<--watch me strike a match on all my wasted time


<--waves good morning
<--will be taking a rest day today
<--is LOL at yesterdays thread
<--didn't watch any of the olympic's last night as<--went to bed at a decent hour
<--will bbl iam sure...
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<--waves to Amelia and all who follow
<--also got a chuckle from yesterday's thread:D
<--hopes today isn't as busy as yesterday
<--will try to bbl from work
<--hopes everyone is well and has a great day!
<--feels SOOOO out of it catheland-wise
<--is really not liking that the forums are blocked at work
<--thinks it's odd that another forum <-- is on (the gillian mckeith forum) is NOT blocked :mad:
<--wonders if <--'s work has something against cathe???
<--comes in to report that the alpaca (jasper) stood up and walked around for about three hours and is now holding his head up all the time
<--billy is eating well, but still needs to have surgery on his horn to remove it :(
<--has not worked out since last thursday on account of sinus cold/chest cold :mad::mad::mad:
<--is on cold meds but still manages to feel like crap
<--hopes to feel better soon
<--apologizes profusely for totally self-absorbed post
<--will go back to sipping echinacea tea and feeling miserable
<--waves happy hump day!!
<--hopes Amelia enjoys her rest day
<--hopes Elanieee has a less busy day
<--would like less busy too, but alas me thinks not :confused:
<--sends Lorie some Alkaseltzer plus
<-- waves Happy Hump Day
<-- hopes Amelia enjoys her rest day
<-- hopes Elainee's day is less busy
<-- is sorry about Lorie feeling crappy - sends cold-be-gone vibes
<-- thinks it is scandalous that Lorie can't access the forums from work :mad::confused:
<-- thinks the person responsible should be hit over the head with an ankle weight :mad:
<-- is off to a 4 mile run this morning and then PUB
<-- doesn't feel like it
<-- thinks the Chinese restaurant food we had yesterday for Tristan's birthday is not sitting right :mad::eek:
<-- oh well, no excuses, off to the races :D
<-- hopes everyone has a fantabulous day
<---waves Happy Hump Day to all
<---apparently needs to go and read yesterday's thread... :p
<---feels bad for Lorie and the fact that the forums are blocked at her work
<---would find a new job if that happened to <--- ;)
<---okay, probably not :p
<---sends get-well-soon vibes to Lorie
<---hopes Carola has a nice run
<---would love to go for a run
<---will have to wait until the weekend to do that, though, since the treadmill is broken
<---wonders where everyone else is today...
<---will try to bbl
<---is here, just has nothing interesting to say :(
<---stayed home yesterday because AF was being a biotch
<---feels slightly better today, but wishes she was back at home
<---tells Em that she got her Wii yesterday and has sore fingers from rocking out to Guitar Hero all night ;)
<---admits to Amelia that she has not watched even 1 minute of Olympic coverage
<---says in fact, she has not watched actual TV at all since being in the hotel room with Beth at the RT
<---is thinking about canceling her Direct TV contract because <--- never watches tv anymore
<---tells Lorie she is not alone in feeling completely out of the OAL loop
<---hasn't felt back into the swing of things for weeks
<---didn't know Lorie was sick
<---hopes she feels better soon :(
<---waves hi to Elaineee and Catherine
<---hopes Carola's Chinese dinner sits right soon
<---knows how that can go...
<--waves good morning
<--hopes Liann feels better soon
<--asks Evily if she can run in the evening?
<--admits <--is a pm exerciser
<--can't get up in the morning
<--hopes Carola enjoys her run
<--did 3 miles yesterday
<--says it was slow and didn't feel great, but <--got it done!
<--tells Catherine at least a busy day goes by fast
<--wishes Lorie cold be gone vibes
<--is glad to hear good news on the furry friends front
<--waves hi to Elaineee
<--tells Amelia <--has been up way too late every night for the Olympics
<--went to bed before the high bar stuff last night, tho
<--needs to go watch it on the 'net
<--asks Melissa (Squidlet) when her fall birthday is?

<--was glad to read that the alpaca is doing better
<--crosses fingers for billy's surgery
<--hopes Carola has a good run
<--sends Liann a bottle of midol and a smile
<--is LOL at Emily saying she would find a new job if they blocked the forums
<--wonders how easy that would be for Em as she has such a unique job
<--is with Anne on can not get up and workout early
<--thinks this is why <--shouldn't have to work
<--then <--could sleep in, lounge around for a few hours, workout and then,..... do whatever <--pleases :D
<---waves to all in OAL land
<---is very glad the alpaca is doing better
<---hopes Lorie is feeling better soon
<---hopes Carola enjoys her run
<---LOL at Liann and her sore fingers from Guitar Hero Max
<---high fives Anne on her run yesterday
<---asks Amelia how much longer are the Olympics on
<---waves to Catherine and Emily
<---is struggling with getting up and exercising lately
<---just wants to sleep
<---hopes everyone has a great day
<-- runs back into thread with a flaming chest and biceps
<-- says PUB
<-- apologizes for missing Catherine in the earlier post
<-- wonders what workout Catherine will be doing today
<-- tells Evily to toss the tready and run outside ;)
<-- will even offer one or two of <--'s dogs as a running partner :D:D
<-- tells Liann that <-- thought <-- was the only one not watching Olympics
<-- is LOL about Liann's sore fingers from guitar hero
<-- thinks 3 miles of slow running is great
<-- Anne did much better than <-- did on 4 miles
<-- wonders why Beth is so sleepy lately
<-- thought <-- posted yesterday but must have gotten lost
<-- and then forgot to tell the scary story about <-- and pups running into a rattle snake
<-- wished Liann had been there

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<---Had a GINORMOUS Reply started but alas...timed out
<---Will quickly wish all a happy Hump Day
<---Tells Anne <---am an evil Scorpio baby (nov 9)
<---Sends huggies, kishies and all the necessities to all of you!
<-- waves hi
<-- just made dinner in time for lunch
<-- can't wait
<-- is freaking out re: money
<-- will get over it
<-- is LOL at Lorie's avatar
<-- shouts GO GATORS
<-- also passes out a GO TEAM for good measure
<-- has only one more day of bootcamp this week and one 30 min training session
<-- needs more PT clients
<-- is yet again sitting on the folding chair while King George is curled atop the computer chair
<-- wonders if you liked that "atop"?! :D
<-- does have an English degree, you know
<-- seem to have a load of degrees and no job
<-- guesses those don't fall in anyone's laps :(
<-- didn't know this timed out
<-- ran 7 miles yesterday but you wouldn't know it today
<-- plan on lots of yoga and running before Nov 1 half
<-- likes running
<-- also likes PUB and should do that again; thanks Carola!
<-- says yo to Catherine
<-- hopes Lorie feels better soon
<-- wonders if <-- ever told you that when <-- was in college they showed a video of a sick person sped up and then a video of a person crying at regular speed and they looked identical?
<-- has interpreted colds differently ever since
<-- had a lot of colds as an undergrad :)
<-- just heard the timer!!!
<---Thinks Ame is bomb diggity and knows that a special job will come to her any day (nodding head up and down) :)

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