Waves to Debbie, with a question=)


Hi Debbie,
Hope all is well with you:)
I am starting the rotation you suggested:
Week 1
Mon.: Chest & Back from SS & 4DS
Tues: Cardio
Wed.: Biceps & Triceps from SS & 4DS
Thurs: Cardio
Fri: Shoulders from SS & 4DS
Sat.: Legs from SS & 4DS
Sun.: Off

Week 2
Mon.: Chest & Back from PP & 4DS
Tues: Cardio
Wed.: Biceps & Triceps from PP & 4DS
Thurs: Cardio
Fri.: Shoulders from PP & 4DS
Sat.: Legs from PP & 4DS
Sun.: Rest

Repeat Week 1 then repeat week 2

and have a question, well, actually 2. ;)
I know you said the cardio should be 45-60 min. Does it matter if its Imax's, kickbox or steady state cardio? Its all the same to me, I just want to get the best results possible. (and I love the kb/bc cardio only premix on 4DS)
Also, I was thinnking of adding in some chinup/pullups on chest and back day. What do you think?

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!!:)
Hi Deanie!
You should mix up the type of cardio you do. Do an HIIT workout one day, kickbox the next, steady state the next. Keep the body guessing.

And yes, by all means, add in those chins and pullups!

You go girl!

And I think you are the one who asked me a while ago for my success story. It's in my bio on this forum if you are still interested in reading it.
Honestly, it's not all that exciting. LOL! But Deanie wanted to read it. Anyways, go to my screen name, click on it and choose "Public Profile" or something like that. Then when you get to that screen choose the tab that says "Success Story".
Thank you ;)

Thanks for this rotation!! I am really enjoying it. When I previewed the excersises from SS to add on to the 4DS, I thought," not a problem". HA!! :eek:
Wow what a workout!!
So... not really sure I should be thanking you;), but thank you:D Thanks for taking the time to suggest it!
Have a super fantastic day!

PS- my biceps and triceps are shakin':)
(I miss the little workout smilie we used to have:))
Thanks for this rotation!! I am really enjoying it. When I previewed the excersises from SS to add on to the 4DS, I thought," not a problem". HA!! :eek:
Wow what a workout!!
So... not really sure I should be thanking you;), but thank you:D Thanks for taking the time to suggest it!
Have a super fantastic day!

PS- my biceps and triceps are shakin':)
(I miss the little workout smilie we used to have:))

LOL! Glad you are liking it! Work it, girl! :p
Hi Debbie, I hope you see this

Hey Debbie :)

Not sure if you are going to see this, but worth a try ....

I am finishing up the above rotation next week and was wondering.....

* can I do 2 weeks of 3X cardio and CTX upper, LL and a full body workout and then move on to the same rotation I am doing now using GS? :
GS chest and back
cardio and abs
GS bicep and tricep
GS shoulders and core max
GS legs

I am really enjoying the rotation (less cardio and shorter weight work but effective) and just want to change it up a little. I am looking to get more defined. I am using fitday and eating 1900-2000ish calories a day. I am upping my carbs on weight days and lowering them (and calories) on cardio days. I am not looking to lose weight, just get more defined. (already a size 2 and i'm good with that) I thought the 12-15 reps of GS may help with the definition. I have about an hour in the mornings, so would you say I should stick with just GS or maybe add MM weight work also? (but not to leg days, that's already long enough;)) I don't want to add another weight work just to add though, I want it to be effective...

Hope this all makes sense.
Hey Debbie :)

Not sure if you are going to see this, but worth a try ....

I am finishing up the above rotation next week and was wondering.....

* can I do 2 weeks of 3X cardio and CTX upper, LL and a full body workout and then move on to the same rotation I am doing now using GS? :
GS chest and back
cardio and abs
GS bicep and tricep
GS shoulders and core max
GS legs

I am really enjoying the rotation (less cardio and shorter weight work but effective) and just want to change it up a little. I am looking to get more defined. I am using fitday and eating 1900-2000ish calories a day. I am upping my carbs on weight days and lowering them (and calories) on cardio days. I am not looking to lose weight, just get more defined. (already a size 2 and i'm good with that) I thought the 12-15 reps of GS may help with the definition. I have about an hour in the mornings, so would you say I should stick with just GS or maybe add MM weight work also? (but not to leg days, that's already long enough;)) I don't want to add another weight work just to add though, I want it to be effective...

Hope this all makes sense.

Of course I'd see this. I always check here for updated messages. :D

I think your plan is a good one. Sure, go ahead and do 3x cardio with the CTX series, although I don't think you need to do a total body workout in that week.

Give me a breakdown of how your days will be spend. I'll let you know what I think.

And dang woman, you are a size 2!!! :eek: I can only dream of that number! LOL!
You are so funny- I am a size 2, but I'm only 5'2"!! I'm sure you are taller than me, most people are!!LOL;)

Is this the break down you want? :

weeks 1 and 2
Day 1: SS
Day 2: Low Max
Day 3: CTX upper body premix (I've had CTX for years and never done this premix :eek:, so I want to try it)
Day 4: 45 min treadmill
Day 5: Leaner Legs
Day 6: 4DS bootcamp/kickbox cardio only
Day 7: off

weeks 3-7
Day 1: GS chest and back (add in chinups/pullups) [eating 2000ish calories- higher carbs]

Day 2: cardio and abs [eating 1900ish calories- lower carbs]

Day 3: GS biceps and triceps [eating 2000ish calories- higher carbs]

Day 4: cardio [eating 1900ish calories- lower carbs]

Day 5: GS shoulders (poss. MM shoulders also) and core max [eating 2000ish calories- higher carbs]

Day 6: GS legs [eating 2000ish calories- higher carbs]

Day 7: OFF

So, do you think this will work for definition?
Thanks in advance Ms. Guru ;)

You are so funny- I am a size 2, but I'm only 5'2"!! I'm sure you are taller than me, most people are!!LOL;)

Is this the break down you want? :

weeks 1 and 2
Day 1: SS
Day 2: Low Max
Day 3: CTX upper body premix (I've had CTX for years and never done this premix :eek:, so I want to try it)
Day 4: 45 min treadmill
Day 5: Leaner Legs
Day 6: 4DS bootcamp/kickbox cardio only
Day 7: off

weeks 3-7
Day 1: GS chest and back (add in chinups/pullups) [eating 2000ish calories- higher carbs]

Day 2: cardio and abs [eating 1900ish calories- lower carbs]

Day 3: GS biceps and triceps [eating 2000ish calories- higher carbs]

Day 4: cardio [eating 1900ish calories- lower carbs]

Day 5: GS shoulders (poss. MM shoulders also) and core max [eating 2000ish calories- higher carbs]

Day 6: GS legs [eating 2000ish calories- higher carbs]

Day 7: OFF

So, do you think this will work for definition?
Thanks in advance Ms. Guru ;)

I think you need to keep it a 4 week rotation. So do somerthing similar that you laid out with Weeks 1 & 2 with Weeks 3 & 4 and then do the GS rotation for 4 weeks.

Make sense?

I like your plan, though. Weeks 1 & 2 look fun.
New question

Hey Debbie :)

Hope all is well with you!
I have a question. I am thinking of doing a turbulence training workout using body weight exercises only. (pages 12 and 13 from the link:http://supertrainingblog.com/wp-cont...week_ebook.pdf )

I am not sure about this and what to do-> if I do this, will I lose muscle +/or definition? Do I need to adjust my eating? (normally I eat 2000ish calories on weight days, 1800ish on cardio days) :confused: I am worried about gaining weight and how the change is going to effect me. Basically, my question is do you know how this will effect my body?? I know every one is different, but I'm good with a general answer:)

I plan on finishing my endurance rotation this month, doing Cathe's Oct. rotation in November and then trying this Turbulence Training in Dec. then I am hoping to have STS and start that in Jan. What do you think? Will I be "behind the 8 ball" for starting STS if I do body weight exercises the month before?

Did any of this make sense:confused::confused: LOL!!?? I hope so!
thanks so much in advance!
take care!
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Deanie, from what I see from that program, it looks more like an endurance type training program then strength building. I have heard a lot of good things about body weight programs, though, but I don't think you could train for a pro bodybuilding comp doing only this.

Now I know you aren't training for a bodybuilding contest. I guess what you need to figure out is what you are trying to accomplish? If it's definition, then you will get it with this training program. If it's size and strength, you probably won't get it with this program. Make sense?

I'm surprised they don't have chinups in this program. That is an excellent body weight exercise.
Thanks Debbie. I want definition, (would love to have arms like yours!!) so I guess this program could be a go!! Trying to figure out what to do next is never easy for me!!:confused:
I never even realized there were no chin ups- your right, they are a great body weight exercise! maybe I would add some in.

thanks again!

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