someone here can relate!