Weight Loss?


I don't know why I haven't lost any weight because I've been eating better than before, and replaced my constant aerobics with spinning 3xs a week, plus 1 day of a Cathe step tape, plus the PS tapes.
It's been a month so far, and I'm still at 101 (I'm about 5' so I know I'm in the ok weight range, but I used to weigh 8 lbs less). Shoudn't I be losing a little weight? Or am I being too pushy?

I'm 5'1" and I weigh 106. I use to weigh 97lbs, but my doctor told me I should weigh no less than 105. Of course I didn't want hear that!! But I upped my protien like he said stated lifting weights 3-4 days/week and cardio 6 days/week. Yes I gained,but my bodyfat went down!! I'm must admit I feel stronger and healthier now more than ever!! Remember, muscle weighs more than fat. You are at the proper weight for your height. Why do you want to lose more? I'll bet you are beautiful right where you are!!
I bet you look.......

I bet you look great. Don't concentrate on the amount you weigh but rather how you look and feel.
losing weight

Hi Sugar,
You should not weigh less than 100 pounds if you are 5 feet tall or over. You are just right and I agree with the others, you've probably gained muscle. Just because you've weighed less in the past doesn't mean that was a healthy weight. You are doing what's right--exercising and eating healthy. Enjoy your new healthy lifestyle and try to focus on that. Do yourself a favor, don't weigh yourself at all unless you specifically need to for some reason, like at your doctor's request. After all, didn't you feel better knowing you were taking better care of yourself and getting fit until you weighed yourself and were disappointed? Take lynxeagle's advice to heart. That's the only measure that is important.


You are all right - weight really doesn't matter, since I'm not out of my healthy range. I guess I'm just used to people always talking about their weight in numbers, and not how they look and feel. And it's true, I haven't weighed myself for a year, and when I just did, I was upset. Thanks for the support - it made me feel great!!!!!

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