Week of Jan 12 Pregnancy Check In

Tana - mmm biscuits and gravy. ;) thats a bummer. I remember when I was 13 and got the spacers in my teeth for braces and my teeth/gums were SOOO sore I couldn't eat at all. My family were eating all these awesome meals that few days. I STILL remember that. haha.

Jen -how many U/S have you had? I hope the next one they find out the weight but I have also heard they aren't too reliable. I think as far as guessing your due date that is easier to do earlier on than this far. (they are smaller and run more on the same size scale for a while I think, after that they vary alot and it isn't as accurate I think?)

Just got back from the park for a while. The kids needed some fresh air and to burn off some energy. kinda cool out but not really cold so it was nice.
Making dinner now, I'm baking brisket meat I dip in a bit of bbq sauce, some fresh corn and I'm making a tub of mac n cheese for the kids to eat.. well ok I'm having some too. lol. that stuffs good! i'm not really into the box stuff but I like this stuff. lol. I was making some fresh green beans yesterday and let them to cook on the stove top while I got the laundry and they burned :( I guess I didn't put enough water in there. I was SOO bummed cause I love fresh green beans.
I'm planning to do weights tonight. I have a bit of a headache so I hope it goes away soon.
Jen, that's great you got approved for another u/s! You had mentioned conflicting midwives and weren't sure if you'd get one. Hooray!! You get to peak at your little girl again!!

Jess, I had no idea green beans could burn. Then again, I'm not much of a cook (thank goodness DH likes to cook). I probably wouldn't even know they needed water. LOL That's funny how you still remember 15+ yrs later about the food your family ate in front of you when you got spacers. It was the smell of those biscuits and gravy that still lingers in my mind. Now if it had just been oatmeal or something that didn't smell.... I also remember after my c-section, the hospital just gave me broth for lunch, dinner, and breakfast. I was soooooo hungry! Luckily my brother smuggled in some licorice to appease me.
Tana - I put the fresh greenbeans with some water and a lid on the stove top and let them steam. When they are done I add any flavorings. I use a cast iron and the water wasn't enough so when I came back they were all black and burned on the bottom. Didn't look so appetizing anymore. :( They usually come out perfect but I'm usually keeping an eye on them. ah well.
good evening ladies!
jess we have all been there where we burned something by accident! i cook all the time, and we are bound to make mistakes! :)

tana yes i get to peak at my little one in a week and a half. i just hope my insurance covers it, otherwise i'm screwed!

after work i did Cathe's orginal bootcamp. that also used to be a breeze for me, but it felt tough tonite. what the heck?!?! Maybe its the pregnacny and the growing baby. Im not feeling as sick. I just had an egg sandwich for dinner and small peice of leftover quiche. Im still feeling kinda hungry but im gonna hold off for a while on eating anything else since its already 830

im actually watching american idol right now. haha. i like the beginning shows where they show some ridiculous people.
Hello everyone. I just did the third burn workout with CLX. The first one was kinda hard.. but today it wasn't so hard and I was lifting heavier. I guess I'm getting stronger. I must've lost a bit of strength when I was all sick and not working out so regular. Glad to see its coming back quickly though. I got through it pretty easy and was lifting what Chalene was. I'm sure if I wasn't preggo I could've gone heavier. I just feel like I should be careful so I don't think I'm pushing myself as hard as I usually would. There were only a couple pushups as an add on to something. I got out the top of my step and put my hands on that and it helped alot. I have to say it still felt rather wierd though haha. I don't usually have all that weight in the middle.

I'm kinda eager to bust out a serious Cathe weight workout now. I'll do that next time I think. or else maybe a Jari workout. I like hers too.

Jen -how do you make your egg sandwich? I'm just curious. sounds tasty. Hope the insurance covers your U/S!! can you not ask them before you do it so your not out the money? I know you were talking about this before so sorry if you already said.

Well gotta go put the boys down. talk to you ladies tomorrow! :)
Good morning! :)
Great job on the workouts Jess. Dont worry about feeling weaker and being more cautious. Our ligaments and tendons are looser now and we are more vulnerable to injury so its smarter to be cautious while working out. I think we all need to give ourselves more credit and not be hard on ourselves. Do you know how many people NEVER work out period? Or how many people stop when they are pregnant?? So, we are AWESOME by comparison :) I'm 8 months pregnant and still working out with Cathe. Yeah! So we all get high 5's this morning. Haha.

Anyway, i hear you on pushups. I must look real silly with this huge belly hanging out from under me. I did cathe's Bootcamp yesterday and oh my - those squat thrust/burpees HA HA i must have looked hilarious! I couldnt even do them all becuase my stomach was in the way. The baby was going all beserk too. I dont think she liked it one bit!

As i was getting washed up this morning , i thought "I'm going to have a baby!" I think it just sort of his me this morning. Yea, i've been preggo for 8 months and planning and thinking abotu her all the time but i think the reality of it all just smacked me in my tired face! I have no idea what i'm going to do as far as my work schedule or child care. I havent even thought about it :( My whole life is about to change forever. And i cant wait to meet this little booger incubating inside of me! :) Now, if only she could get a NAME, wouldnt that be wonderful!

Oh, my egg sandwich. Well its nothing special but i like it. I thorw some wheat toast in the toaster. Then in a small fry pan i just spray some canola cooking spray. I crack one egg and one egg white and crank up the burner. sometimes i break the yoke, sometimes i dont. then when it starts getting solid i flip it for a couple seconds. then i add some cheese and let it melt. The egg comes out in a circle like the small pan haha. Then i fold it so the cheese meltes and i slap it in between some toast and voila. My DOG loves when i make it becuase she is a big fan of cheese and also likes when i give her some egg. She is such an oinker. Sometimes i 'll make scrambled eggs and throw it in between toast, but that tends to make the toast mushy.
Mmm..i love eggs. THat sounds good right about now!
Oh i forgot to answer about the insurance question JEss.
I told the midwife i dont want to pay out of pocket and i'd rather not have one done if thats the case. She said there is no way to find out sooner, you only find out when they bill you.
I havent had an issue so far with insruance, so far everything has been covered. Its just i got conflicting statements from 2 different midwives. I guess thats the downfall of seeing more than one person..
Jen - that stinks about the insurance! that isn't right. They should be able to tell you.

I'll have to try the egg sandwich. Here is something I like sometimes I got it off of Chalenes blog. ha.
I toast an english muffin half and a piece of canadian bacon. I lightly fry an egg like you did. Top with a piece of reduced fat swiss and put it on top of the canadian bacon/english muffin. I usually put a dash of salt/pepper. mmmmmmmmm.. super delish. You could put the other piece of english muffin on top but I don't need it I get full on that.
man I wish I had the stuff for that now. I'm starving! I may try your sandwich instead ;)

I think I'm getting my muscle tone back. Stinks I ever fell out of it but it couldn't really be helped. sigh. Muscle memory is great. I've gained a few lbs since lifting again I assume thats why. I'm not going to let it get to me. I can tell I look a bit better already. I'm feeling SOO much better working out regular again.

yeah its sad that most women feel pregnancy is a time to be inactive and lay on the couch with ice cream. Not that a tad of ice cream here and there will be bad but in general they just lay around and eat too much. kwim. so yeah I feel good that I'm working out. ;)

MM ok mid posting I made myself an egg sandwich. its goood. ;)
Hi Ladies,

I finally got the chance to read through this week’s check in:

Tana—about the baby’s weight during the ultrasound; the best they can do is a prediction by measuring the circumference of the baby’s head and tummy and the upper thigh bone. But as everyone has already said, their guess may not be accurate.

You won’t believe how much you and I have in common. My Dr. wanted to induce me on March 4th as well. I asked for her to do it on the 6th instead (I like Friday’s—I am my happiest on Friday’s)

Laura—No one has tried to touch my belly yet. I don’t know how I would react. I think that if it was summer time, I would probably walk around with my belly showing!! Did you ever see the Friends episode where Rachel went to the Dr. office with her belly hanging out? I think that is how I would have done it, had I been pregnant in the summer.

I had my first son in a German hospital. It was a wonderful experience. The nurses were so nice and helpful- The birthing room was private and decorated like a nursery room with yellow walls and clouds on the ceiling. It was a totally different experience with my 2nd son who was born @ a military hospital in the States.

Jess—I too am happy that your neighbor’s dog is home and is okay. I am still on the fence about getting CLX, but I feel that I am going to cave something this weekend. I also like Jari’s workouts. I like the Ripped 1000 the best. Although I’ve only done it a few times.

Jen—About people commenting about or big/small you are. It is kind of funny—but I have had people come out and ask me how much I weight now. It is like they are competing somehow to get to their goal weight before I return from maternity leave. I just tell them and move on—my hubby thinks that I will get back into shape quickly.

I was one of the people who completely stopped working out when I found out that I was pregnant. I feel bad about it; but not enough to seriously start back up before the baby comes. I just tell myself that I will work extra hard after she is born to get back to where I was. Hopefully it won’t take too long to get back into it. :eek:

Well…… I think I’ve typed enough for now. I hope to finish up the blanket that I am knitting for Anna this weekend, then I am going to sew up some little outfits. I went to Joann’s fabric and brought some baby patterns that I am anxious to get to. It is something to keep my mind busy while I wait for March to get here.

Have a good day Ladies, and I will post later.
Jen -oh and I sometimes stop and freak out that I have another baby coming ha. I think its finally sunk in for me but with my first I kept doing that till he was born I think. ha. Can't wait to see your little one. It'll be soon! :)
Skyy -well it is easy to fall out of working out when preggo. Your body feels so off and you just want to lay down. I know cause I do that part of the day everyday and have to peel myself up. ha. But you should try a light workout. even walking. just to get your body moving. I hear it helps with the labor/delivery. I only did walking the last month with my last one I think. Couldn't do much else. I felt like a beached whale. (That title is so fitting to how to you feel lol.) I was mostly out of it till a few weeks ago. I couldn't really help it though this pregnancy started out so ruff. It felt really weird at first but I'm already getting used to it.
MM Jess you made an egg sandwich. Yum. I just had my oatmeal and yogurt for lunhc. The usual boring foods. :)

Skyy, thats ok you dont work out while pregnant. You need to listen to your body. I personally feel better when i get some sort of activity in, but that is just me. I've always had a hard time with the number on the scale and get freaked out when it goes up. But i have sense enough to know i AM pregnant. I also know i'm not pigging out and im working out regularly, so there is not much else i can do. Sure, i can eat a lot cleaner, but i still dont think my diet is horrid. :)

Im going to pick up some maternity clothes today - wish me luck. I hope they fit me this time. Im always weary about buying used/thrift clothes. NEver really know where they come from or if they have any "germs". But it really helps save money when money is tight and times are rough...right? Sigh...
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Jen -if you have a ross check there. I got half my maternity wardrobe pretty cheap there. My goodwill charges too much. I see stuff all beat up for not much less than buying new at Ross.
Skyy, that is funny that we're both scheduled to have our babies on the same day. My date might change too. The nurse told me to call later to see if we can get a day with the surgery in the morning. I'd like it in the morning, but I'll probably be so nervous and excited that it won't matter if it's in the afternoon. I can also relate to not wanting/getting in exercise. I've been going in spurts. It's so easy for me to fill my "spare" time with other things. I've kept an exercise log for years and have looked back at the time I was preggo with DS. It looks like I exercised often. Soooo not the case with this one. I need to get back to walking on the treadmill at least 30 min most days.

Jess, great job on the workouts! I did GS Chest & Tri yesterday and I had totally forgotten about the drop sets of pushups at the beginning (yeah, how could I have ever forgotten those???). Oh my. Kicked my heavily-modifying rear. The last few sets I think I looked like I was just rocking forward on my hands and knees. Talk about some resistance...our tummies. LOL

Jen, good luck and happy shopping! I haven't had an egg sandwich in quite a while. Sounds delicious!! I think it'll be something DS will eat too. Will be a great change from hotdogs, grilled cheese and mac & cheese.
well in general I think us who post here on a CATHE forum will get back into it sometime after baby even if we take a break during pregnancy. I just feel its harder after baby than during pregnancy to workout but everyone is different. (thats why I'm determined to do better now). Some may have more help than others with the baby also. (me -nadda) I'm going to need you all's encouragement after baby to get my rear in gear. :) It'll help just posting here. But yeah I'm thinking when I posted earlier about ladies not working out... they are NOT in shape and probably never will be. Some gained alot right away and do "talk" about working out after baby but I doubt it. sorry to say. I wonder if they realize it's hard after baby to workout too just due to exhaustion etc.

You guys will show me up for sure when the little ones come. I'm trying to be possitive but we'll see. Thats why I'm getting some shorter w/os and what not so I have no excuses ;) I know I'll have to take a few weeks off for recovery then I hope to ease back into a routine even if 3 x a week. Doing something will keep me going. If I stop completely its so much harder to get going later on. kwim?

Tana/Jen - I don't know how much longer I'll even be ABLE to do pushups. If you guys are doing them farther along then bravo ;) lol.
You Ladies are encouraging about the exercise thing. :D

A thought hit me while reading the replies. Could the reason that I am so tired be the result of not exercising? At this point, I don’t if I am not exercising because I am being lazy, or if I am just taking advantage of the fact that no one expects me to exercise. So.. I am going to commit to getting on my treadmill for 30 minutes tonight. I will post when I finish. For accountability. Let’s see how I feel after I get up and do something. I may even sleep though the night.
I met my goal for tonight. I did 30 mins on the treadmill and feel great!!!

Good night Ladies, until tomorrow.


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Skyy! Yay for the workout on the treadmill!! You said you would post for accountability. Not only that but you included a picture of yourself on the treadmill lol. Too funny :) Im glad you feel great. Sometimes working out really does help with fatigue. Sometimes it doesnt. OUr bodies are going thru so much right now, so keep that in mind. I think the best advice is listen to your body and see how you feel. Sometimes i just know i cant do a killer workout, like an IMAX, so instead of doing nothing at all i pick one of my easier ones that will still give me a decent workout. And some times i do not exercise at all.

I did not workout last nite becuase my husband was off. Same with tonite. So i will workout again fri/sat/sun.

I had an awful nite last nite ladies. I went to bed at 830 last nite!! I kept waking every couple of hours though. But from 1-3am I was WIDE AWAKE.. So I got up. Then I went back to bed and slept until it was time to get up for work. I was sooo uncomfortable. I thought I was going into labor!

My stomach was pulsing and all over the place and I could not breathe too good. Even this morning, this baby is overly active and I have to take some deep breaths. But I still feel like im not getting enough oxygen in. UGH. I HATE that!

Can anyone describe labor to me? The real deal? I know iw asnt in labor but i was getting all worried and i kept saying im not ready yet, im not ready yet!! Its too early!! Haha. Got me thinking maybe i should pack my hospital bag this weekend! :) Im glad my DH was there. Im convinced she is going to come when he is at work and im home alone at nite. But maybe she will surpise me

I think what i was feeing was just really violent movement from the baby. Contractions are more toward your private area , for lack of a better word, right? My discomforta was near my rib cage and my stomach, not so much down below. It was just pulsing and twiching and just awful. She is also very active this morning too, a lot more than usual...

Sorry, I don’t mean to whine. Im just miserable. I thought for sure I’d be so well rested by going to bed earlier than an old lady but I guess it back fired on me. I didn’t even get to watch American Idol! Haha
Jen - contractions are usually over your whole stomach area. The uterus will be tightening hard. Some say theirs start out light, mine start out somewhat light but increase in intensity pretty quickly. The point is to see if you can time them. If it happens in spaced intervals you may be having real contractions. The pressure down there doesn't get real bad till your further along in labor. The contractions and the pressure/pain down there are two different things to me. Can't say which is worse cause they both hurt ha.
What I do sometimes to get more comfortable is build up pillows to an angle and sleep an an angle. I can breathe better and am more comfortable. I have like 5 pillows around me at night now ha. I also sleep with a body pillow. It really helps having that to hold onto and between my knees/legs. I'm pretty uncomfortable without it.
I hope you feel better! Near the end you get lots of aches/pains and some braxton hicks etc so by the time the baby comes YOUR READY for it to be over! ha. Just see if it happens again if it comes in timed intervals. Which probably wasn't cause you'd be still having it now and at the hospital I think? you may have had some braxton hicks contractions and the baby is beating you up. ;) that and just pregnancy fatigue. hope tonight is better for you!

Skyy- yay for the treadmill. ;) I do feel that when I'm not exercising I actually have less energy. It is an adjustment at first if you've not worked out in a while but soon your body is used to it and feels good when you w/o instead of pooped. I feel like I'm having more energy now that I've worked out more lately.
Hi Jess
Quiet on here today isnt it? :)
Thank you for your input on contractions. I was pretty sure i wasn't in labor but it got me thinking as to what i should expect so i know when it is for real. I've never felt like this before and it got me all worried. Plus its uncomfy! This little one is kicking my butt. Shes been really violent since last nite. Its settled down a little...
but now i am getting sharp pains down below. Is THAT normal?? Nothing like this has happened before. I know when im in labor for real i will know it, but this is just different for me. maybe its normal tho

its my friday and i cant WAIT to go home. About 3 more hours to go. Sigh...

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