weight loss and breast sagging


New Member
Dear CAthe:

First let me begin by saying I thank God for you and your commitment to fitness! Several months ago I made a decision to change my life and my diet and when I first saw your show I said "this woman must be out of her mind! I started walking and then running. Then I purchased an eliptical and thats when I read that strength training was very instrumental in weight loss and toning etc. Thats when I startewd watching you on fit tv. Since then I have loss 77 pounds and Im still going strong1 Problem is I've loss a significant amount of fat in my breasts too. I love the way my body is shaping up, Ive never felt so good about myself, but Im 47 years old and I really don't want breast implants (with their potential hazards) and my breasts are almost completely flattened!

I know they say you can't answer every question, but I think this is a very important question that thousands of women would love to hear your feedback on! Please help me!
I'm certainly not Cathe, but I know that many women benefit from getting a breast lift which does not involve implants. I've also heard that working your pectoral muscles can help a smidgen, but not significantly. Non-surgically your best bet is a fabulous bra.

I'm curious as to what Cathe has to say on the subject.

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