Watercoolers...Wacky Wednesday!!

Morning All

Lazy morning for me and DS. slept in to about 8 but feel like I've been up every 2 hours or so as I've been coughing all night long. At least no fever. DS seems better today. He didn't have a fever when he woke up but not much interested in food.

I'm starting to sound like a boring record here but we WON at BB again last night 20-1. The game was kind of boring.

Wendy - Glad to hear your hair colouring turined out well. At my last job site for some reason feminine hygiene products were supplied free and there was lots left over so I grabbed them and brought them with me to this new job site. LOL I've never understood why we have to pay tax on things like that. Aren't they just as essential as food I ask? What the heck are you doing up at 3am? Good on you in getting a free massage. So jealous.

Debra - hard to follow a rotation? How did you find sticking to P90x? So far I've thought about subbing the yoga but thought I've got to give it more than a week. One thing about doing the same w/o's you can see your progress much easier but ask me again at week 3-4 even.

Kim - how was your w/o last night? Did hubby do it with you again? Have you noticed the Canadian Social Group yet? I signed up for it.

Hope Laurie and Jeanette get on soon.

Off for another cup of tea as it helps soothe my sore throat. Always seem to drink it when I'm under the weather.

Have not decided if I'll do KenpoX today or rest especially since I'm playing BB tonight so it's not as if I'm slacking off. Will see how I feel as the day wears on.
Good morning all!! Hope everyone is doing well this morning...The diva is off to camp, so I have a few minutes to play around. I am planning on doing 30 minutes of kickboxing...probably Core Cross Train and the another short upper body workout....maybe PP or SJP...Anyhoo...no other big new here today. We are headed to the farmers market with my mom this afternoon, so that will be a nice outing. And we are actually getting some rain which we desperately need!

Thank goodness you will be able to get some hygene products in the bathrooms!!! You're right about the importance of that!!:rolleyes: I know, aren't you proud of me for actually running??? I must get into a routine again...We have been so busy this summer that I haven't been good with sticking to anything. Ugh. Poor Phil. I can just hear you now while he is trying to do everything to perfection!!:p I am glad he performed well, though, and that you are happy with your new 'do! You are gettting all sorts of hands rubbing you lately....good thing you like it hard and deep...LOL!

Sorry to hear your little one is still feeling icky. And you too!! :( Glad you guys got to sleep in, though. I had a really tough time sticking with the X rotation. If it hadn't been for this check in, I would have never made it. I was also going through some really rough times personally, then, which made it even harder. I was really good for that first month...and then when I started the second phase, I was still doing okay...just subbing some of the cardio...and the yoga by then. I don't like Tony's way of yoga...I want in to be more relaxed and not like I am in boot camp being yelled at to do a better down dog!;) Take it easy with your cold with the X and don't overdo...you will just get sicker. Your bb team is doing great! Will you have some sort of tournament at the end of your season??

Okay...off for now...must change the sheets on the bed and get going with my workout.

Hope everyone has a great day!!
Good Day Ladies!

Debra: Check out your colorful self! Yes, I'm impressed with you running. That's a majah shake in your routine!!! I hear you about not sticking with anything. Well... For me, it's more like not doing much of anything. That will change. We're going to be in our bikinis in a couple of weeks.:eek: Clean eating here I come!!!! Poor Phil. The man's hands were shaking! Oooo, have fun at the Farmer's Market. I think Traci is getting loads of rain too.

Patricia: Not a fun day off huh? I catch what you're saying about an easy win being boring. Hopefully, your team will be better matched for the next game. I stayed up till 4!!! I ended up doing my PT home exercises/stretches and my own yoga flow before I went to bed. My sacrum is giving me grief this TTOM.

I'm wanting to do a short step workout and yoga before PT. We'll see. It's gonna be another busy day.

Oh! Tracy: I wrote you a novella last night. Is your mind not centered because of your FIL's health? How's he doing? How is the family handling all of this? HUGS!!!!!

NO Cookies & Milk

Debra inspired me to dust off the treadmill & run!!! I did CC1 with enough time to wash up and get to PT. Getting heated now. Gotta go.
Well, I got my workout completed...I did 30 minutes of Core Cross Train KB with Patricia Moreno...Really like that one...it got my heartrate up without a lot of jumping around. Then I did BM2 upper body only...and the stretch at the end of that one. 2 whole days of working out this week...WooHoo!!!:eek: I am planning on doing some light lower body tomorrow with a long ab session to get ready for that week at the beach with Wendy. I think I will do the KM leg drills with ankle weights plus the calves from 4DS plus a CM section. We'll see if that really happens....LOL!:eek:

I will have to check out your pics in a bit...I am heading for a quickie nap before movie night tonight. We are making homemade pizza and salad and watching 'School of Rock' with Jack Black. CBL will be heading over after work to join in the fun. I hope that poor Phil has recovered from his hair raising experience last night...ha-ha:p. I am sure a night out with the guys having a couple of beers will set him right again...LOL! Good luck with the PT.

Okay...heading for a little siesta...in my newly washed sheets!!! They are going to be really soft and smell really good....it's the small things that make me happy...LOL!!

I sure am missing Laurie and Jeanette....Hope they get logged on soon...Waving to you ladies if you are lurking!!!:D
lurking again

Hi all,

I guess some things never change. Debra is still napping regularly!

Kim - How is the X+ going. This off week has just about killed me.

Wendy - Glad your hair turned out good. I'm so not a hair person, but if it means saving some money I guess I can figure it out. I'm getting quite a bit cut off tomorrow. It's to the point where it is so hot and disgusting when I run it has got to go. On the pain and the injury; if I'd given into the pain with my back I would probably be close to functioning like a cripple. If you want some encouragement about how/why to push through some of the discomfort (without more injury:(), read John Sarno (I think). He talks a lot about the mind body connection; feeling pitiful, taking the easy route, making excuses, etc., etc. It really helped me when I was at a low point with my back. I still frequently think about what he had to say.

Tracy :D:rolleyes::p
Sorry, not around much as having a busy week. No workout tonight as I spent 2 hrs sitting in the car,reading a book and watching ds at his football practice in the pouring rain. I didn't want to leave because if they decide to quit early there was no place for them to go inside (or if there was lightening). There were lots of other parents sitting in their cars too. The things we do for our kids.

Tracy How come the recovery week is killing you?

Patricia I did join the Canadian group. Hope everyone is feeling better tomorrow!

Wendy Sounds like school is going full force already, is it all evening courses? Going to go check out your pics before I head to bed.

Debra What kind of camp is your dd in? Good for you getting your exercise in! Thanks for updating me on our lost members!


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