

New Member
Hi Cathe!!!

I have a question about water. I know that drinking water is extremely important while working out and also throughout the day. I was wondering if drinking things like Crystal Light drink mix would be okay instead of plain water since it's mostly water anyway. All that is is a little bit of powder mixed with alot of water. Or I love the Nestea Ice Tea that comes in a carton. I think it lists water as the number one ingredient. Are those okay or is plain water better?

THanks Cathe!!!!

Hi Melanie!

Although mixing a bit of Crystal Light in your water, or drinking other water based beverages is better than not drinking at all, I always find water in its purest form to be the best. Other beverages tend to have added chemicals which can sometimes effect absorption and/or digestion. If you are going to mix anything with your water, may I suggest a healthier option by keeping it all natural. Try squeezing a lemon wedge into your glass of water or dilute 1/4 of 100% fruit juice into 3/4 of a glass of water. Just some suggestions!
Thanks Cathe!!!


Thanks so much. It might've sounded like a strange question, but it is something I've always wondered about. I will try your suggestions because plain water sometimes is kind of "boring" if you know what I mean! Have a great day and a very Merry Christmas!!!!!

In the winter, I drink a lot of peppermint tea. It's warming, and soothing, without caffeine or calories, and it has a taste. Chamomile is good too. I hate drinking water, but don't mind herbal tea.
Dressing up water

I like to put Vitamin C crystals or those "Emergen-C" packets in the water. It tastes lemony and gives me a large dose of Vitamin C.
making water less boring

I like to put a few drops (all you need) of stevia (a natural herbal sweetner) in my water. Stevia adds sweetness without affecting your insulin levels, and it makes the water less boring. (You can buy liquid Stevia in most health food stores. Don't be discouraged by what looks like a high price for a sweetener. It is VERY concentrated, and two to four drops in a glass of water are all you need. Better to start out with less than more, as it tastes a bit odd if you use too much).

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