Weight Loss supplements ???


Active Member
Do any of you ladies take them and do the help you to lose the weight? What ones are you taking and why? The ads look tempting do any work or improve the strength and do we need protien powder?

Thank you
IMO, most weight loss supplements might work in the short run, but they are full of ingredients that could harm you in the long run. Some contain stimulants that could be hard on the body. They might work for a while to get you to "look better," but possibly at the expense of being healthier.

There are healthier, natural alternatives to questionable supplements.
Aside from the basic "eat right and move," you can try the following:

To replace "appetite suppressant" supplements, buy some chia seed and make chia gel by soaking about 1/4 cup in 2 cups of water. Add the gel to smoothies, oatmeal, any liquid. It will add bulk and make you feel fuller without adding many calories. (Don't buy the chia sold for chia pets: it's coated with pesticides and is not meant to be eaten).

For 'stimulant' supplements, substitue a few cups of green tea throughout the day.

I would avoid them. There are so many bad side effects. Even if you do lose weight immediately, it changes your set point and makes it more difficult to lose weight later on. My friends who took ephedra can't lose weight at all any more, it put their metabolisms out of whack.

Of course, general healthy eating is important, but there are a few "tricks". I do take 5HTP which helps with general mood and decreases the cravings for carbs. I also have a glass of Citrucel before dinner, and it sounds like it does something similar to what kathryn explained with the chia. Including a high water-content fruit of veg to a meal will help to fill you up, too. I've even heard of having a small serving of oatmeal and a large glass of water before a dinner party to prevent overeating.
do we need protien powder?

in my opinion... most people do not need protein powder. if you eat a normal balanced clean diet, you will get enough protein from food.

if you are a vegan who doesn't eat enough protein-rich food, perhaps you might supplement with protein powder. or bodybuilders who require more protein. average people get enough from food, and too much protein can really stress the kidneys.
Just want to pipe in and mention that a healthy vegan diet does not require protein supplementation. Vegetables are, in fact, an excellent source of protein (as well of lots of other good stuff). They are low calorie, so you can (and should) eat more. :D

I know you mentioned specifically "vegan who doesn't eat enough protein", but I wanted to mention that this is much less common that people think. :)

Some vegans do supplement protein anyway, but it's typically not necessary for health. Protein deficiency is extremely rare, especially in this country.

Regarding the original question - no, I'm not a fan of weight loss supplements. I eat a clean diet and exercise to improve my health. I think that weight loss supplements may have a detrimental effect on that.

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