Weight Watcher...**Wednesday** Jan 31st


Good Morning! I woke up this morning with Jellibean knocking off a hairbrush off the counter because he wanted to be brushed....what a love wh*^e!!!

Anyway, there is NO way you are getting me to a WI this week!!! I just stepped on the scale....up 7 lbs from last Thursday!!! What the freaking he!! !!!!! Man, I haven't been hit by this bad a TTOM for months!! Once again, last night, I was cruising for chocolate. That's got to be it because I don't normally do this. Traci, did you send your aliens to inhabit me???? You can have them back, girl, this is NUTS!!!!!!

Belinda- I guess that I like Cheryl. I normally work out 1-1.5 hrs a day. Typically, it's at least a minimum of 1 hr, though.

I am going to try and get some more sleep, I will see you all later!!!
Morning Bear Hug to Amy the Alien Girl! & All the WW team who follow!

Amy I can believe that about the 7 #s girl! Yesterday I was up 6 from 8 days ago and other than 1 Oreo fest over the weekend I have been clean & good so it isnt fat! I went to bed at 6:30pm last night and just woke up at 4am... thats a record for me but boy did ttom hit hard this month. I can feel things starting to normalize a bit .. First 2 days are when "scary traci" lives here. Perhaps Jellibean was trying to fling the hairbrush at the newly arriving aliens !!! BTW: They LOVE oreos!}(

Took yesteday as a rest day *see reasons in above paragraph*
I need to do Kenpo for last time plus I think I'll do a Slim Series Circuity thing w/ really lite weights- (P90X recovery week means no weight work!) I have my new rotation that starts next week all ready to go and have made the Log Sheets to track weights... really wish Cathe would offer those for all her weight workouts.

Off to read yesterday and will return personals!:7

TeddyGirl: What are cross cables and how in heavens name does a little thing like you do 450 of ANYTHING??? Never have heard about Liquid Protein but heh if it works for ya! Hope you got in your Kickbox fix last night! Have a great day.

Claude: OMG! You're around...HOORAY!You have been soooooo missed since holidays. You sound incredibly busy as usual! I so undrsatnd the end of year/ tax season stressors and long days. Glad to see you are still taking care exercise wise as it could be your only sanity right now. Had to LOL and say OF COURSE you are involved w DD Gymnastics hoopla! Thats what lifes about for moms I suppose! Come pop in any time you have a second to say HI!

Cheryl: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^55555555 (I think thats better than a ^5!) I am so impressed with the roll you have been on. What was the turning point for your plateau? It seems to me it was about 2 months ago????? I am truly JEALOUS & truly EXCITED. You are so consistent with all you go for so the Get To Goal prize deserves to be in your hands first! Remember to help us lagging folks! How did your TV shoot go last week? The one with DD? Wanna hear all about it. Are you waiting for weather to warm before running outside or is there a specific date you start training? Pensacola 2008 sounds DIVINE! Shoot I could be back in distance running condition by then... I'll be in the last group with Amy... Ya know the ones.... The group that gets to know the "clean up" car crew! hahahahah So happy you are enjoying EWI! I am going thru half gallon a week - I need to see if they have a BIG discount if I order more. I "pump" a little in everything!

LORI: Good thoughts for WI.... Hope you mastered BM2! I actually prefer the learning phase with Cathe... Guess it gives me a chance to really focus so I stop thinking about time!

BELINDA: I used to workout close to 2 hours a day cardio 6 days(now its 1-1.5max)... I dropped cardio to 2 days/ strength 4 days and started (and am finishing this week) the 3-montth P90X Strength Program. Thats when I started shedding some serious BF that was STUCK for a year. Happy to hear you are eating! My greatest challenge w/ WW & Cathe is people tend to eat to little and cant figure out the stalled weight loss so they keep cutting & cutting. I'm just a mother hen so thanks for not getting mad at me! Congrats on your new BF scale! and on the AMAZING progress in BF% loss!!! You go girl! So what is your workout plan like? Do you make rotations/ follow Ctahe ones or what??? Do you like Circuits? They helped Amy & I break plateaus last year.

GidgetLori: LOL on the "dont thnk Ive been sleeping " comment!!!!! It would be very OK with us if you did sleep!!!!!! Honey I'm "retired" at 44 so I have no room to judge anyone! You are a new mom for heavens sake! SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!! Your cleaning frenzy sound like that "nervous Energy" I get after a sleepless night. Its cool while its going on but the crash is killer later!
Fun you have your TM now - You and Cheryl can be the TM Team... I so dislike mine - I am VERY tempted to use the H word that I so dislike. lolololol

AMY!!!! Last but NOT least!!!! Loved reading about your Pizza & M&M Party! My kind of girl!! Frozen cookie Dough???? OMG thats my all time favorite non food!!!!! We better make sure the 2008 Race isnt during one of the 3 wild womans PMS or we'll be popping Cheryls hormone drugs! Have yet to LIC as produced so still never have done the band barbell curls... Those look very scary to me! ^^^^^^^^5 on completing them!!!

Have a great morning will try and not be invisible today.... I was just fighting aliens all day yesterday & thought better not go to forums! Could have started a few cat fights! :p
Kali!!!!!!!!!!! Hey there lady.... Glad you are alive & well! YES, we ARE an early + Peppy group for the most part! Its about 3pm that I crash tho!!!

Hey WW'ers: FYI... New Oxygen Mag has some killer Arm workouts this month. Pages 73-75 caught my eye especially. I'll be using the 7 moves as add-ons to my next rotation. Just FYI!
I did my best on the barbell/band curls. I sort of wimped out in the end. I did better on the straight barbell curls.

Kali- Some of us are up early due to insomnia mostly!!! Hormones are killer!!!

Thanks for the aliens, Traci.....NOT! ;-)

Holy, mackeral....1/2 gallon of EW/week! WOW, I haven't even gotten through 1/2 my first jug! I do like them in the P90X recovery drink, though!

Thanks for the heads up on the arm workout. I need to dig mine out and check into it again. I got January's issue last month and I am not sure where I stashed it while cleaning for mom and dad's arrival.

If we can get our butts moving, DH and I will be going to a movie this afternoon. DH has been feeling a bit neglected, so I guess it's time for a "date". Neither of us had any plans/appointments on the calender for this morning.....so go figure that that's the morning we both have insomnia!!!x( Today I will work the Monster in one of the new Cardio Coaches that I got last week. I really enjoyed the Press Play event.....so much so that we are thinking of revisiting that same feeling in the <-- thread. All are welcome to join us!!!

I was going to try and snooze a bit, but got sucked into Star Trek 3 on the TV, so I will go and try again!
Good Morning....just a quick check-in before I do GS Le4gs and go to WI. I took my measurements & weight this morning. I am still in shock. Before I hurt my back, all the Ya-Ya's were on a big thing about heavy weights, and bulking thighs. Of course, I felt like I had turkey legs, and went right along with it, and pretty much gave up my Cathe's, not thinking also that my diet stunk 3 out of 7 days. So, on to my second back surgery, and not really working out for 6 months, my arms started looking jelly, and in my book, that is the ultimate no-no. I hate jiggling upper arms. So, I got a little back into my Cathe's again, and ditched my Firms. Cheryl, you are so right, weights are doing great things for me!! The other day I did PH, and usually I used 8 lber's for the lunges, and I did it with the barbell like Cathe does, and I swear it hurt every time I walked for 3 days!! My measurements were astounding this last month, I lost 1 " everywhere except on my chest, I gained a 1/2 ". I also lost 2 lbs. of scale weight. I am so happy!! I will never give up my Cathe's again!!

I will Check back later, I just had to tell you!!

Amy: Heck woman did you swallow a cow, x( I don’t understand that one UNLESS you overdosed on sugar, just kidding I can remember the days always when it was TTOM instant 5lb. You are a hard worker it’d be alright?

Tracie: I know your feeling very accomplished right bout now, huh! What do you have plan for your next rotation? Are you going to do more cardio? I got all my tools together, calendar, book, etc for the next 12 weeks. Ready to bring it on :D

A happy Wednesday to everyone else :) do share your plans and goals for the month of February? My goals are simply FOCUS FOCUS and focus I’m going too workout six days a week, working harder to get me a 2, 4, or 6 pack, stop laughing I can dream right :7 :7 :7

If I tell you guys I haven’t had 10 minutes of sleep will you PRAY for me that I make it though the day? Well, haven’t slept at all ((((DRAMA)))) I did not get my workout in I’m not going to sweat tho, I decided to make my rest day that was planned for Sunday today. ARGH.........

Hi, everyone! Wow, it's only 7:30 a.m. in Utah, and this team has already been going for hours!!

Amy, my poor dear!!!!! I am so sorry about the alien invastion. What a nightmare. Even if you know what it is, it's still so discouraging.
Of course when it drops again, I guess that might be extra exciting??
In any case, don't lose your spirit, girl... very funny about being drawin in by Star Trek 3 :7 :7 :p }(

Kali, good to hear from you!

LoriSax, how exciting about your January progress!! That's just about how it's worked out for me. I realize I was really neglecting the weights (esp. lower body weights) for so long, and they have been such a benefit. Good luck with GS Legs this morning, and extra good luck with the WI!!

Traci, I love the SS workouts - they were what I used for 6 months to work my way up to Cathe. I did sell Tear It Up and Shape it Up, though -- figured that if I'm going to dedicate 80 minutes to a workout, it's going to be Cathe. Can't wait to hear more about your Feb. rotation.

On the filming - it's good news - I got a call yesterday from our local Channel 2 saying the segment will run Thursday night and that my DD is going to be the star of it - so they sent out another camera man yesterday afternoon to take more footage of her. So it's on for sure, Thursday night 10 p.m. MST. I'm sure it'll also be up on their website, so I'll post the link to it Friday morning after it runs. Kind of fun. Kind of glad I've dropped 10-11 pounds since the last time I was on camera for a client -- sure increases the confidence, eh? I'm very self conscious about the roundness in my face, and it definitely shows when I'm on camera.

Not sure if I mentioned it, but I lead a nutrition/weightloss group every other week for the ladies in my church and we met last night. We talked about honey and fiber (from the Superfoods Rx books) and did two sample recipes from Tosca Reno's book - the Waldorf salad and the Bok Choy stir fry. Yum! Both were big hits and my grown son and DD gladly ate all that was leftover.

Teddygirl, I'm sorry you're going through drama and couldn't sleep!!
I hope it gets better for you today. Let us know, okay?

Well... off to workout. Today is cardio only after yesterday's PUB. Thinking I'll give iMax 2 a try.

Have a great morning, everyone! Talk to you later!

Quick mid morning report.... Kenpo + a little extra from Slim Series and I'm good to go for the day. The "aliens" (hormones)are starting to leave bit by bit, they must travel in groups...
Gotta hit WalMart to pick up all the junk food DH wants for superbowl...

Cheryl: Just heard from a friend that she has a bioidentical doc referral for me!!!! YIPPEE I am soooooooo ready to axe these little monsters & get my life back. If it pans out I'll be asking for alot of advise on ??? I need to ask.

Glad to skim posts today and see everyone is on top their game today WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! Gonna be a kick - butt week! - Back with personals later......

Traci, that bioidentical hormone lead your friend gave you is the best news I've heard all morning! That literally turned my life around. I was gradually sinking deeper and deeper into low thyroid/adrenal fatigue for years without knowing it... and I was inadvertantly making it worse trying to get up early in the morning (when cortisol levels are lowest) and "gut it out" in my runs.

My testosterone was 1.2 - near flat lined. The doctor said he was surprised I could get off the bed. I felt better immmediately - but it took a couple of months to normalize even then before I felt like I was dealing with "normal math" when I tried to lose weight, and it didn't fall off. I've had to work it off the hard way, ounce by ounce.

I think you'll be thrilled. It will be very interesting to hear what your blood tests have to say... :D :D :D

iMax 2 was a blast! Just right for today. Grown son was in the workout room working from his computer... said he didn't mind if I went for it, so the poor thing got a real show! :eek: :eek:

Oh well, moms are supposed to be weird...

Have a great morning!
Hey guys, I can barely and I mean barely keep my eyes open, specially after eating oatmeal and PP :p :9

I just had a pleasant thought, tomorrow is the 1st of February and I weigh-in, Yeah, I’m excited. Well, the trust is, I feel like I’ve lost a lb or 2 but noticing that my hips are rounding, I can definitely see good results in my thighs, and my butt, well wont go there :eek: :eek:

I decided that I’m going back to weighing myself every week. This once a month crape just isn’t doing it for me. To much play time, know what I mean, need to focus, right, just to long and to drawn out, well my friends, going to get a little air.

Cheryl- That bioidentical hormone thing is interesting to me. What blood tests are needed for it? Is it only for perimenopause? I have an MD appt coming up and I know that I need to get my thyroid checked. This being stuck at the same weight (pretty much) for almost a year is killing me!!!

Traci- I am glad that my DH couldn't really care a fig about the Super Bowl much less having a party (doing that over the weekend isn't a good idea, and this weekend is double-jeopardy!!!}( }( }( )! It's nice that I don't have to worry about crunchy, salty snacks for the game (they are completely my downfall!!!----Cheetos, here I come!!!)

Lori- Good Luck on the WI!!! Congrats also on being able to see results. That makes it so exciting when you can actually see results!!!
Hi Girls,

I remember the past yrs of checking in and I was always the first one up and I couldn't figure out why no one else had their coffee and was ready to chat. But now I know:) Im usually the last one here.
Sounds like everyone is in a good mood today. And quit chatty as normal.

Well, I got up at 8:30 ( with another night like I had the night before) and I didn't even wait for Rylan to go to sleep this time. I started running at 9:10 while he was in his swing, and then he went to sleep. But only long enough for me to do a 30 min run,100 walking lunges and 100 plie squats. By the time I got out of the shower he was crying for some milk:p Im so glad I got my workout in though.It felt great to run again although I was bored b/c I couldn't find my hand held tetris game ( I use to play that while running) and I had no clue where the MP3 players were to. I was surprised that I lasted 30 mins b/c I haven't been running in about 8 monthes.

I also got nap this afternoon for 90 min s:) I feel refreshed now.

Traci, your retired at 44? Good for you! I say that now but I bet I would be bored if Im not working at that point. I thought being off of work for a yr was going to be a dream but I am bored when I am not dealing with Rylan. It will be good this summer though when I can get outside walking with him and running. Oct will be here in no time and I will be going back to work with tears streaming down my face.

Alright, i have to go check on the little one. There are 2 sets of stairs between us so I am not 100% sure that I will hear him cry and its soon going to be time for another lunch.
Oh my, I need to answer the question regarding Cross Cable. Cathe does them in her new series. It’s a Ab workout. Let me see if I can find a link, I’ll be right back

Happy Afternoon Gang!

Very excited as I just made an appointment to see the Bio-Identical Hormone Doc next Wednesday! I could just cry I’m so relieved to finally be taking the plunge… ok truth be told I did actually cry!
Anyway – It will be 2 hour visit w/ consult and tests and hopefully after that some answers.

!!!!!! PERSONALS !!!!!!!!

*** Amy ***
It’s the March 07 issue of Oxygen Mag that that particular arms workout is in. You just got Januarys??? Hope you get to the movies today- sounds like good bonding time.

Have a great WI & ^^^^^^^5 on those AMAZING results in measurements! Whatever you tweaked in your workouts has really paid off! Way to go.

You keep me laughing! I know I couldn’t WI monthly without going ballistic! I guess I look at it that out of all the bad habits to have weighing daily is not a crime! You’d better get some sleep lady or you’ll drop a dumbbell on your head! I have no plans to increase cardio in Feb… My body doesn’t like it nearly as much as my brain does! My rotation is very P90X – ish but will be using Amy Bento Strength plus SH series. Keeping weekly Yoga and Core Cardio’s and Kick. I’ll be posting daily what I’m doing so you can hold me accountable! I have 2% BF reduction for Februarys goal.

Oh definitely give us the link for the TV show… So how does DD feel about being a “star?” Bet she thinks mom is WAY COOL! I did Bok Choy Stir Fry last night too! It was indeed YUM-O!!!!!! Super easy to make too…. I also made the Parchment Wrapped chicken…. Very nice way to change up chicken breasts w/ the arugula. So happy Imax 2 did it for you today! I really like that one although quite a few here don’t. Shoot I love it all! ROF about grown son & your workout!
My initial consult + all the test is 1500.00. MUCH better than my earlier research of 5K. A worthy reason to get the credit card out of the drawer I’d say. I’ll keep you posted. I have a 10 page questionnaire I have to fill out that she emailed to me this morning.

NICE workout this morning!!!! Really I am amazed at you having the energy to do ANYTHING at all! On retirement… I say retired but actually I just started working a lot FOR FREE! Lol.. I volunteer quite a bit March-Nov so I can be kept much busier than I’d like. I ‘m sure going back to work will be difficult for a lot of reasons but most moms I know really miss the adult contact so it all ends up working out.

Back later I hope!
Woo Hoo!!!! My WI was good! 18 Points must be a good thing for me, I was down 3/4 lb. I am getting so close.....hopefully soon.

TeddyGirl, I am sorry personal stuff is keeping you awake. I hope you get alot of sleep tonight.

Yes Cheryl, I am now a firm beliver that my body needs alot of weights, and cardio. I thought maybe circuits would do it for me, but I turned to mush. I will never leave Cathe weight-training again!!

Hi Traci, Amy, Gidget, Kali, and everyone else. Hi Claude too!!
Amy, the doctor checked me for all hormones - estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, cortisol (the stress hormone that allows you to fight or flight and indicates whether your adrenal gland is strong or weather it's maxed out and sitting there dead), and also for DHEA and for thyroid he checked both T3 and T4.

The regular MDs have a tendency to just check T4, so for two years while I was showing all the signs of low thyroid the doc was saying no, you're in the low end of the band for normal, but you're still in the band, so you're okay. However you are borderline hypoglycemic (as if THAT wasn't a clue something was going on!!!)

I was so angry. But when I went to the bio-identical specialist he said don't be upset at the doctor - if he had treated the thyroid he would have given me synthroid, and then my endocrine system would have just moved to the next bottleneck, my flagging adrenal gland, and I would have still felt too weak to get up off the bed. So you need to look at the endocrine system as a whole, was the message.

The only normal measurement on the page was estrogen. Everything else was low (way low). Progesterone was only a little low, since I used a progesterone cream and tried to eat lots of soy.

He gave me nonprescription DHEA, iodine for thyroid support, and coupled it with bioidentical prescriptions for thyroid (Armour Thyroid), Cortef for cortisol/adrenal support, testosterone, and a prescription strength progesterone cream. All the prescriptions are very low amounts, but in combination they are making me feel so much better.

My cost was $750 for him for the year and around $300 for the blood tests (my insurance only covered a small part) and my co-pay on the prescriptions. He's upped his rate now to $850 a year, but I've found an MD who's savvy on bio-idential hormones now that my insurance covers so that's who I'll go to for the one year re-check in March.

There was supposed to be a second blood test 3 months into the deal to see how I was doing - but he didn't order it and I didn't remind him since I was feeling so much better and wanted to avoid the additional $300 if I could. So it'll be interesting to see where I stand come about March 1.

Amy, I hope that helps.

Traci, I am SO HAPPY you are going in. I will be very interested in hearing the results. I can't say enough about the difference it made for me.

Oh, and the doc also made me swear to stop hopping out of bed and working out early on an empty stomach. He said take the prescription, be up and around for 30 minutes (let the natural cortisol levels raise a bit) and then eat at least something little - 7 almonds, 2 Cliffshot Bloks, etc. before working out. You still get the results of "fasted cardio" but you can avoid the light headedness and blood sugar "bonks". He said the "bonking" is what you want to avoid at all costs, because you're just pounding on your poor weakened adrenal system with nothing left for anymore "fight or flight" response.

my weight didn't drop immediately, but my energy level rose. And being me, I immediately jumped up the workouts thinking I'd attack this thing hard. Didn't work. Took about 3 months to stabilize. Then about 6 months to work my strength back up with Slim Series workouts before I could even think about lasting through Cathe. Now I'm kicking butts and taking names, but it's sure been a long haul.

That's why I say patience must be the lesson God felt I needed to learn.

Sorry to ramble. Can you tell I feel strongly about this??? }( }( }(

Amy, I hope that helps. Traci, you go girl!! You're going to be on fire.


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