I've been at a plateau for several months and I think I might have finally broken through it. How did I do it? It wasn't with more exercise, coz Lord knows that I was exercising my buns off before! I have changed the way I eat, thanks to a book called "The Abs Diet" (I've mentioned this several times on this board already). I mainly changed the way I snack. I have Figure 8 protein shakes every other day for a morning snack, and on the other days, I eat a bowl of Grape Nuts cereal with lowfat milk. I also eat a handful of almonds as a snack every day. Additionally, I incorporate what the book calls "power foods" (spinach, oats, beans, berries, etc.) into my meals, and I have cut WAY back on my soda intake (down to 1 or 2 per week, and hoping to ween myself off entirely in the next few weeks). I've also switched to whole grain products in place of white flour products. I recently started dropping weight again (so far, about 5 pounds in two weeks, which is huge in light of the fact that I struggled for two months just to drop 2 pounds last Fall), giving me hope that I might have finally broken the plateau, and all I've done is change the way I eat and, especially, the way I snack.