I was in Canada all last week, visiting various mines in the Sudbury area - they have a bunch of nickel mines. Since I design equipment for use in underground mines, this was a good chance for me to experience the harsh underground environment firsthand. In this picture, I am standing at the lowest point in the mine - about a mile and a half below the surface of the earth. It is about 95 degrees down there, very dusty, very wet and humid, very dark and very smelly. And when a big truck or loader drives by, it gets even hotter and smellier when it blows its exhaust on you. I'm pretty sure we passed Satan on elevator ride down to this mine tunnel. I have a whole new respect for miners - they are down here working hard for 10 hours a day. Yikes! So here I am, in full miner's attire, standing in the bowels of Hell:
And, now for the more important pictures - my evening with Shelley (allwildgirl)! Here we are at dinner. Our very strange waiter volunteered to take a picture of us. He thought he was Elvis, he even gave us the lip curl. But he was bleached blonde. Very weird. Anyway, I digress... that's me on the left and Shelley on the right:
And here is a picture of Shelley pretending to be a miner. That's MY bright orange hard hat she's wearing and MY model loader she's holding.
And, now for the more important pictures - my evening with Shelley (allwildgirl)! Here we are at dinner. Our very strange waiter volunteered to take a picture of us. He thought he was Elvis, he even gave us the lip curl. But he was bleached blonde. Very weird. Anyway, I digress... that's me on the left and Shelley on the right:
And here is a picture of Shelley pretending to be a miner. That's MY bright orange hard hat she's wearing and MY model loader she's holding.