The amount of weight you'd lose is really hard to predict. Diet is a big part of the equation. I know you said clean diet, but that doesn't really specify calories which are what counts. So, if you're eating a very low calorie diet, you could lose a lot (fat and muscle). If you're eating clean, but normal amounts of calories, you could lose less. And, you see the pattern here, if you increase your calories even though your food choices are good, you might not lose any.
It also matters where your fitness level is today. Is running for an hour and a half 3 days a week a normal thing for you, or totally new? If it's totally new to your body, it will affect you a lot more. And you might get hurt.
The recommended amount to lose in a month for women is about 8 lbs to avoid serious muscle loss, but I don't think someone can predict how much you would lose with this plan. What you weigh currently also matters. If you weigh 100lbs, 8 lbs is a ton to lose. If you weigh 190 lbs, it's not so much.
And finally, for short term weight loss such as this, if you eat a low carbohydrate diet, you'll lose more water weight than if you eat a normal diet. Of course this will come back as soon as you incorporate more carbs, but for short term, you'll see a lower number on the scale with lower carbohydrates.