Siobhan, your workout sounds challenging! Jump rope, burpees and plank! Amazing!Good Saturday Morning Everyone,
I was able to squeeze in a workout today as I got most of my work done in between sessions last evening. I did a YT Tiff & Dan workout - jump rope and burpees for 30 minutes (that was enduring) and added on an 8 minute YT T&D plank challenge - I couldn't keep up holding my planks as long as Dan did but finished it.
Enjoy your Cathe Live today, Linda; that is if you fit it in
Annette - We are practically the same age as I turn 59 in the summer
Nora - WTG with your Kaleigh workout yesterday
Deanna - I admire your commitment to follow a rotation. My DH is like that - he can just follow the rules of a program (I'm a rebel).
Waves to Nicki - I hope you feel up for a workout this weekend
Now, to get ready for the office!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Enjoy your rest, Linda!!Good morning ladies! Nice Sat morning workout Siobhan! No CatheLive today, since I did one Mon. thur Fri.
I'll start back with CL next Sat. hopefully. Taking a rest weekend to relax & re-group!
Everyone enjoy a blessed weekend!
Annette, that's cool you can follow along with a Spanish speaking workout. I guess it's more about watching them. Good for you!Hey ladies,
Yay!! I did a workout on Saturday, Whoohoo!!
So I found another Aerobox workout from a different Spanish speaking gym and instructor. This time a female instructor, it was good and only 39 minutes long, but I did sweat. She was easy to follow despite being instructing in Spanish. I even picked up a word she said that was the word for 'kick', since through most of it there weren't any kicks.
I even got over 3000 steps in the workout.
Anyway, I did it and nothing was complicated.
Siobhan, you are in-between my brother and my husband birthday wise and you will all be 59 this year.
Nice workouts ladies!!
I didn't get anything in today. Attended a wedding for one of my gym friend's son. It was beautiful!!
I'm going to try Functional Core and ICE Upper Body tomorrow. Supposed to get some nasty weather.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Hello to Deanna, Nora and Donna!