Weak Hips


New Member
I use to run 40 + miles a week, but knee problems have side lined me. I just found out it is actually weak hips. I purchased LIS, but haven't done it yet because of the knee pain. Will this workout strenthen my hips or do I need something different? Thank you.
Actually you might try two things:

1) Tracie Long's new DVD dedicated to building strong and flexible hips and

2) Runnersworld.com where there are descriptions of exercises and video demos to help build stronger hips for runners. This is exactly their domain.

Thank you, Clare. I found the Tracie Long video you recommended. Runnersworld is where I finally figured out my knee problem. They had a test, which I failed. :) Thank you again. I will check out the video. Sheela
Hi Sheela, another option would be to try Jill Miller's Hip Helpers to stretch and strenghten your hips.

There's one exercise where you put right foot on a block and lift your left leg up and down and around which I find really helps.

Good luck!
I wanted to second the Jill Miller Hip Helpers workout; I have the same issue of "tight" hips (all stems back to my running days and IT band problems). Jill has some great stretches and strengthening exercises in this video that all focus on opening and strengthening the hips.
Yes, I second the Jill Miller hip helpers DVD. As a runner with the exact same problem as you (hips and IT band tightness), I purchased this DVD for this exact reason last year and have yet to use it! Terrible! Thanks ladies for the reminder......


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