

Hello everyone i wondered (as i've been told so many things] how much water should i be drinking, when im working out the sweat just pours
im an advanced excersicer and somtimes i wake up at night feeling so thirsty im currently just about finishing a 2litre bottle, [mostly consumed by late afternoon]. I also find that I get forgetful if i drink less than this.

Thankyou for your replys
:) fitmum
I just studied this in my ACE manual and I believe that it suggested not to ever wait until you're thirsty to drink water. You're supposed to drink enough to where your urine stays very pale or clear in color--darker urine is a sign of dehydration. Also, be sure to replace the fluids lost during and after exercise by drinking 1-2 cups in the hour before exercise, 4-8 oz every 15 mins during exercise, and I think about 20 oz in the 30 mins after exercise. This should help you to stay hydrated. Most people don't realize that they are in a constant state of dehydration which can negatively impact your performance.
The dr recommended water dosage is 8 8 oz glasses a day! They even sell 64 oz water containers now saying that on it! They look like mini coolers too cute! here's a pic http://tonisisbodyworks.com/Bottle.htm
(In the states you can get them at walgreens for $3.99)

I'm sure this is another individuals needs questions, though! Depending on your weight, current health situation(esp if taking meds)activity level(how much you sweat etc) ,what you ate, plus how much caffeine/tea one drinks(since it's a natural diuretic)(then they should replenish more water daily)!
Thanks for the prompt answer,is there a web sight where i could obtain
such a book?
I would really love to own one.
Cathe answers this question on the HSC DVD under workout tips. She says 8 8oz. glasses a day if your not exercising. Whereas you should drink 10 8oz. glasses on a workout day.

~Reece Out~
I drink the obligatory 64 oz. throughout the day and when doing a cardio workout, usually about 24 oz. more. If I'm doing weights, I usually only get about 12 oz. down during the workout. If I drink more than that, I have to stop in the middle of the routine and use the facilities.:)
Please get and read "YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER." Since I have read this book and applied it, my physical appearance and energy has increased drastically. In this book he presents a new concept on water and how many diseases stem from dehydration. He recommends drinking 1-2 glasses of water before each meal -- and using sea salt -- to salt your food liberally. The stomach cannot digest food easily without enough water. He also suggests drinking the same amount of water about 2 1/2 hours after eating a meal.

This book changed my whole concept on water and how important it is to the body -- and my body loves me for it.

You can get it fairly cheaply at half.com -- but it can be ordered from any bookstore.
Urine color is a good guide UNLESS you take a multivitamin with high levels of certain B vitamins (I forget which ones). They will turn your urine dark yellow even if you are well hydrated.
Hi Karen Kay,

Does he mention anything about the iodized nature of regular table salt? It was added to regular salt for a very good health reason (but I can't remember why!!), and I don't know if it is added to sea salt? I know I should probably peruse the book to find the answers to my questions, but I'm also wondering why he recommends liberally salting your food, and using sea salt?

I agree that dehydration is an underdiagnosed problem, and probably for more reasons that we think.

All the best,

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