Want some opinion's about melting some fat.........


Which DVD or combos would you recommend to do some serious fat burning? I have about 30 lbs of fat total to lose.I have been at a plateau of 155 for 2 months. I started at 176 last October. I have lost it thanks to WW and Cathe.

So in your ladies opinion which is the best rotation/Dvd to blast off some serious fat..(especially thigh and stomach area)?

Hi there,

First, congratulations on your weight loss! What an accomplishment!

Without knowing some basic things (how often do you workout/would you be willing to workout, how does your body respond to weight training, etc.) I'll throw out a suggestion.

First, I would up the cardio to a minimum of 3 times per week, preferably for about an hour each time. An added bonus would be if one of the cardios was an interval type workout (like IMAX 2). Next, I would do a lower body workout 1 time per week. Depending on how your body responds to weight training (some women think they bulk with heavy lifting so prefer using light to moderate weight). I would then recommend a total body workout 1 time per week. I would go as heavy as possible on upper body work and choose weights for the lower body work based on how you think your body will respond. By defining and building the upper body you will visually create the illusion that the lower body is smaller. The last workout I would include would be circuit type workout. With this workout you'll get a little bit of cardio and a third weight routine. Take a well deserved rest day.

So, if you plan a week, it would look something like this.

M- Interval Cardio (like IMAX 2 or 3)
T- Total Body workout (like Muscle Endurance or Muscle Max)
W- Cardio (like Kick Punch Crunch or Kick Max)
Th- Lower Body workout (like Pyramid Lower Body or Gym Style Legs)
F- Cardio (like Step Blast or Rhythmic Step)
Sa- Circuit type workout (like High Step Training or Bootcamp)

You might also want to check out the rotations forum and look up some of the fat loss rotations that have been posted.

Wow thanks..........that really broke it down really good for me. I usually do 2 workouts back to back, 3-4 times a week. I have boot camp, kpc, low max, core max, ME, Cardio & Weights,pub,plb, s&heavy series and basic step. All are off fit tv on my tivo, except basic step, I have that DVD.

What would you sub for IMAX? I dont have that one.

I will check out the site and see If I can find some rotations.

Thanks so much for responding...all of you ladies are great!

Hi Joanna,

You don't need to do an interval type workout if you don't have one. You can just substitute with whatever cardio you have. To make it kind of like an interval workout, alternate 5 minutes of doing the workout at your regular pace with 2 minutes of really going for it (add small jumps, plyo moves, big range of motion with arms and legs). The fluctuations in intensity help with an additional metabolism boost!

Glad I could help!
I've been at a plateau for several months and I think I might have finally broken through it. How did I do it? It wasn't with more exercise, coz Lord knows that I was exercising my buns off before! I have changed the way I eat, thanks to a book called "The Abs Diet" (I've mentioned this several times on this board already). I mainly changed the way I snack. I have Figure 8 protein shakes every other day for a morning snack, and on the other days, I eat a bowl of Grape Nuts cereal with lowfat milk. I also eat a handful of almonds as a snack every day. Additionally, I incorporate what the book calls "power foods" (spinach, oats, beans, berries, etc.) into my meals, and I have cut WAY back on my soda intake (down to 1 or 2 per week, and hoping to ween myself off entirely in the next few weeks). I've also switched to whole grain products in place of white flour products. I recently started dropping weight again (so far, about 5 pounds in two weeks, which is huge in light of the fact that I struggled for two months just to drop 2 pounds last Fall), giving me hope that I might have finally broken the plateau, and all I've done is change the way I eat and, especially, the way I snack.

You can get Imax2 off of FitTV with Tivo. You can also get Rhythmic Step and Power Hour. Those two are specifically by title, where Imax2 will be titled as Cardio Blast.

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