Weekly Check-In (9/28)

Heeeeeeeeeeeeey girls! How are we all this week? Updates, updates!

I'm now 26 weeks and will be offically 6 months on Sunday! I can't believe how quickly the time is passing... but then again, it's not fast enough! LOL! I just can't wait to see this baby and hold her!

I'm feeling good, working out strong. Did Circuit Max (modified!) on Tues, and MAN, that nite my groin was REALLY REALLY sore... So I rested Wednesday and felt a whole lot better. Don't know if it's the lunges or the step work that gets me, but it sure hits home. I plan to do either FIRM Vol6 or Yoga Mama, depending on how my day goes.

It's so difficult to not sit around and watch the ultrasound over and over! The one I had on Tuesday was so very clear~ we could see EVERYTHING, and the baby was much more active than during the first. She kicked, streeeeeeetched her legs out, put her arm over her head... I saw fingers and toes and all! Very reassuring. And the BEST part.... she flipped onto her hands and knees and did a few donkey kicks (table work)! HA HA! She knew I was looking! That's my girl!

I noticed much more fatigue this week, and approaching the 3rd trimester understandably brings a lot of change. I just hope I keep feeling as good as I have. :) I think my "fatigue" during the day is more my reluctance to really work and preference to lie around, watching A Baby Story and reading preg magazines!

Hope everyone is feeling fit and active and loving every minute of it!

Michelle in So Cal
Hey Michelle! Congrats on making it to 26 weeks! You sound so excited and full of energy. I'm at 10 weeks so I am totally exhausted. I also ate 3 doughnuts today, so I'm about to get a major guilt-attack. Ugh! Why do I do that??? I can't wait until I have the energy to work out again. Please, nobody tell me that exercising will give me energy. :) I can hardly make it to my car to drive home.
Anyways, I am thrilled to be at 10 weeks. I thank God every week that goes by without any problems. I have my doctor's appointment next week and we should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat then.
Have a great weekend everyone!

mommy to angel Abby 10-19-00
blighted ovum 5-01
bean sprout edd 4-28-02
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-01 AT 07:14PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey everybody,

Michelle, I love that your little girl is already doing table work. How cute is that?! U/S tapes are pretty hard not to watch constantly aren't they. I also love watching A Baby Story. I wish they'd make some new ones though :)

Juju...don't worry, I won't tell you that exercise will make you have energy. I'd have probably popped someone if they'd told me that back in my 1st trimester. Take it easy and exercise when you can. Don't worry too much about the dougnuts either. Just drink plenty of water (PLENTY!) and try to eat as much whole foods as you can possibly stand.

As for me, I'll be 19 weeks tomorrow. I've been feeling pretty draggy the past couple of days for some reason. Still wanting to take naps. My Dr makes me feel pretty good about it though. He keeps telling me that of course I'm tired, I already have 2 children! :) I'm feeling the baby a lot more now. He/She was pretty active this morning. Probably because I was starving...LOL. He/She is also pretty active at night. I can't wait for the kids to be able to feel the baby move. I know that will just freak them out ;-)

I just thought of something. Would anyone like to participate in a daily check in for exercise? I know for me it's really easy to use the excuse of pregnancy and all it's "symptoms" to put exercising off. I figure if I had to account for it daily I would at least do something. What do y'all think?

♥ ♥ ♥​

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​

Michelle, sounds like you're doing great. You sound very excited. Table work, what a hoot! :)

Juju, I don't think any amount of exercise is going to help much when you're in the throes of the first trimester exhaustion! :)

Alli, are you going to find out what sex your baby is? You're getting VERY close to "that time"!

I had an appt this week, and we finally got to hear the baby's heartbeat (I'm going on 15 weeks now). It was pretty cool! We also discussed my history of cervical dysplasia and the cone biopsy I had and the risk it poses to my developing an incompetent cervix. I was pretty anxious about that issue, but thankfully they will be monitoring me very closely to see if my cervix begins to shorten drastically. I am well within the normal range for now, but the doc said that as I approach 20-22 weeks, it could change. So I have to see the dr. every 2 weeks for the next few rounds, and I get to have another ultrasound at 16 weeks (which normally would not have been scheduled) in addition to the one at 20 weeks. :) He praised me for my weight gain (6 pounds in 14 weeks) and said I was right on target. I was happy to hear that!

I've been very consistent with my workouts. I am modifying a lot, though. Seems almost any impact is too much for me. I get too much out of breath. I am using the perceived exertion method rather than the 140 bpm heart rate method, which I've heard is way out of date (Cathe? is that true?). Doing pretty well with weights too. I did 5 workouts this week--2 strength, 2 cardio, and 1 circuit. I don't think I did any Cathe, for the first time in a loooong time (sorry Cathe!) :-wow

Oh, and the really great news is that it looks like my hubby will NOT have to deploy in support of the efforts against Afghanistan after all. He's not out of the woods yet, but it's looking better each day. Happy happy!

Take care, all!
RE: Weekly Check-In (9/28) to Juju

Hi Juju! Way to go on your 10-week milestone! Ah... to hear the heartbeat, one of the most reassuring and "real" moments, isn't it? I get chills thinking about it! :D

Naw, just take it very easy until you are *ready* to workout-don't push it, IMO. I was SO TIREEEEEEED the first trimester, but when the 2nd came around, I started feelng great again! Don't worry, it will come.

And don't worry about the doughnuts. We're all entitled to indulge our cravings, IMO. Over the course of a healthy, nutritionally-sound week, those doughnuts average to very little. :)

BTW, I LOVE the name Abby! We almost chose it as our baby's middle name... but we stuck with the original choice (Julliett Jaide). However, I think I'll be calling her Abby! LOL!

Hang in there!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
RE: Weekly Check-In (9/28) to Alli

Hi Alli! Sorry you've been draggin your wagon, so to speak... I've been that way, too, this week. So bizarre. I have to FORCE myself to get some work done.

My son is just now believing it's the baby moving and not me... LOL! It's so neat how the baby will be asleep and then get really active when my hub and son come home and start talking. :)

I know, I'm so burned on the Baby Story right now... I saw a few new ones a few months ago (the music was even a little different), but now it's been allllll re-runs. :(

As far as the daily check-in... hmmm. I'm sort of scared, just b/c I've been having a lot of groin discomfort after more intense workouts, and I'm basically letting my body gauge whether I WO or not. I've only done 2 this week, but I'm ok with that, really. Every week is different. I have a group of friends with whom I post my daily workouts, but none of them are preg. How about if we post when we workout and tell each other how the workout went? I'll just feel silly posting that I did NOTHING! LOL! But I don't want to make myself feel bad. I read that it's good to limit yourself to 3-4/wk in the 3rd trimester... I know this is variable from person-to-person, but I really am listening to myself and taking the conservative route.

I'll post next time I workout (either tomorrow or Sun, not sure yet!).

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
RE: Hey! to Renae

Hi Renae! Keep us posted on your multiple appointments and ultrasounds; a healthy mom like you will has the best chances of having a healthy, normal pregnancy. :) Isn't the heartbeat the BEST?! :D

WTG on the workouts! You had a great week! Can you tell me what videos you are doing in addition to Cathe?

Oh... GREAT news about your hub. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you three! :)

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
Haven't checked in in a couple of weeks. I've been forgetting to do a lot of things lately! Everyone tells me that it's a "pregnancy thing"! :) I love reading how everyone is doing. Sounds like everyone is doing well.

I'm feeling much better these days. I'm still able to wear my regular clothes, but they're getting tighter. I ordered some maternity clothes from Old Navy but havn't received them yet. They have some really cute things at that site! I have my second ultrasound on Oct. 5 and we should be able to find out what the gender is. I'm so excited, it's all I can think about. Everyone thinks it's going to be a girl, but my husband is SURE it's a boy and I have had a couple of dreams where it's a boy, so who knows! I'm just praying for a healthy baby. Of course, we'll be excited whatever it is!

Stay healthy and happy everyone!

EDD 3/2/02
Glad to hear everyone is doing well. :)

Last Friday, the 21st, I had my first appointment with my OB. She corrected my due date - instead of April 19th (as I had calculated), she said my due date is April 24th, which is the same due date as Cathe! I'll believe her math instead of mine - haha.

I asked my doc about exercising in general and was so surprised at what she said; that doing step probably isn't safe anymore so I shouldn't do it, and not to lift any weights heavier than 10 lbs! I'm only about 11 weeks along and already I'm being told to modify drastically. Now I can understand easing off the step by the time you can't see your feet anymore, but up until that time I was hoping to continue with it. Especially with FIRM stepping, which we all know is so basic compared with Cathe stepping. I'm not looking for any new strength gains or to push myself really hard, but I do want to maintain a workout that I feel is of benefit, without, of course, harming my pregnancy.

I've been feeling fine physically - I don't really feel pregnant but I do feel bloated all the time. Must be all the fruit I've been eating.

My next appointment is 10/12 - hopefully I'll be able to hear the heartbeat then to turn this pregnancy into something more real for me.

Hope everybody has a great week!

Take care
Hi Everybody-
Well today is my offical due date (9/29) but nothing has happened yet!! I am dilated to 3 cm w/ no contractions.. I feel like a walking time bomb!!!

Still exercising, believe it or not.. I am finding the Cathe's CTX series strength part and modified versions of her Pure Strength series the easiest to do.. I have been doing some step as well as more power walking since everybody says walking is the best way to speed up the labor process.

It sounds like everybody is doing well.. hang in there w/ the morning sickness/nausea.. That was definitely the WORST part of the pregnancy for me. And keep up the good work for those of you who are still working out..it TOTALLY made my pregnancy much easier to deal with.. ( Will let you know how it affects labor hopefully soon!)

Take care everybody,

PS.. Linda, are you still around??? How are you doing?
Hi everyone! I'm so excited I caught this thread in time to respond to it. Lynn--how exciting! Be sure to tell us about the birth so us first timers can learn something. I am 33 weeks along myself. I feel like I'm ready to pop right now, I can only imagine how Lynn's feeling!
I was feeling pretty miserable for a while, but my doctor finally put me on Protonix for the acid reflux and WHAM! I feel so much better! Pregnancy is joyful again now that I can eat and drink without feeling it come back up. I didn't know it would make that big a difference, but I feel like a totally new person. Of course, it BETTER make me feel good considering what I paid for it. I nearly cried at the price tag, but it's worth it.
The anticipation is overwhelming. I can't believe I'm going to be a mother soon! This is very exciting and scarey at the same time. Hope everyone else is doing well!

RE: Weekly Check-In (9/28) to Wendy

Hi Wendy! LOL! I forget EVERYTHING, too... I'll start a sentence, and then trail off, completely forgetting what I was GOING to say (my hub and I were dying in the car yesterday about this very thing... it's too funny!).

YAY about the clothes! Old Navy DOES have some cute stuff. I ordered a bunch of VERY WELL=PRICED business clothes on imaternity.com, and I am so excited to get them! I also ordered the Adidas boot-leg exercise pants and tank from estyle.com, and I am looking forward to the belly support from actual MATERNITY pants. :)

Keep us posted on the ultrasound! That's the best, so very reassuring!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
RE: Weekly Check-In (9/28) to Amanda V

Hi Amanda! Oh YES, hearing that little precious heartbeat inside of you will make the preg 100% real! So truly amazing.

<<Now I can understand easing off the step by the time you can't see your feet anymore, but up until that time I was hoping to continue with it. Especially with FIRM stepping, which we all know is so basic compared with Cathe stepping. I'm not looking for any new strength gains or to push myself really hard, but I do want to maintain a workout that I feel is of benefit, without, of course, harming my pregnancy.

You know, I'm sure the amount of exercise education OBs receive isn't terribly extensive, and they have general guidelines to follow. As you said, if you are just looking to continue to reap the benefits of your workouts without trying to INCREASE your fitness, you sound very aware of your body and its limits. Some of Cathe's step scares me (some of the moves on Step & Intervals, for instance) b/c I am afraid that while turning as I propel myself over the step, my new center of gravity and loose joints will spell disaster. What I've done is simply lowered my step (to 6" from 8" for FIRMing, and from 6" to 4" for Cathe), just to give myself those extra inches and a little more security. LISTEN to yourself, your body telling you what might not be such a good idea, and monitor your exertion, and you'll do great!

So many of us work out regularly and are so different from each other, it would be too difficult to say ONE step height and ONE poundage is appropriate for all of us. My poundage has gone WAY down, but by choice in part. Pushups are still fine for me, and I feel strong doing them, whereas for leg press, I use NO WEIGHTS now (compared to using my 25-30# barbell), and I use a dowel, b/c that's what feels right to ME and what keeps my heart rate from flying through the roof.

Let us know about your appointment! So exciting! :)

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
RE: Weekly Check-In (9/28) to Lynn

WTG, Lynn, on the working out! WHOO HOO! You are my idol! I wanna be doing the same stuff on and around my due date! That is GREAT!

Working out has made this preg 1000% better than the first... the energy and body awareness and appreciatino I feel are IMMEASURABLE. I, for one, can't WAIT to hear how your fitness affects your labor and delivery.

Hang in there, and keep us posted! I'll be thinking of you and sending good vibes your way!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
RE: Weekly Check-In (9/28) to Beth

Beth! I'm so excited you saw the post this time, too! It's great to hear how you are doing.

WONDERFUL about the medication, and I'm so glad it is making your preg a good experience (what you deserve!).

Yay, you are 33 weeks! I'm 26... it is flying by so FAST! I remember just telling everyone I was expecting, and now... :D

Keep in touch!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
Hey guys! Hope everybody's doing well. To answer your question Michelle, I'd be very interested in doing a weekly (or daily) check-in. I check out some other boards but none of them are pregnancy AND fitness related. I am online enough that I'd like to do it daily, if anyone is interested. Even if we can't get up the strength to workout, I still like to hear how everyone's doing.

I actually had enough energy yesterday to walk! Hubby and I went outside, the weather was SOOOO nice, and we walked about 25 minutes. I know it isn't much but it's better than nothing. That's the first time I've felt good enough to walk! I'm very glad. With every week that goes by, I feel a little better! Sprout is growing and I've almost made it through this killer first trimester! :)

Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great Monday!

edd 4-28-02 (10 1/2 weeks)
Hi Lynn! Thinking of you and wondering if you are out power walking now or if, gasp, this is your big day :)! I'm so excited for you.
Hi Michelle!

Sorry it took me so long to respond back to you--my internet was down at home all weekend! :(

Anyway, I use a huge variety of tapes--I have more than 100--so I get lots of non-Cathe workouts. Keeps it all fresh! Cathe workouts are, however, overall the TOUGHEST group of tapes/DVDs I own.

I am using Firm tapes, as well as some CIA and Kari Anderson tapes. I'd say CIA, the Firm, and Cathe make up the bulk of my collection. Last week I did Firm Maximum Body Sculpting and CIA's PowerBar Training (a BodyPump style workout--it's actually very similar to Power Hour) for strength, and I did Andre Houle's Advanced Step and Firm Super Cardio for cardio. I did Kari Anderson's Body Tech for my circuit day (it's not technically a circuit tape; the first half is step, second half is weights--about 25 minutes of each). Basically I am finding I can still use most of my tapes, I just have to modify, modify, modify. The only ones I don't even bother with are MIC (way too intense for me now!) and Interval Max, and all my other interval tapes, too. Oh, and I am not using any of my Pure Strength or Slow & Heavy tapes, either. I like to lift as HEAVY as I can, and I know it's not safe to do that, so I'm sticking to the higher rep/total body stuff, like Power Hour and Firm style workouts.

I recently purchased Karen Voight's Streamline Fitness, a tape I normally wouldn't even consider, (with Green Genies, aren't they cute) for later in pregnancy. I figure by month 8 and 9 I'll want something a little less strenuous. :)
RE: Weekly Check-In (9/28) to Juju

Hey Juju! WTG on the walk! Not much, huh?! It's a LOT! You DID IT! Just getting your shoes and on doing it (whether "it" be walking out the door or pushing play on the VCR) is the hardest part of a workout, IMO. Be PROUD! :D I'm sure the baby loved it. :)

ANY activity will help, and it can only make you feel good (assuming, of course, your heart rate did not reach excessive levels and you did not over exert).

Keep it up, and celebrate ANY victory!

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02
RE: Hi Michelle! to Renae

hi Renae!

<< Basically I am finding I can still use most of my tapes, I just have to modify, modify, modify>>

AMEN, sistah! That is exactly the way I see it. I basically think I won't be doing FIRM CC1 during my preg, but every other one is workable. And how accomplished I feel after a good, hard workout!

Keep going, and keep posting! It's great to hear how everyone's doing! :D

Michelle in So Cal

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