Was just told I'm selfish for working out?!?!?

I'm going to rat Liberty out a bit here: she PM'd me a before-and-after photo comparison, and she looks like a runway model. My guess is, Liberty, your nemesis truly hates you for being beautiful as well as vibrant AND productive AND sober AND sane. Too bad she had to bring her poison into your fellowship, but hopefully you can find another that is more tolerant of success.

Vent away! I agree with you. I love this anonymous quote:

Fill your own cup first and nourish others with the overflow. I have an 11 week old and I workout 6 days a week for one hour. I don't feel selfish at all. In fact, I feel better because when I give to myself, I'm more present for my son.

I don't post on here much, as I just don't have time. But, I'm so po'd I thought I would vent here.

I have a 5 and 7 yr old that I homeschool. I work 2 businesses from home, and then work an outside job part time opposite shift of my husband so that we don't have to pay child care. We also have a small farm and raise some animals, and are in the process of building our home.

Well I make sure I do not go to bed each day until I get in my hour (or hour and half ) workout. No matter what I make sure to get it in.

I have lost over 50 lbs and kept it off for over two years. I have energy to do all that I need to do now plus keep up with my kids, whereas before I would just sit on my booty and not have energy to play with my boys or take them on walks or whatever else needed to be done.

Okay, so I was sitting in a group that I get together with about once a week (I'm also a recovering alcoholic) and a member from another area showed up - I know this woman and she has often called me selfish for homeschooling and working out. Just usually not to my face.

Anyway, I was talking with another lady who was telling me she's tired all the time and has no energy, I suggested she started working out, and this visitor popped up saying, "Oh ignore her, we all know she's so selfish she workouts out every day for at least an hour!"

OMG!! WTH????? I just turned to her and said, " Actually, I was selfish when I was fat and had no energy to take care of my kids, now I'm doing what I need to do to make sure I"m around to take care of them!" I was LIVID!!

I have often heard this lady (and others) say to new moms, oh make sure you take time for you, get in a long bubble bath, read a book, get in a nap....etc. Well, my workouts are the ONLY time I get to me, and I cherish them, they are the only time that I can focus on myself, and when I'm done I feel more refreshed and energetic than a bubble bath could even think about doing!

I wont give up my workouts, and I wont stop doing all I can for my family, but dang, that was just..........wrong!

Thanks for letting me vent!

I've really enjoyed reading the posts and learning so much from everyone!
Hey Annette, even sideways you look great! :D

Hey JeanneMarie, you are awesome yourself!

As an aside, did you read how high GT and GA are ranked in pre-season polls? I did hear about Sanford minor offense with NFL tickets. Clemson is ranked around 4th or so, but I give no creedence to polls and Clemson, that is for sure,

Sorry back to our discussion...on kicking butt and takin' names because we workout!
Fill your own cup first and nourish others with the overflow.
I like that!
It reminds me of something I heard (and I don't think anyone has posted it yet, but I may be wrong): when you get the safety instructions on an airplane, they always say that adults should put on their oxygen masks first before putting them on their children. You can't be there for others if you aren't first there for yourself.
Kathryn, you are right on the mark.

We are role-models for our kids and we need to set an excellent example. It's healthy to care for oneself.

Liberty: you GO, girl!

Thanks, everyone for letting me lurk here. Such an inspiring thread....
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Hey JeanneMarie, you are awesome yourself!

As an aside, did you read how high GT and GA are ranked in pre-season polls? I did hear about Sanford minor offense with NFL tickets. Clemson is ranked around 4th or so, but I give no creedence to polls and Clemson, that is for sure,

Sorry back to our discussion...on kicking butt and takin' names because we workout!

Thanks, Annette! :D

I didn't see the official rankings, but saw an article that placed GA and GT in the Top 25, but barely. I didn't see Clemson mentioned. Are they ranked pretty high in the official pre-season polls?

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