Weight Loss Checkin 10/21/02


Well hello everyone. I don't even know why I'm starting this thread. We got most of our stuff moved from our old house to the new one this weekend. Fortunately, we had lots of people help us pack up the odds and ends. Unfortunately, I have no clue where my scales are!!!

I'm not sure I did so great this week anyway. I was travelling for a few days, in Dallas visiting a sick relative. On Thursday for dinner I have 8 Chik-Fil-A nuggets, a Krispy Kreme donut, and a Dr. Pepper. That's real healthy isn't it? I was at the hospital visiting my grandad so we had to eat at the cafe. They didn't have too many good choices but I could have made better choices than I did!!

Well eventually, I have to learn to eat healthy no matter what the circumstance is (eating out, eating on the road, etc.), so this was a good experience. I am proud that I brought a cooler with me (I drove) and had lots of good snacks and foods with me. So other than my little lapse with the chicken nuggets I didn't do too bad.

I did have some little fiasco's this weekend though. I've had trouble meeting my 1200 calorie per day requirement. I decided I would try 1500 a day for a week, see how it affected my weight loss, maybe it would be easier to stick to. Well I have gone over 1500 the two days so far that I've done that!! I guess earlier in the day I eat more because I figure I've got more calories to spare, and then of course later in the day I eat more until I've eaten myself up to around 1700-1900 calories. I know I'm not going to die eating those calories for a couple of days but if I can't control my eating while I'm trying to lose, how will I control myself when I'm at my goal?????

So I'm feeling kinda down this week. I've been religious about exercising so hopefully that will help me until I get my calories under control.

How is everyone else doing? Great hopefully!

Talk to y'all later!
Hi Kay,

You beat me to it :) I logged onto this website- saw there was no check in and was going to start it but got distracted first looking at other posts- then boom your post appeared.

Sounds like you did pretty good with a rough week. Don't be hard on yourself. Hey- with your excercise and keeping calories at under 2,000 I'm sure you will have a loss. One day of chicken nuggets is not going to break you. Every day yes, but not one day- plus you stayed active which is tough while moving and having a sick relative.

I joined weight watchers on Saturday. I tried it when my baby was 6 weeks old but could not committ. Now I am ready to. I think I need the accountability of having someone weigh me. Plus I am a stay at home mom so I found a meeting when my DH is home so it will be a time to get out of the house by myself and be around adults :) I love my 3 kids but sometimes its nice to get away from the whining and crying for a short time to keep my sanity.

Anyway, I was SHOCKED when I joined. I thought I was 227. Now that is undressed first thing in the morning. Obviously I could not strip naked at weight watchers- can you imagine the stares I would have gotten!! So my weight is fully dressed with jeans and sneakers (the leader said if I keep my shoes on the first weigh in then I won't have to take them off every week to get a true measure of what I lost) so here is the number-
235- ahh- I said it. So I figure the clothes and shoes weigh 5 lbs meaning my scale at home is 3 lbs too light. I have been really good about excercising and starting today- I am adding a 30 minute walk 3 mornings a week after 2 of my kids are in school since my baby is in a stroller he won't slow me down. This is bonus to the 4 days I am already excercsing. I figure every little bit of activity helps.

How is everyone else doing??

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-02 AT 11:07AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Kay :)

Don't worry too much about the little "fiasco's," they're a part of daily life for all of us! :)

I don't know how you maintain on so few calories? I'd be weak and grouchy if I ate 1200 cal/day. I get really grouchy when I'm hungry! And I've noticed how much more energy I have during weight training when I eat at least 1700-1800 cal/day, but most days are still up around 2000 cal/day, and trust me, I could eat more if I didn't have a journal! :)

Last week was "okay" for me. I'm down 1#, so I'm pleased considering I had a really off day when we went to my parents. We always take them to lunch, they don't get out much, so they really enjoy going out to restaurants, and all the way to Maryland I'm telling myself, "you are going to get just a salad!" "No dessert! No cheeseburger and fries! No hot bar!" And what do I do? Sat down, ordered the hot bar, ate meatloaf, green beans, mac & cheese, 2 potato skins, sweet potatoes and 2 warm rolls! I'm not done ladies~then I had the audacity to order a dessert, the hot fudge cake! Now you know! I needed that hot fudge cake like I need another inch to pinch! So I'm quite happy with my 1# this week! :)
side note: Not even the scare of the snipper kept my appetite at bay! I had that on my mind the entire time, walking quickly from the car to the house, the car to the restaurant, etc., but did it effect my appetite? Not 1 iota!

Well, I'm planning a really good week this week. My ice cream thing seems to be losing momentum. Just not craving it like I was before, so hopefully it's passing.

Hope everyone has a good week this week! Positive vibes everyone! :)


p.s. Marci, you snuck in there just as I was posting so I came back in to say, "way to go!" Hope WW works out for you! :)
Hi Donna,

Good for you- 1 lb!! I am from the Rockville/potomac md area and we are going down there for thankgiving. I am really freaked out by this sniper. The first murder was 1 block from where I lived when I was single. I hope the person is caught soon.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-02 AT 01:46PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-02 AT 12:06 PM (Est)[/font]

Hi Ladies,

Donna - well done on losing 1# ! :)

Marci - good luck with WW ! Seriously thinking of giving this a go. I buy the magazine regularly, to get inspiration for meal ideas.

Kay - Wow :-wow 1200 kcals ! I eat anywhere between 1700 -1900 kcals, and find sometimes by the time of my main meal, that I have loads of calories spare, does anyone else find this ? Don't worry about little fiascos, I have had 2 over the past week, a huge pile of chips with baked beans from the Chip shop, and a Chinese takeaway. What was I saying about my downfall ? Take Aways !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I have lost a pound, so I am now 181#, my exercising went well, I just wish I could get my eating into gear ! Can you all give me a big kick up my butt, please ???? And tell me to sort it out ! I just don't think I am ever going to lose this blasted weight (feeling very disillusioned now :-().

I think my Postman tried to deliver my new Cathe vids this morning, but I was OUT ! What kind of bad luck was that ? So, I am having to nip over to the Post office depot to retrieve it tomorrow ? If it is them, I can start Donna's Fat Melting Rotation tomorrow night. Something to look forward to :-jumpy

Before, I go, I am going to try and have early nights over the next week - wish me luck !

Have a great week everyone ! :)

Hello all! Well, this is my first week checking in and it wasn't too bad. I'm down a couple of pounds. Honestly, our scale is not digital so it's hard to tell. But it looked right. So I'm at 200 lbs. Working out has been good for me....and my eating has been pretty good. I hope everyone has a good week!
I lost about a pound and a half this week which isn't bad considering that it's TTOTM and my parents were in town this week and I ate lots of junk with them. The scale hadn't budged all week but this morning it was down 1.5 pounds. This should be the last day of TTOTM so probably the water gain is gone.

I'm only about 8 pounds away from my first goal and I'm really getting worried about how I'm going to maintain this weight when I start eating normal again. I have been fanatical about my calories this fall and it was pretty easy because I'm a student in a new city where I don't know that many people so I don't thrust into food situations that much. But my parents were in town this weekend and we out to eat several times and I ate like I used to eat. I even had TWO Mrs. Field's brownies (yummy!) on saturday. We went to the mall and I couldn't resist because my mom was getting one. And then they gave us a free brownie because we bought two and later on during the day I went for the 2nd brownie. It was a pecan pie brownie and it was GOOD! And then I had pizza at the mall too which wasn't even very good at all but I still ate it. When I was eating it I thought that I should throw it away because it wasn't even mediocre good but I kept eating it. I'm really dreading the upcoming holidays.
Congrats on your #1 loss in spite of everything, Miz D. I must ask, since we seem to share so many passions in food, if you like the hallowe'en candies that are made out of the "mallow" that candy corn is made out of. I love the little pumpkins, and the bag I bought in the bulk candy display got the better of me last night. I should know better than to buy that stuff! I had a bag of mixed colors and picked out only the dark brown and carmel colored ones, and that was quite a pile. No fat, but all sugar. Not to leave well enough alone, I then had 3 Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches! Could have worse...the Whitman's Sampler is still in the cupboard untouched.

Just Do It! :)
thankfully No!........................

No, the one thing I have no problem resisting is candy! Thank goodness! Ice cream, cheesecake and brownies are one thing, but candy is never a problem!
Now, every blue moon or so, I'll get a hankering for a "Kady Did" (little chocolate clusters w/caramel and walnuts that come in a tin of 12), but not often! :)
If it weren't for that little blessing I may have never been able to fit through a doorway!

Hello everyone!

I'm also doing WW and lost 1.4 last week. This is slightly less than what I've been doing with the combo of WW/Cathe. I've been using the CTX series and the Classic Series and worked out 6 out 7 days last week. I got BodyMax, MIC and CardioKicks on a trade last week and gave BodyMax a whirl on Sunday... I got through the first section then had to switch over to CTX triceps and an ab session. Whew! I think next weekend I'll do that one on Saturday so I'll have a day to recover.

I had lunch out quite a bit last week due to my work buddy leaving the company. On the whole I made good choices but still have problems with portion control if I don't fix it myself. Enough extra bites to keep me having any huge losses.

As far as WW goes, I still haven't figured out how much I should up my food points to account for the high intensity Cathe workouts. So, I aim for the middle of my range and if I still feel hungry or need a nosh I have extra points available. I've also found that the online tool has been great for me to keep up with the journalling on a consistent basis.

Sorry if this has been too much WW talk!

See ya around!

JenniferAnn - I actually think it is good that you are worried. A lot of people get to their weight loss goal and gain it all back. There was a study by the Weight Loss Registry (I might be getting the name wrong) and they found some successful habits of weight-loss maintainers. One thing they all have in common is exercising about an hour a day (that's not just working out, but also walking the dog, up and down the stairs, etc.). Also, an overwhelming majority of successful maintainers keep a food journal and keep track of what they eat.

My plan when I get to my goal is to use Weight Watchers' to help me count calories (I don't currently use WW). Right now I just count calories but the WW plan is lower maintenance (i.e. don't have to weigh your chicken before eating it :)). I am aware of the fact that for me, I will need to keep track of what I eat and how I exercise for the rest of my life in order to be successful.

Also, something else I'm aware of is that I need to learn to eat healthy in ALL situations, not just when I'm controlling my environment. That includes eating out (I had a little problem with that on Thursday as well). So right now you don't have good habits in ALL situations, just in SOME. But don't worry, if you stick with it I am confident you can learn to eat healthy in all situations and you will do great when you reach your goal! It just takes a while for all of your good habits to sink in, your mind wants to keep doing the same things!!

Hope this helps you in some way. Please continue to let us know how it's going!

Take care,
Hi everyone

Well done to everyone for a good week.

I lost 0.5lbs - down to 168. I'm okay with that considering my food choices were not that great.

Have a great week.


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