Weekly Check-In (9/28)

RE: Weekly Check-In (9/28) to Juju

Hi everyone.
It sounds like everyone is doing well. For you first trimester women-hang in there. It really does get better. I despised my first trimester and now I am really enjoying my pregnancy.
Lynn-good luck! Hope everything goes smoothly. Can't wait to hear about your brand new little miracle! Also, Renee-wonderful news r.e. your husband. I can't even imagine how stressful that would be especially when you are expecting a baby.
I just got back from the doctor today. I am now 24 weeks. I am feeling full of energy and apparently my appetite is too. I wasn't too happy with my weight gain of 5.25 lbs. this month. I am not completely discouraged because I am at the exact total weight gain at this time last pregnancy and also it could be partly due to being on vacation last week and not having as many healthy foods and not exercising as much.
On Sunday I actually ran a 5K. I went into the race with a wait and see attitude of how I was feeling. If I didn't have the energy, I was only going to walk. However, the weather was perfect, most my family was running as well as some friends and I felt great. I only stuck to my own slower pregnancy pace and did not care what anyone else was doing. I listened to my body and ran the whole time. I actually ended up placing 3rd in my age group. Had this race been during either my first or third trimesters, I would have walked for sure. Needless to say, this is the only race for this pregnancy.
This baby is highly active! I love that feeling inside.
Take care everyone. If I have time, I will also join in on the daily workout check-in's. I know as I approach and get into my third trimester I will be slowing down and will need some motivation and encouragement.
RE: Weekly Check-In (9/28) to Erika

Erika! <Standing up and applauding right now...> That is AMAZING! You *RAN* a 5K at 24 weeks!!!!!!!! WHAT an accomplishment! :-jumpy I hope you have some pix to show the little one in the future.

My last run was during my first trimester, and I really do miss that feeling of the quick feet under you... I know it's not impossible to run when preg, but I'm scared for some reason... I think the laxity of the joints and the clumsiness! And my motivation isn't exactly sky-high! LOL! :-tired

Hope you can check in with us often! We're almost at the same pt in pregnancy... Here I was, talking about how GREAT I was feeling, and then the 3rd tri hits, and BOOM! I'm a lazy slug! LOL! But I will persist! :D

Michelle in So Cal
due 1/6/02

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