Happy Saturday, everyone!
I slept in until 6:00 this morning, which was pure bliss! I've been waiting until 7:00 to start laundry since the laundry room is upstairs and right above the guest bedroom, and then most of today will be spent doing Clean Max and Laundry Max. I think I have PS Chest/Back (is that right?) scheduled for today, and I'll probably also add in some short cardio -- maybe 4DS HIS since I love that one!
The in-laws are supposed to be here around 3:00 or 4:00 to visit and then we'll all go to dinner. I need to talk to DH beforehand, b/c I refuse to keep paying for BIL when we eat out. (Once again, he didn't even offer to chip in for pizza last night. I honestly wouldn't have taken the money, but shouldn't he at least offer? Shelley called it -- he's a total moocher!)
I also just wanted to thank you all SOOOO much for being so supportive about my grumbling about BIL and for offering such good advice. I think that I need to talk to DH about things today. It's just awful b/c I already feel like a guest in my own house. I could put up with it graciously if it were just a week-long visit, but who knows how many months he'll be here for?? Last night, for instance, I wanted to take off my bra and put on my jammies, and yet I didn't want to be hanging all out there, so to speak, so I ended up just going upstairs at 8:30 and reading in bed. Normally I love to read in bed, but it sucked to *have* to do that, you know?? I promise, promise, PROMISE to shut up about it the rest of the weekend. Sorry to be such an annoying bore! :-(
Oh, Kristi -- Your new avatar is gorgeous!!! You look so elegant and beautiful!!! What a beautiful woman you are! Hooray for getting ready for Chicago tomorrow. Do you have a full itinerary while you're there? Glad you had fun at the productions last night! Did you like Death Cab for Cutie?
Are Katie and Haleigh super excited about Chicago? I think I'm going to have to cave with you on Cardio Coach, too -- although I have no idea how I'd use them since I don't have access to a machine and hate running!
Robin -- Hooray for CCPP today! Sounds like you have a busy day -- and can I invite myself over again for some of that pie and those brownies?? Yummy!:9 So what kind of restaurant are you and DH going to tonight? Your evening last night sounded like it was so relaxing and fun! How much longer will DD's SO (Jim?) be here before he has to head back to Afghanistan? Is it one more week? Are you doing OK today after doing Imax 3 yesterday? Don't overdo it!
Shelley -- We missed you so much yesterday, but it sounds like you had a fabulous day with Sophie and Karen! I'm so happy for you! ETA: We were posting at the same time. WTG on your workout this morning! Wow -- over 8 miles?? You ROCK, babe!
Lainie -- What a busy day you had yesterday! Did Brian get home safely?
Allie -- Did you get a good night's sleep again last night?
I better get started on Clean Max. I'll BBL to say "hi" to everyone else, even though it sounds like we'll be missing Shannon and Kara today!!
I miss Tneah! :-(