weight gain


New Member
Dear Cathe,

First i have to say how much i love all your videos!!!! YOu are the coolest and best!!!!! I am 29 and have never had a weight prob and all of a sudden it seems like if i look at food i gain weight. I work out constantly, with the nice weather alot outside, swimming and running. I have gotten down to eattng 1 meal a day which is usually healthy, but that is all i have time for. I am up to 130 and would love to get back down to 120, but the scale will not budge even if i try to strave myself. I used to be able to lose weight so easy. Maybe it is muscle, but i cant see ten bls of muscle on me. Any suggestions for what i am doing wrong? Thank you and keep the great videos coming!!!!
p.s., i am a carb loader and no nothing about protien. Any suggestins on where to start. Thank you!!!!!
I'm not Cathe, and I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to offer my advice. First, it sounds like you're getting plenty of activity and cross training pretty effectively. However, I would say that you have to make time more a few more meals during the day for several reasons. One is that with only a single meal chances are that you aren't getting enough calories to maintain your current level of activity. This can throw your body into "starvation mode" where it holds onto all the fat that it can because it thinks that you are going through a famine. This can result in your body burning approximately 720 fewer calories a day than it would if you ate a more balanced spread and the appropriate amount of calories for your weight/activity level. Secondly, your body is like a furnace and with out any fuel your metabolism shuts down and starts to smolder instead of really burn. That's why you should try to spread your calorie intake through out the day, in 5-6 smaller meals of balanced complex carbs/protein/fat. This keeps your metabolism stoked and burning to its fullest capacity.
Good luck and, again, I hope you don't mind me stepping in!

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