Warning – Take a Good Look Before you Eat!!!


Check your food before you put it into your mouth!!!

My daughter decided to have Oatmeal for breakfast (Apples and Cinnamon). She boiled the water, opened the package of Oatmeal and poured it into the bowl and added the water. She sat down at the table, put her spoon into the oatmeal and as she brought the spoon from the bowl towards her mouth – Guess what she seen?

WORMS!!!! – That is right about 5 tiny worms!!!http://bestsmileys.com/puking/2.gif

Talk about gross. She is so lucky that she looked before she ate. She was unable to eat breakfast and I don't blame her.

I therefore went to the box, it was a variety box and opened the other packages. The other flavours did not have worms except the other Apple and Cinnamon package.
Pardon my being horribly gross here...

Don't go nuts checking everything now. After the boiling water, there wouldn't be much left to get ill from.

It would be better than some of the stuff I ate in the service that did not taste like chicken.

I always split a gut laughing at "The Lion King" when Timba and Pomba are teaching Simba about eating bugs... "I like the crunchy cream filled ones..."
Poor thing!A smiliar thing happened to me. I had a box of bran flakes with little worms in it. Unfortunatley, I had eaten half the box before I noticed them!!!

My grandfather used to say, "if the bugs won't eat it, neither should you." That gave me a little bit of consulation.
OMG OMG OMG. I don't know what to say...is that common? Someone else mentioned cream of wheat having them once...I eat oatmeal all the time. I would faint if I saw that...I feel really really queasy right now. Thanks for the warning!

Clarissa :eek:
That happened to my mother, too. Unfortunately it happens with processed food. Actually, it happens with all-natural foods, too. Particularly with things with grains in them - that's what the bugs eat. If you really want to be grossed out, know that there are government standards of "allowable levels" of critters, larvae, eggs, etc. in our food. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. ;-) Enjoy!!
Last year we had an infestation of "pantry pests" in our flour, cereal, sugar, nuts, etc. (tiny moths flying around, little worms in the food, hiding in the corners of the pantry shelves) It was so disgusting! I threw away so much food! I researched it and found out that these larva/worms typically come from the grocery store and spread from bag to bag, box to box while the food sits on the shelves. I now store everything in tupperware (or similar air tight) containers which kills the larva/worms before they become moths. (I'm probably eating dead worms now, but I can't see them and they aren't wiggling...) Alternatively, you can store flour, nuts in the freezer which also kills the worms.

I also bought Pantry Pest traps at the hardware store. They are little cardboard a-frames that are sticky on the inside. They attract the moths, trap them and they die. It took about a 2-3 weeks, but we've been pest free ever since. Total "Ewwwwww!" though getting to that point!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
That just happened to me last week, except it wasn't oatmeal but Annnie's Organic Mac n' Cheese! Saw something floating in the water, got it out and set it aside to ask my husband if it was what I thought it was, went to add the cheese and about got sick-it was definitely what I thought it was-absolutely disgusting!

The kids ended up having cereal for dinner-should probably have checked that too, huh?

I can't imagine what life was like a few centuries ago-weevils and worms everywhere!:9

I found some tiny brown bugs in a bowl of my cereal. I didn't notice it til I was 3/4 of the way done with it. Totally grossed out. Threw that box out right away.
<If you really want to be grossed out, know that there are government standards of "allowable levels" of critters, larvae, eggs, etc. in our food.>
It's okay. I'd rather unwittingly ingest a few bugs (protein boost) than end up like Howard Hughes.
My philosophy is "it's ok as long as it's not still swimming".

I like to give the little buggers a fighting chance but, as Beavs said, protein boost.
Placing a few bay leaves in the corners of your cupboards and drawers will keep a lot of those little bugs away. I don't know why or how it works (something my great aunt once told me), but I've yet to see any of those teeny little moths or the little worms that leave their "shells" lying around ever since I started doing this a few years ago.

Ants are another story, I'm afraid . . . . . x(
That would of made me throw up. Your poor DD.

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(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥
I just wanted to give you an update. I did contact the company and this is the response I received. They also sent me 4 $4.00 coupons to purchase more of their products. (hopefully this time without worms). I am turned off of the Apples and Cinnamon and will not be able to purchase that, at least for now. I don't think my daughter will eat that anymore.

“Thank you for telling us about your disappointing experience with Instant Oatmeal. Your satisfaction is very important to us and we are sorry that you had a problem. Our plants and distribution centers utilize many different means to keep insects out of products as we package them and while they are stored under our control. Insects can bore into sealed packages or enter at any tiny hole or seal crevice. We would never knowingly allow infested product to leave the manufacturing facility. Unfortunately, infestation can occur at any point after it leaves our plant despite all of the precautions that we take to prevent it.

We apologize in advance for the inconvenience but it would be most helpful if you could provide us with as much information as possible:
1- the UPC from the box
2- the code printed on the box (ex: 1224P7 or 7TS24L)
3- the name and address of the store where purchased
4- the date the product was purchased

Once we receive this information, our Quality Assurance personnel will check the records for that date of production and ensure the necessary corrective action is taken to ensure this does not happen again. We will also forward you vouchers by mail to replace your purchase. Thank you for informing us of this.”

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