weight gain...bulk????


New Member
Hey Cathe, hope little Eric is doing well, and you guys too. I know you don't have much time, so if anyone has any suggestions.....
Since Christmas, I've had a 5to 8lb weight gain which could be muscle, that's what I'm told anyway. I've been rotating the PS series and MIS every three to four weeks and doing step, running and some kickboxing for my cardio. I usually work out 5xs a week. I've have tried everything to get the weight off, I am a Weight Watcher, but can't seem to get it to budge. I used to be able to turn that kind of gain right around. I have increased my weight (lifting wise) but have since decreased thinking that was the problem. Now my question, if I am gaining weight from muscle, shouldn't my clothes stil fit loose and looser? or will they get tighter because of "bulk"
Hope this makes some sense to someone!!! I know that muscle weighs more than fat but it takes up less room so the clothes should still fil loosely right?
weight gain

Unfortunately thats really hard to answer without knowing you and your body type more specifically. Some people bulk much more easily than others. Some people hold much more water in their muscles than others. Also, be sure that you are not overtraining. This sometimes causes muscles to expand and hang on to water giving you a more bloated appearance. But it is important to point out that after a very hard workout (the kind where you are sore the next day), your muscles WILL expand the next day or two in the recovery process. That water retention is normal and will dissipate during recovery.

In any case, if you are searching for the answer to the problem, you will need to do some experimenting. You have already taken the first step by decreasing your weight. Stick with this for three weeks and see if this helps.

Also, check your diet closely. Our appetites will definitely increase when weight training (especially heavy weight training)and if we do not eat sensibly to refuel our muscles, there is always the potential for weight gain.

Other experiments would be to 1) do a completely different form of cardio for a few weeks to shock your system 2) vary the intensity, duration, and/or frequency of each workout 3) take a full week off to let your body repair should it be overtrained, 4) alternate a week of lifting heavy with a week of lifting lighter.

These are just some suggestions. Hope this helps. Good luck and happy experimenting!
weight gain

Hi there-
I know exactly what you are talking about..I, too, gain weight after lifting heavy weights. I found that the day after I did leg work with heavy weights, the scale would say I gained a couple of lbs. It is truly from your muscle retaining water. It WILL go away after a couple of days.
Also, keep in mind that your clothes might fit tighter, but evaluate if it is in the right place or not. If they aren't as loose, you might be "filling them out" more attractively!
Hope my two cents helps!
WOW!! Thanks!!

Gee Cathe, you helped me out without me even asking!! I just started to lift heavy! I did 100 pounds squats using a pyramid system last week and again yesterday. I got up this morning and was very dismayed to find out I weighed one pound more than yesterday!! Your information just reaffirmed the notion that I should NOT be watching the scale so obsessively!!

I do feel my clothes getting loser but that scale sure plays with your mind!!!

Thanks again for such useful information!!!
"weight gain"

Thanks so much for the info. I really wish we could have you visit around here sometime!!!!! That would be Iowa....what a culture shock that would be!
Would high blood pressure or the meds for HP have any affect? I take a water pill and Toprol, I am under Dr. supervision and it is under control, most of the time. Didn't know if maybe this gives me the bloated look you talked about. Seems like I have been working so hard for that cut look and I'm kinda plateauing(not sure if that's a word) Sorry, I really feel like I'm babbling. Thanks again for the help!!!!!
Too much bulk

Hello! I can see from your description that it is definitely not a lack of workout that is making you gain the weight. I am also a Weight Watchers member and am working out about 5-6 times a week using a variety of step aerobics videos, including Cathe's videos. I have found that although my weight tends to fluctuate from one week to the next, my intake of water each week sure makes a difference. Although I do find it difficult to drink sometimes, keeping up with my water usually does the trick...as well as staying away from Chinese Food!!! Hope this helps a bit. Have a great day!

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