<---we get to carry each other, carry each other

<---waves good morning to Robin, Beavs, Catherine, Shelley, Nancy, Phyllis, Maeghan, Judy, Shannon, Tammy and all who follow
<---continues to pray for Greyor and Michele's friend
<---passes Shannon a bottle of Tylenol
<---hopes Nancy's agita(sp?) from the ice cream has dissipated
<---tells Tammy congrats on the new job
<---hopes everyone has a great day and that things look brighter for those who have been having troubles

<---waves goodmorning to Robin, Phyllis, Judy, Beavs, Catherine, Shelley, Shannon, Tammy, Nancy, Maeghan, and all who follow
<---will keep everyone in her prayers... little Greyor, Michele's friend, Shannon's head, Tammy's mom & new job, Beavs SO's dad, Nancy's acid, etc....
<---sends a big group [[[[[HUG]]]]] to everyone
<---says she is experiencing some serious DOMS today!
<---made up for some lost exercise time over the weekend by doing L&G yesterday in addition to GS-C/T & a segment of GS-Biceps
<---says EVERYTHING hurts but at least she feels like she did something. ;)
<---is determined to be able to keep up with all of you experts at the RT!
<---still has much work ahead of her! ;)
<---dashes out for another cup of coffee

<---edits to wave hi to Beth :D
<--- is at work
<--- is NOT radio-free as the co-worker with the radio is ba-a-a-ack
<--- knows Mr. Greyorpants is a miracle child!
<--- is sending massive anti-headache vibes to Miss Shannon
<--- is very curious about the PM from Nance
<--- is glad that Beavs' SO's dad is out of hospital
<--- agrees that the hospital decided they needed to keep Ms Tammy Sunshine around:)
<--- thinks Liann did a killer w/o!
<--- waves to Beth
<--- wonders if there will be hunky firefighters at the banquet - may have to visit Sparkley;)
<--- is filled with resolve today and is going to make a thread;)
<---thanks Ms Resolvefilledpants for the thread
<---tells Liann not to get fit, because not all of us going on the mmm-mmm are experts
<---waves at Sparkley, who is a hunky firefighter herself
<---also curious about Nancy's wicked smilie PM
<--- finished DH's to do list
<--- needs to do <-- own now
<--- did GS Ch & Tri, Imax1 1-5, outer thigh raises
<--- now must get up and moooovealong
<--- Nancy: yes!

<--- realizes this is quite a self centered post
<--- apologizes

Judy "Likes2bfit"


If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
<---sneaks into thread and whispers "PSSSST!"
<---asks how everyone is doing today
<---sends hugs and prayers to all who need it, <--- knows there's lots of sadness and stress and whatnot going around right now
<---sends extra big hugs to Robin and Michele, and their loved ones
<---says "Way to Go, Phyllis" on that fabulous workout
<---did some stuff from BM2 this morning (step combo 1, upper body, abs)
<---is jealous that Beavs gets to work a short week
<---got a short week last week, so <--- supposes that's fair ;)
<---wonders what's on Judy's to-do list, versus Judy's DH's to-do list ;)
<---agrees with Shelley that we carry each other
<---but hopes no one tries to physically carry <--- because <--- is pretty heavy :p
<---is sorry that Shannon has a nasty headache
<---passes the Excedrin
<---feels stupid for not knowing who Dr. Haveacow is
<---wonders what Nance has been anxious about, and tells Nance that she can talk to us if she needs to
<---is wondering what Nancy's idea is }(
<---is glad that Maeghan got so much accomplished for the banquet already!
<---wonders how Beth is doing today
<---is jealous of Liann's DOMS... but thinks <--- might have DOMS tomorrow (hoping!)
<---assures Liann that <--- will be the one trying to keep up with everyone else on the RT ;)
<---is going to go check out Shelley's Thread of Resolve now :D
<---lets Emily know that Dr Haveacow was Tammy's favorite doctor at her old job
<---LOL at The Thread Of Resolve
<---somes feels that's all the resolve <--has
<--- thanks everyone for their support and prayers
<--- can feel it and it bolsters her
<--- cried for about 12 hours straight yesterday, and is still crying off and on this morning
<--- thought HSTA was hard to do last night while crying:eek:
<--- wonders if anyone can suggest a substitute for HCE
<--- says it's on her rotation for today but she doesn't have it
<--- would prefer to do a CC w/o and wonders if that would be OK
<--- congratulates Tammy on her new job and wonders where DrHaveCow comes in on all this -- wonders if his office is on the horsepistol?
<--- is so excited about the progress Tammy's mom is making and continues to pray
<--- is praying for dear Greyor, too, and agrees with Nance's comment about his miracle status
<--- prays for doodle, too
<--- says heck, she prays for each and every one of youse;)
<---waddles back into thread to wave hi to Emily!
<---says it hurts to wave...
<---hasn't worked the chest much before and didn't know her armpits could hurt this bad...
<---says that at least her and Emily will be able to keep up with each other if not with anyone else at the RT!
<---waddles back out of thread to go take some Advil...
<--- wanted to chime in because <--- loves U2.
<--- will take the cold as long as the sun is shining
<--- hopes everyone has a better day
<---is LOL at Liann's sore armpits
<---thinks if anyone knows how to work the armpit muscles, it's Cathe ;)
<---hopes the Advil kicks in soon :)
<---is impressed with the green-eyed one over losing 19 pounds so far this year
<---waves to Michele and says you can do whatever you workout you feel inclined to do today
<---wonders if anyone has seen my resolve?
<---went to look for her resolve and found a broken thread swaying in the wind
<---really needs her resolve before heading to lunch
<---will borrow a resolve if you can't find mine
<---thinks mine may be broken anyway:(
<--- tells Robin to check her PM's
<--- thanks Robin for permission to do any w/o she wants
<--- tells Robin she better find her resolve or <--- will resolve to kick her butt;) :p
<---just read all the posts from yesterday
<---was so busy, <---didn't get to check in
<---thinks Michele should do any work-out today that might possibly help to lift her spirit
<---is praying for Michele's friend and sends strenth vibes for the treatment time ahead
<---knows that developmental news on Greyor is disheartening to Robin, and offers (((HUGS)))
<---is so proud that Tammy has stayed strong throughout the ordeal of having a very sick mom and losing her job
<---always knew Tammy would come out on top!
<---had babies clap for Tammy this morning:)
<--- is really happy to see MSY today
<--- feels like MSY hasn't been around in awhile
<--- is smiling at the thought of MSY's DD's clapping for Tammy
<--- wonders how MSY is doing with her workouts
<--- tells Robin to get that resolve out of her purse and get crackin!
<---couldn't find her resolve in her purse
<---opened a drawer in the office to look for her resolve and found a bag of Robin's Eggs
<---loves Robin's Eggs
<---know's if she finds her resolve, it will be much weaker
<---waves at MSY and tells her she's been missed
<---thought she heard babies clapping, but wasn't sure over the sound of resolves being made
<--thanks Robin for the lyrics and song that is now in <--'s head :)
<--tells her not to forget that Greyor is destined for Greatness and, like everyone, moves at his OWN pace
<--congratulates Tammy on her new job! :D
<--wonders how Sparkly is holding up?
<--tells Liann to be careful to not overdo it, so she ends up with an injury, but admires her motivation :)
<--continues to pray for Michele's friend and is so proud of her for doing HSTA last night!
<--thinks Coach Sean would brighten her day and thinks a CC is in order :)
<--imagines Beavs must be getting tired working those looong friggin' days :eek:
<--hopes Nance figures out what is bothering her and thinks she is a great intuitive personality :)
<--thinks Judy needs to do her list first and then move on to DH's }(
<--wonders how her hip is feeling?
<--needs to post this before it gets lost, but wbbl
<---thinks Kara sounds like her old squirrley self this morning
<---was concerned about her last night
<---resolves to eat salad at lunch and will bbl
<--- thanks Kara and says she was pretty darned proud of herself, too
<--- admits that she didn't do ALL of HSTA (absolutely could not finish the cardio parts, and skipped 2 sets of leg presses:eek:)
<--- is now concerned about Kara after reading Robin's post
<--- wants to know what's wrong with our dear Squirrelly girl

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