Weider Ruthless workouts comments

I love Rip10s. Actually, I liked them all except Ringside which I really disliked although I love boxing. Glad it seems that some of you like that one!
Tried Rip 10s today...not bad except for those train burpees. Yeah, those were not happening. Haha! I did regular burpees with a jump at the end.
Horizontal Circuits for the first time yesterday...my core is sore! Only three more to try and they may be the three worst...Killer 100s, Willpower and Fast Slow Circuit Burn. Yikes!!
Horizontal Circuits for the first time yesterday...my core is sore! Only three more to try and they may be the three worst...Killer 100s, Willpower and Fast Slow Circuit Burn. Yikes!!

I love Killer 100s and Fast Slow Circuit Burn--both tough, excellent workouts. IMHO Willpower is the hardest of the entire collection--and the only one I hate. Be warned--it is brutal and ZERO fun. His crew's form went to $hit so many times during this workout it's not even funny.
Jen, I dread those three because of your review! Haha! I did the Fast Slow one today and it wasn't that bad. I am just not a fan at all of burpees or mountain climbers but I suffered through both pretty well.

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