Weight Loss Check-In 11/18/02


Hi Educated Crowd:

I am starting this post this week in hopes that everyone has a weight/inch loss to share. I, however have had no weight loss this week--just a .5 gain. My eating has been out of control. All I have wanted is B&J, mac & cheese, spaghetti w/ meatballs, Heath bars, Junior mints, and other assorted bad stuff. Oh, by the way, I'm talking 4-5 cups of spaghetti, not just the one-cup serving size! It's not even TTOTM.

I'm going to the grocery store tonight to buy some good healthy groceries so I can get back on track.
How did everyone else do?

I wish I had better news to report. I am hanging in at 216. Guess I will have to start doing better if I want to keep losing weight!!! Sometimes it's just so hard to break old habits though.
Well 2 weeks ago I joined WW Online, and I am totally in love with it. I lost 1 lb. this week.

We all struggle sometimes, the important thing is, we get back on track. Sorry you both had a bad week, but it sounds like you are getting back on track, and that is the important thing. Best of luck this week.

I have a Thanksgiving Day dinner this Sunday, and I am a little nervous about it myself. I am going to make myself mashed swet potatoes instead of regular, and I am going to bank points all week, but it is going to be tough. I also have a really good sounding low-fat pumpkin pie I got off of WW's.com I am going to try. So, this week will be a struggle for me to save at least 10 extra points for next Sunday. We will see how I do. Have a great week everyone!!!!
Lori S.
Hi Everyone!

I kinda/sorta started Donna's 6 week rotation last week and was prepared to blast off the fat.. but only lost .8 :( I'm chalking it up to muscle gain and will keep plodding along.

Did okay with eating despite having dinner out a couple of nights.

Have a great week!

Well guys, i have to admit that i was good all week .. had a party to go to thursday and drank too much and was out of control for the wknd. BUT i didn't gain. i am 188 again .. oh well.. i will try again this week .. best of luck to all of u

Candy :)
Hi everybody! Last week I told you all I had joined WW and was really enjoying it. (As much as you can enjoy eating much, much less :). Well my first week paid off, I lost 4 3/4 pounds. I was pretty surprised, but I really followed the program to the "T". This week I had two not-so-good days, but yesterday I got back on track, so I am hoping to have another good weigh-in this Thursday. I'm sure I will slow down my weight loss, but for now it is great to lose more than a pound a week. Whether it's water weight or not, I don't care! I think the key for me is not letting one bad choice ruin a whole day, then letting one bad day ruin a whole week. I think we all have to accept that we don't eat "perfect" or "near-perfect" all the time and to just dust ourselves off and keep at it. Positive attitude is so important! We are doing it together!! Love, Heather
Congratulations to those who lost and "I've been there" to those who didn't. I lost 2 pounds this week. But what I'm most excited about is that I am no longer considered overweight. According to those BMI tables, my BMI index is now 24.7 which is at the very top of the normal weight category. Woohoo!
Hi all,

Linda~ you and I were in the same boat last week! I ate like food was about to become outlawed and I had to taste it all! NOT ice cream though, I've stayed true to my 6 month commitment, but I ate everything else! My daughter's 18th birthday was Thursday, and as part of her "day" she wanted me to cook her a special dinner of her favorites, and not make them "low fat, but regular!" Her menu: FRIED chicken (which I haven't had in 19 months), baked mac & cheese, Kelly's sweet potato bake (the most decadent way to eat sweet potatoes!), greens and a cheesecake.
Well, can you count calories that high!? That was just the beginning folks, had a "golden girls moment" and like Sophia and Dorothy, my daughter and I sat at the kitchen table later that night and polished off the remains of the cheesecake! (this is only Thursday!)
Fri-Sun were nearly as bad, between left over mac & cheese and the sweet potato bake, which for some reason I HAD to have together, and then yet another birthday cake that my daughter brought home from her job on Sat, I felt like the "michelin tire guy" and I could swear I was waddling last night! :(
I have no clue what the heck happened to me, I didn't just fall off the wagon, it ran me over and drug me down the road for 4 days!
I did not weigh in this morning!!!!!!!!!
But my eating is back on track today. I feel in control, don't know what that was the last 4 days? Hope to never know it again!

Congratulations to all who lost or maintained, great going, and I plan to be there with you next week!


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Hi everyone

Sorry I haven't been able to check in for a couple of weeks.

I unfortunately have only lost 0.5 over the last 3 weeks despite doing Donna's Kickbox rotation and watching what I eat, so I am very de-motivated at the moment. I'm not sure what to do as I have been putting 100% into my workouts, and lifting as heavy as I can, as well as keeping a food diary using the WW points system. Can anyone PLEASE give me some advise, hints, tips, suggestions, anything!

Hope you all have a good week

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-02 AT 09:00PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Sandra,

I'm doing WW as well and my weight loss has really stalled since starting Cathe. However I feel incredibly energetic, my stamina has increased and my pants are baggy.

We are definitely gaining more muscle which cancels out some of the fat loss. I also suspect I need to eat more to account for the extra expended calories.. I just haven't been able to experiment this way as I'm afraid I'll gain weight instead of staying the same!! If this goes on for another week though, I'm going to up my points (never thought I'd have a hard time eating more!!). Most WW'ers I know do not exercise as intensely as we do IMO.

Don't have any answers but am in the same boat :(


Hi Sandra,

One question on the rotation because I don't remember it clearly. How much cardio is involved in it?
There were some rotations that may have worked well for me but it might have been at a time my weight was much higher than yours, so whatever amount of cardio it involved would effect me differently at say 260lbs than it effects you at a lower weight.
Many rotations I've had to "tweek" when I returned to them 20-30lbs later and increase the intensity in order to lose.

Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Hi Everyone,

Well, am I going to bowl you over with catastrophic weight loss ? Well, the answer is NO. I have been good eating wise, and I have stuck to my healthy eating, but I daren't weigh myself at home. And the reason being is that I went to my Rosemary Conley weigh in tonight (and did an exercise class, THE FIRST in 11 years, in public !), and SHOCK ! HORROR ! I weighed about 5#'s more than I did on my very own electronic scales. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN ? Goodness knows ! I am in UK terms 13 stone 5#'s (which is 186#'s) after a day of eating and being weighed in my workout shoes and clothes. OMG, and to my calculations according to my own (obviously crappy) electronic scales I lost 2#'s last week, so how wrong are my own scales ? HUH ! I ask you, it is just so darned unfair !
I feel like a hamster on a plastic wheel, I am just spinning around in (the old catch 22) circles, getting nowhere fast. Yet, I feel firmer, so somewhere I am defying the laws of gravity.
I am coming back as a car (automobile) in my next life, at least then I can be traded in when I have passed my sell by date !

Despite all this bantering, I have stuck rigidly to my 6 month challenge plan, and as of from Hallowe'en, I have still not had a take-away. so, something is looking up !

If you are wondering how I got on in my Rosemary Conley exercise class, well it was good, I sweated cobs (UK expression for bread rolls), but I did have to do some power Cathe moves in place of the usual low impact moves. It was good fun, and I feel inspired to stick to cleaner eating now, especailly as I am going to be weighed every week.

Yours Forever living hopefully of weight loss at some point in the near future,

Anna :)
Hi All,

I have just been reading that some of you feel like you have been stalling over the past couple of weeks, despite clean eating and rigorous amounts of Cathe. Well, I was given some advice a few weeks ago that Cathe has said that it takes a few weeks to lose weight with hi-intensity and weights, because the muscles retain alot of water, so please don't despair, AND don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat, and that muscle burns an average of 13.5 calories, as opposed to fat, which only burns an average of 4 calories. So, hang in there - just don't buy crappy electronic scales (like me) !

Hi all. I am right in your boat too! I have been working out like crazy. Anna... I feel like you... a hampster just runnin' for nothin'!!!! I think my problem is food. I need to find a way to stay motivated to eat clean! I just love carbs so much. I did lose 2 pounds but don't feel like it. Who knows... the scale is probably wrong anyway. I feel like my butt is fatter. My clothes fit better. However, I just feel weird.

I am worried because I go on vacation on Friday to visit my family in Florida. I am so worried I am just going to eat like a raging bull the entire week because their food is just irresitable:(

Anyway, maybe we should all brainstorm for a way to motivate??? I just feel that I am not doing the right stuff. I never know... do more cardio... do less cardio?? Do more weights?? do Less weights???? I am sooooo confused and overwhelmed. I love to workout so at minimum I am working out to Cathe every day and feeling great. Just wish I could lose my fat booty!!!!!!!!!!

I am so dreading all the holiday foods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Pammer http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport001.gif
RE: Sandra..........

Hi Donna

The rotation I am talking about is the kickbox/interval/circuit one. I am now on week 5 of the rotation. Last week my workouts were :BodyMax, Kickbox, Circuit Max, Interval Max, Kickbox and Power Hour.
This week the intensity goes up a notch as I will be doing 6 days of cardio and doing Slow and Heavy as well as BodyMax.

Maybe the increase in cardio will do the trick?!


You'll all get to where you want to be, if you continue with Cathe and ww. Cathe can't be beat for exercise, and WW can't be beat for nutrition. It worked for me. 19lbs lighter, kath
I had a so so week eating wise but am sooo bloated this week like it is TTOM but its not. I am so frustrated (as I've posted before) with this birth control pill I started 2 1/2 months ago. I'm on Orthotricyclen and swear I am retaining water BIG time. I actually gained 3 lbs and while my eating was not perfect (Donna, I confess I dipped into icecream- Starbucks coffee chocolate chip- Oh my God its soooooo good) I certainly did not eat to gain there is just no way I ate enough extra calories to gain. Its just water bloating and I'm sick of it.

I've decided to switch pills but can you believe my dr. won't even answer my phone call!!!! The receptionist said his policy is not to return patients phone calls and that I am not due for my next visit until March and blew me off. Well I was not happy with my Dr. before that - I have only been with this Dr. for a year - met him the first time when I was pregnant with my son who is now 4 months and was thinking of switching. My husband is a doctor and was appalled by this and asked around at work and got me the name of another Dr. who is supposed to be really great and actually care about his patients. I mean what if I had an actual emergency and my Dr. does not deal with patients between regular visits. Well, I've decided he is no longer my Dr.!!

Great job to everyone who lost.

For those who did not, there is always next week!

Donna, I got hungry just reading your daughter's birthday dinner. I want cheesecake sooo bad.

So I'm stopping my pill this week and seeing the new Dr. in January to get a new lower-dose pill. In the meantime I'm really curious how my body will respond to going off the orthotryclen and I'm hoping for a water loss this week.

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