Weight Loss Checkin - 03/03/03


Hi All:

It must be close to TTOTM for me, because my weight is doing crazy things. I'll post next week to see what's really going on! :D

I've been thinking a lot about Jillybean's post and just wanted to let you all know that as an eating disordered, control freak, recovering bulemic, I find this check in to be a very healthy, and positive aspect of my continuing journey.

Hi all,

Katie: I feel the same way about this thread. I don't feel any pressure to lose, or shame when posting no loss. I just feel solid support from this check in. :)

I had a good week. I was very proud of my eating, it wasn't perfect, but good enough to drop 2#. I suspect 1 of them was from the week before, but who knows? Last week I kept getting the "off" amounts because of my Sunday "treat day," so I moved my weigh in to Saturday mornings. So I plan to continue the "improving my eating plan" thing, it really made a difference with my workouts last week.

See you guys later,

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Miz Buzz-cut Donna -

Congratulations on your 2# loss! I'm glad you moved your weigh in day to Saturday - that will make a difference.

As far as pressure to do what everyone else does - you need to use common sense, and know that just because a "rotation" is posted, you don't have to do it. Even if Cathe posts a rotation, like the ones for the Instensity Series, I don't feel obligated.

If there is a thread posted for Body for Life, I don't feel that I have to get on it. Everyone has to find what works for them and do it.

I am a recovered anorexic also, but I've developed healthy habits in spite of it. Part of it is due to getting older and knowing that I don't have to bow to peer pressure.
Hi All,

Been a good week for me as well, feel better about my eating 100%, thanks to WW's - much more in control = HAPPIER Anna :) !

Will be getting weighed tonight, so I won't find out about loss yet. Tried to sneak a peek this morning on my own scales, but got 3 different readings :eek: I know, I think the batteries are about to pack up ! :(

I feel better, and my tummy looked really flat last night, even DH was amazed ! :) And my clavical is starting to appear, haven't seen that in a while......so things are looking up over here.

Katie - I know how how you feel, it was TTOTM for me too x( last week.

Donna - well done on your 2# weight loss !!!!!! Keep up the good work ! :)

I also think this check in is a very positive, form of support, and a good way to unload woes from off of the chest. I mean, I think they would think I was a little odd if I started chanting about the blossoming sight of my clavical at my WW's group tonight !!!!!!!!!!! :eek: LOL !

As a recovered anorexic - if it wasn't positive, I wouldn't post on it.......

Well, smaller clothes and happy days, here I come .........

See Ya All Next Week !

Anna :)
Hello everyone!!!!

I am presently not going to weigh because I have been so out of control with eating, exercise (lack of)... evertyhing!!!! My eating was better last week and I actually worked out twice. This week will be even better but I am going to wait until next week to weigh. I have been so discouraged. My schedule has just been sooooooo busy that working out and eating right took a backseat. Not making excuses, just stating what happened. I have to get back to the place where my health is priority.

Thanks for "listening".


P.S. To show you how wacko I am lately. I went to the post office and asked for two rolls of film!!!! Needless to say, I got a very strange look from the lady at the counter. Oh well, makes for a good laugh.
I too have been thinking about Jillybean's post and am sad that she found the need to stop posting. Despite being a reformed junk food eating couch potato, I am also competitive and can be obsessive/compulsive. (My husband is appreciating the fact that my attention is off him these days.) ;-) Fortunately though, I can recognize when I am pushing myself too hard and feel okay with not keeping up with the Joneses. I find this board to be very motivating and supportive as well...any pressure that folks feel comes from within and I guess you should do what you need to keep healthy.

Anyway, that being said, the couple of weeks of not so great eating caught up with me and I was up 1lb this week. The good news is that I know I'm back on track and am expecting good things next week!

Great job everyone! Have a good week.
Well, I went to WW's last night, and I haven't lost a pound !!! :eek:
Don't worry, I am still focused, and now contemplating speaking to my Doctor about a thyroid test.

See Ya ! :7

Hi everyone,
I weighed myself on Sunday just couldn't get a chance to post till now. Even though I went over my points most of last week, the scale said I lost a pound. This week I am trying my best to follow my pointsso we will see. Of course I am exercising like I planned so hopefully that is helping. Congratulations to everyone who lost till next week.

Hi Everyone.
Congrats to all who lost and maintained. Keeping motivation up after a long, cold winter to stick with exercise and eating healthy is so difficult. I am proud of all of us.

Anyway, I think I broke my 6-month plateau over the last two weeks and lost about 2 pounds. I have been using the Intensity series for 2 months, so maybe the new, different workouts really worked to get things moving again. In addition to the 2 pounds, my clothes feel looser than they have in a while, so I'm feeling encouraged (and ready to go to Florida in 2 weeks)!

Have a nice week everyone.

Yay Linda...............

Congrats on breaking your plateau! :D Sticking in there and waiting it out is sooooo hard sometimes, but it's worth it.


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!

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