Watercoolers Labor Day Monday

Good Morning Ladies,

Good News!!! I got out of going to the reunion. After I posted here yesterday, my step-mother called me from Penns Cave to say that their tickets for the tour wasn't till 1:30. So, by the time they got back to the house, it was after 2:30. Well, the reunion started at 1 and it's a 2 hour drive from State College. Phil was sick and felt like throwing up... I think he caught ds's virus. Anyhow, I asked them if they would be upset if I didn't go since Phil was sick and we'd get there around 5:00. I didn't want to drive there for an hour, drive the two hours back to State College and today drive the three hours back home. They totally understood. :)

I did talk to them around 7:30. I'm glad I didn't go as most of the people had already left by the time they got there!!! Yep. I figured.

Today I'm going to do some Eoin. My calves are still store from GSLegs!!! I am so out of shape!!!!:eek: That's to be expected as well!!!:rolleyes:

Kim: How's your ds doing today? When do you have to go back to work?

Debra: I don't recall your garage being untidy!?!?!? I got a very little studying done yesterday too.:) I'm sure you'll do better now that you know this is a tough teacher!!!

Chat with you later while Phil drives us back home.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Happy Labor Day!

Hope everyone is doing well in Cathe-land today! I have had a massive headache since yesterday afternoon :mad:...so I never did to that darn workout yesterday...But we did clean the garage, and I worked up a sweat, so that must count for something! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I am going to try to get in with my new massage gal on Wednesday, so hopefully she can work out some of this tension in my neck. Wendy...Where are you when I need you?????? :eek::confused::eek:

It is a bit cooler here today, so we are going to the Farmer's Market with my mom and uncle...I want to get a few potted plants to spruce up the front of the house a bit. I also have some closet cleaning to do since I have the Vietnam Veterans coming on Friday to pick up some old clothes and various other discards. :p I am in the mode of getting the house ready to go on the market...and I have some things I have to do before I have a realtor come and to assess the value, etc. I got one of my psych assignments done yesterday, I just have to read over it before I post it today...Hopefully in my headache fog I can still make sense! :confused:

I guess I am glad that you got out of the family reunion yesterday. :p thank goodness for illnesses!!! LOL! :eek: How is Phil feeling today??? The garage was 'cluttered' according to CBL, so he took on the project. Whatever. It does look a lot neater and more organized today...and every little bit helps when you are trying to sell a house! :rolleyes: I wonder if I can get him to organize my attic and all of my closets too...LOL! :):p My psych chapter is really hard this week as it is about all of the neurons and neurotransmitters in the brain....ugh. I promise to study harder this week since I know the test will be harder than I think.

Hope DS is continuing his recovery! Sending healing vibes your way! :D

Waving to all the MIA Coolers who are out having fun with their families!!!!! :cool::)
I'm been checking for Cathe's Sept rotation but nothing yet. I hope she posts one as I sure enjoyed doing the AUg one.

Thanks for asking about ds, definitely healing. Kids do bounce back fast. :D He's hopping a few steps with the crutches, it's the sutures that limit him. The start to get painful after a few steps but that's what the wheelchair is for right now until the sutures are more healed. Somebody asked about the wheelchair, it worked great for going out, fits in the trunk easily. We're not really using it inside the house, the house is small, either we carry him, he uses his crutches a bit or we have a small footstool with wheels that he's used a bit to roll around on.

Debra Hope your headache is gone soon! I wonder what causes your terrible headaches. Sounds like you got a good start on doing some sprucing up of the house. All that cleaning will be good exercise!

Wendy I guess that's good you got out the reunion, you sound happy about it. How's Phil doing today? Hopefully the yoga helps with the leg DOMS! I was supposed to go back to work this Wednesday. I don't work Fridays so it was only a 2 day week (Wed/Thurs), my boss has given me the 2 days off as family sick leave so I can make sure ds is settled at school. They start school Wed and I'm thinking the first couple of days maybe he'll just go for half days, as sitting straight up starts to bother his sutures after awhile. We're really close to the school so I'll just see what he needs. So I guess I'm not back to work till next Monday, I have a feeling boredom will really set it now.

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It's not easy balancing a hot laptop on my lap, typing and making sure my coffee doesn't splatter onto everything. There's a reason PA roads are ranked one of the worst in America.:(

A rolling footstool... very creative! That's good you have off those days from work. I don't blame you for wanting him to go half days this week. I remembered the sutures from my c-section bothered me to no end. Scar tissue will bother him after he's healed. It took many years before my scar tissue stopped bothering me. Keep yourself busy! Nothing is worse than being bored!!!

I'll PM you about school once I talk to Phil. I barely remember neurons and neuro-transmitters from my psych class. I took lots of notes though. I could recreate my teacher's lectures word for word!!! If you'd like, I can mail them to you. They are up in my MESSY attic.;) Once CBL finishes with your attic, send him my way!!!:D Hope your headache doesn't bother you today or make an appearance after your massage!!! I'd gladly scrub your saggital suture if you weren't so dang far away!!!

Oh! I did PT exercises and Shoulder ^^. I may do a cardio workout before I leave for Patti's house.

I didn't realize that DS had to start school this week too!!! :eek::eek::eek: Poor guy! I am sure once the sutures heal a bit, he will be able to get around just fine on the crutches. What a PITA, though. :rolleyes: Nice that you are able to take a couple more days off from work so that you can be home with him. :)

Didn't realize you hadn't talked to Phil, yet. He really must have thought you were a crazy woman this weekend...LOL! :eek: I already finished my discussion of the neurotransmitters on the board we have to post on...I just have to study all of the stuff before my test this weekend. I actually think the psych book is a good text...I just need to familiarize myself with this particular chapter. I have read it all...so now I need to take my own notes. :confused::confused: If I can get CBL to clean my attic it will be a real coup!! ;) So, if it gets that far, I will be sure to send my cute good fairy your way...LOL! :p Are you practicing on Rulan today?? I am assuming he is allowed to give you feedback...LOLOLOLOL!!! :p;) congrats on getting your workout in already....and I am proud of your for continuing your PT as prescribed!

Okay, ladies...off for a nap...I have taken enough pain meds to kill a horse, so I need to sleep it off some. I won't be able to get a massage until Wed. since my gal only works Wed and Thurs. I looked at my calendar and realized I have an appointment to get my hair done tomorrow! Completely forgot about that! :rolleyes::rolleyes: I don't know if I will want to get my new 'do all messed up in the attic...LOL!

Back later this evening to check in with you guys.
For all who asked, Phil is doing fine. He just needed a few hours of rest. He feels better today. On second thought, he might have shared Debra's poisoned meal ;) instead of catching ds's virus.

You crack me up!!! Guess what! Change in plans. I'll be massaging Phil tonight instead of Rulan.:eek: I thought Phil deserved to be pampered with all he does for me. Aren't I a wonderful wife?:p:D;) Sleep tight!!!

Gotta get something to eat to charge my nuturing side. Yes! I CAN be nuturing... I just gotta meditate on it for a very long time.:D


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