We need a field trip


I am just drooling over Francine's trip to Cathe's. I was telling DH how lucky she is to live in New Jersey, on and on and on for an hour. Francie, I swear I turned green with envy when you asked Deborah to go to Cathe's. Green is not my best color :). Well, I married a genius, because he said "Well, why don't a group of you just go?." Now that Cathe is back to work after the baby, do you think VF will do something this year? Is there a brave soul amongst us who can organize travel? Have you guys ever done this before? This could be so fun! Tell me your thoughts!
Hi Dawn! I have a suggestion that won't be as overwhelming as a road trip! I actually talked about the previous roadtrips with Cathe when I seen her! Somehow they just faded away she said! Funny timing on your post though! I know how lucky I am to be able to participate in her live class ! I've been wanting to for soo long but had conflicting schedules! It would be soo neat to organize a get together for the forum gang so you all could have the oppurtunity to visit Cathe and take her class too!I know that Cathe would love to meet everyone and workout with you all! My suggestion would be to set up a feasible day Sat or Sun where she will be willing to create a special forum class for that time and then have a meeting place at a close luncheon or dinner to meet up and get aquainted! Say a class of 25 or maybe 50 for starters! I'm saying this low figure because it can be overwhelming meeting her and everyone will want to talk ! It will be hard to get it all in with alot of people! Just trying to be realistic on a memorable time for all--who knows it could work out to be an annual or bimonthly experience if it's well planned out! Maybe you could start a post to see who is willing to do the get together , you'll have a better idea of a head count and then go from there--I will definietly mention this to her! If she's not able to fulfill this request, you can always get a head count on who wants to drive in for the day to take her scheduled classes(call or email ahead to let her know you'll be coming so that there will be room--she packs them in!) Good luck , let me know if I can be of any help! Cause I would love to see you guys and gals too!Even if there is only room in the parking lot! haha--Your friend in fitness~~Francine
RE: Sign me up!!

Where are you located Sharon? I'm in Blackwood and can meet you there if you go on a Monday! You can always email me if you are up to it--or I'll just see you there! [email protected] Your friend in fitness~~Francine
A Field Trip sounds great. I live in Minnesota but I would fly there for the weekend. It would be so great to do a class with Cathe and to meet her.


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-03 AT 06:13AM (Est)[/font][p]I'm in Gloucester County...could probably walk to Glassboro...

I looked into joining the First Seasons gym but Cathe teaches during the day when I work. A Satuday class would be great but I would take a vacation day for the chance to meet Cathe and you guys in person! I need lots of people to hide behind though :):).. I won't be the person that is front and center. :)

I will help coordinate the trip if we get enough interest.

[edited] Okay I reread your message and realize that you are taking classes there on Mondays! How lucky you are! I will send you an email if/when I can come.
~~ Sharon ~~
I WOULD fly in. I was just now thinking, as I was carrying my coffee to the computer room, that I should make one of my resolutions for this year to go to Cathe's place. Dream it, plan it, and DO IT!

Just Do It! :)

If you would coordinate that would be wonderful. We should make it far enough away so that it can be included in everyone's budgets, and they can plan vacation time. Not too far though! Francine can check with Cathe's to make sure she'll be teaching and that they have room for us. Everyone can make their own flight arrangements. I love what Honeybunch said, a New Years Resolution!
WOW that sounds fabulous! What a great idea. If we could get a class with her I'm sure you'd have a VERY interested group!
I know I'd make it. Live in MA but WELL WORTH a trip!
I've actually been thinking along the same lines as Francine!!!! I've even talked to Donna--gettinfit@39 about it!

Here's what I envisioned--

Because so many of you are REALLY outside a day trip, we can look into booking a block of rooms at a local hotel/motel. Take a Saturday class with Cathe (if we can get her to agree, otherwise, what's the point). Do lunch with her & then leave her alone because she's one busy lady.

Then because we are so close to Atlantic City & Philly do either a bus trip to AC or get tickets to see a show in Philly. This of course would increase the cost of the trip but it would give us something to do at night.

We would definitely have to limit it to the number of people her studio can accomodate. That would mean a first come first serve basis & a waiting list because there will be people that say "I'm in" and then drop out.

I will be happy to coordinate something for late Spring. Let me know.

Deborah--formerly known as GettingFit, now the Fitness Goddess thanks to Cathe! LOL [link:www.mindundermuscle.com/web%20pages/hawver|http://www.mindundermuscle.com/HB.gif]
Perfect! I agree that the most important thing is Cathe's availability and willingness to do a Saturday class and if the gym can handle us. First come/first served has to be the way to go. If you go to all this trouble people can not just just drop out at the last minute, especially if you've booked hotel rooms. The date should be firm once it's decided upon. That way people can feel secure buying plane tickets. What dates are you thinking of, and how will you ask Cathe and the gym about availability? You are so great for doing all this!!!
RE: Promise me LOTS of photos please.......

for this deprived Brit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And pop them onto a Picturetrail thingy :)

Many Thanks

Anna :)
RE: Promise me LOTS of photos please.......

Maybe if I send my photo over, you can stick me to a wooden pole and prop me up in the gym, and I am kind of there with you LOL !:7

Anna :)
RE: Promise me LOTS of photos please.......

Anna, I would so love to do that for you!!! But after my other thread, I might get banned from Cathe all together! LOL

Seriously, if we get enough response, I'll do it!

Deborah--formerly known as GettingFit, now the Fitness Goddess thanks to Cathe! LOL [link:www.mindundermuscle.com/web%20pages/hawver|http://www.mindundermuscle.com/HB.gif]
RE: Promise me LOTS of photos please.......


You did the right thing in my opinion, and you won't get banned. My God that thread was pi$$ing me off (Ooops sorry !).
Hey, maybe I'll get banned for swearing !!!!!!!!!

Anna :)
COUNT ME IN TOO PLEASE! I am about an hour (I'm guessing) from Cathe's studio.

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