Weight Loss Check-In 2/24/03


Hi Gang,
Looks like nobody wants to start this thread this week, so I will go for it.

I gained .5 this week. My eating was bad over the weekend when I went to visit my best friend for the weekend and we had a wine and cheese fest. I stuck to my workouts though and even went to a real live yoga class with a budhist instructor in NYC. It was pretty cool and my legs were sore from all the "dogs." It was my first yoga class.

How did everyone else do?


Congratualtions for maintaining your workouts and trying new things! That is often harder than actually losing weight!

I held steady - even though we celebrated my son's birthday all weekend... with bowling, movies, and eating! I've been lurking on some of the BFL web sites (I'm a sucker for success stories and transformations) and actually got inspired to kick my wieghts up a notch. I may even get DH to take "before" pictures...but you won't see them posted anywhere!

February 18th was hard for me because I reviewed my journals. Seems like I get motivated at the same time every year for the past 4, and over the long-term I've had a really disturbing yo-yo trend that I want to break. I've successfully maintained an overall, continued loss from 265 to my current weight... but each year I've dipped down near to goal weight before losing motivation and gaining a good portion back again.

Which is more important to focus on, increasing the overall loss or ending the yo-yo gains?!?!?!?!?!

Have a good week.

Hi All,

TTOTM for me, and I am full of cold x( , so not happy, I want to pull people's heads off at the moment !
Started WWs last week, it has been going well, and I am not hungry on it either. Supposed to go and get weighed last night, but felt so crappy, I decided to skip it this week. 'Feel' slimmer despite TTOTM bloat ????? Weird, hey ? Wish me luck !

Anna :)
Yeah, seemed like no one wanted to start this thing this week huh? I looked for it a few times yesterday but didn't start it either? :)

I held steady too! I think I need to change my weigh in day. I seemed to have subconsciously moved my "treat day" to Sunday so weighing in on Monday morning has been a mind game! I'm usually bloated from the salty food I ate the day before, so I'm not sure if I maintained, loss, or what? Heck last week it tried to tell me I'd gained 11#, which I knew was bull**** so I didn't even think about it! But according to Mr. scale (and it has to be male with all the grief it gives me!), I maintained.

Katie: I think stopping the yo-yo thing is most important (IMO), because even if you focused soley on weight loss, what good would that be in the long run if you still yo-yo? You'd only risk gaining it again to have to lose it again. So if you work on kicking the yo-yo habit, you'd win in the long run because the weight you do lose would be permanent.

Linda & Anna: Congrats for maintaining! And Linda, .5 is maintaining, you probably just needed to pee or something! :)

Hey Anna, what ever happened with that Rosemary Clooney plan you were talking about? What exactly was that? I never really understood? Was it for eating or exercise?

Well guys, I'm off to work out, see ya later,

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Hey, Anna-
I've gained some significant weight since I started working out 6 months ago. It's always been this way for me, and it's the reason I usually give up exercise, but not this time. Anyway, about WW, I wanted to try it, but those points seem scarey. How do you know if you're eating the right portion? Do you have to weigh everything or stick to prepackaged foods? I don't trust my ability to judge portion size. Just curious.
Well, I certainly wouldn't want to break a trend.. I actually missed my official weigh-in on Saturday but looks like I maintained. Must admit I didn't journal last week and on Saturday DH and I had a date and went to a fancy schmancy restaurant in Philly (appetizer, drinks, entree AND dessert!)

Nancy, I'm doing WW and when you first start out you weigh everything until you get accustomed to what 'real' portion sizes are. It takes a little up front planning until you get the hang of it but after doing this for 6 mos counting points is second nature. I do think its hard to figure out what the right balance is in combo with intense exercise...but eventually you settle into a routine.

Have a great week everyone!
Hi everyone,
I actually maintained even though I went out to eat on Saturday. I really have to start journalling again because that way I plan my meals and it helps me stay within my points. I have no problem following my exercise plan just my eating has to get better.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Jeez, Donna, you ARE a stitch! I agree about Mr. Scale, invented by the same guy who brought us pantyhose, bras, skirts, and high heels. No man in his right mind would wear uncomfortable crap like that!

Hey, I personally weigh in on my pig out day, WAY early in the morning before my first cup of coffee, and after that all important trip to the bathroom. THEN I workout, and in the early afternoon the serious eating begins!

Just Do It! :)

Yeah, I think I'll switch my weigh in to Sat or Sun mornings, so if my Sunday "treat day" pattern continues I'll be covered! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!

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