Hi TG:
I like the bench a lot. You can hold it on one end and sort of tip it, so it is on it's wheels, so, it is not so heavy to move around. It comes already assembled.
Yes, I use it for STS. I bought it because I wanted to have an incline option, and for the fact that it has a good warranty, and seemed to be well made. (I don't have the Push Pull Power, but have cheaper options, like a pullup bar, with different hand options, and bands and take up less room. ) I don't use the decline option(yet).
I have to figure out how to adjust my squat rack so that I don't feel so crowded under the barbell when my bench is inclined. Haven't taken time to figure it out(and not really sure it can be done). Anyway, be sure that if you end of getting a squat rack, too, that the bench will fit under the barbell without crowding you. NOt sure if that makes sense--if not let me know.
good luck!