Week of Jan 12 Pregnancy Check In

Jess no im not that desperate. But wow i cant believe people were actually bidding on that and she is up to a decent amount of money. or she was anyway last nite. i havent checked out the link since then. Some people just...i dont know...its amazing what they will do.

I just ogt out of the shower and had my traditional egg sandwich post workout. it took me forever to workout today. haha. i did the 2 4ds weight ones and then i setllted on a workout i havent done in a long time and only attempted once before. its an old CIA workout called Power Aerobics with two sisters who team teach it. It was high low and actually it was pretty fun. It was good for days where you dont know what to do but still want a decent workout. My feet hurt halfway thru, so again i kicked off my shoes and just did it in my socks. i dont know how safe that is but lately i just cant bear the pain when i wear my sneakers.
JEss im sorry to hear about all the difficulties your brother is going thru :)
Im used to this cop life. i'm in law enforcement and so is my DH. My dad was too so its just something i'm accostomed to.

ok, well gotta take the puppy out. she is all hyper and happy today. i love that little booger!
Jen- I guess its the same for me with the military. My dad is airforce, my older brother is an aiforce pilot, my other brother was army, DH is army. but I haven't been military though myself.
Too bad about your shoes. guess if you can still workout without them you'd be ok for now.

Tana -lol on clifford. your probably right. hehe. cute though. glad the pillows helped last night :)

Skyy - glad your dh is coming home.
Hi Ladies,

Well.... today was okay. My back started to hurt again. Probably because I had to stand in a long line at Burlington Coat Factory to buy Anna's baby crib. There is a Baby Depot in that store and I wanted to get some pink and brown crib sheets for the baby. Who would have thought that crib items would be so pricey.....Then I saw that they had 10% off if you buy the crib and the mattress. So I went a head and got the cirb tonight.

Now DH has something to do...... put it together!!! He wanted to wait, and I told him that the sooner he puts that crib together, the sooner I start "nesting"... Meaning... cleaning and organizing . I haven’t been back on the treadmill, but plan to walk alittle tonight.

Iwill check-in with you later,
Good evening ladies
i've had a busy day. MY DH finally woke up around 3 since he worked so late. Then my dad came over and we all had the clam chowder, its all gone now. it was really good, and then later we had coffee.

When my hubby left for work my dad volunteered to help put together the baby things. Which took ALOT longer than i thought!! SHeesh. But we got the stroller and car seat put together, the bassinet, and the baby swing. Im so sore from sitting on the floor and heping. I hate building things. THe only thing left is the pack n play and highchair. I wont be needed the high chair for a while though. So pops just left and now its me and the dog.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I should go to church but my DH wont since he is working so that means i'll skip. But thats really bad ebcause my church shower is at 3! But i know i wont have the discipline to get up. I"m bad :( But anyway, i'm looking forward to the shower and seeing what goodies i'll get tomorrow! I wont really see my husband again tomorrow but i guess we can catch up monday after i get home from work.

anyone doing anything exciting tonite? Or you all sitting around at home alone like me :)
Jen - nothing exciting here. too lazy to workout so I'm taking a day off.
Glad you got all your gear set up. what kind of stroller/carseat did you get? Hope you have a fun shower tomorrow. let us know what you get ;)
I need to get some stuff done tonight before going to bed so I gotta get myself off this chair and take my shower to start. lol.
baby is kicking and rolling around right now. seems hes always up in my ribs now.

Skyy - I've been nesting for a while and I've got a ways to go yet LOL! I didn't know how into that I'd be this time but I'm really eager to get everything set up. ;) I'm pacing myself in buying baby gear. I'd love to just splurge and buy it all and play with it but can't afford to do that. ha. baby stuff is so pricey!! I got a tub at target the otherday and really cute baby towel at ross on clearance. I'm getting the carseat/stroller soon.

Hope you get your crib etc set up quick.
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No big plans here tonight either. Should be working out...sigh. For some reason I'm a little sore down below. Wonder if I overdid it cleaning and moving the bookcase. Not too bad, but a little achy when I start walking around. DH is upstairs watching the Barrett-Jackson auction. I'll probably just join him. The last car I saw before I came down here was a '55 something that went for $600,000. It had some big history or charity attached to it. Still...ka-ching!!

I need to start looking for a carseat. Hadn't really planned it, but then noticed DS's was manufactured 5/04 which would put it at 6yrs old this spring/summer. We'd better play it safe and buy a new one. I'm not sure where to do research on which ones are the safest/best. Or are they all pretty much the same?

Jen, looking forward to reading about all the goodies you get tomorrow! Is this the one your DH gets to go to?

Off to bed I go...good night all.
Tana - why are you moving a bookshelf when you are preggers???? Bad girl! haha. Well, i hope you feel better and less sore tomorrow.
Oh, the showe r tomorrow is just me. My husband is going to the one next weekend. He is working this weekend and cant make the church one, but thats ok. Im still looking forward to it.

Jess - i got the Graco Travel System. It comes with the stroller and car seat combo. It was not too expenisve. My mom bought it for us though. But when you get 2o% coupons and things go on sale, thats the best time to go. At Babies R Us anyway. Its called CATALINA. Its gender neutral, i like it. It manuevers nicely and folds easily. At least what little i've tried to move it around anyway.

Skyy - so exciting you got the crib :) thats one step closer. I'm sure your DH will put it togetehr for you soon. Have fun nesting!

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