waist measurement and oblique work


Hey everyone
Has anyone noticed that all the oblique work with PUR, Supersets, etc. has actually increased their waist measurement? I used to have a 29" waist and now it's 30 1/2" (on a good day) there's more muscle definition... but I'm wondering - am I missing something crucial here? I'm trying to 'eat clean, working out 5 to 6 days per week . I'm also 45 so, I'm wondering if the 'middle age spread' is somehow inevitable. Yikes! All this work just to try and stay ahead of the age game and it seems like I'm back-pedalling. ANy suggestions or insights would be appreciated!
I haven't done those workouts for a while. Do any of them use a weight like a medicine ball or stability ball? If so, you might want to omit the weights when doing those exercises.

Of course, it could also be age. I'm 47 (you youngster, you!), and it's getting harder and harder to keep the weight off, especially in the waist area.
I don't think it's age at all. The same thing happened to me with all the core work on the Intensity series, aged 38, and it also happened to another Catheite, Chicagojen, who is in her twenties. She complained about it at the time and her thread received replies from several of us to whom this had also happened.

I went back to incorporating as much traditional ab work as the new core work, so there is more balance. i think it has helped. I am wearing size 4 skirts......

I like Kathryn's suggestion: eliminate the weight when doing the new core work, and I would add, do less of it, keep a balance: put more traditional abs back in there. if you have Ab Hits DVD, this is easy to do, but if not, you can just use any of your Cathe workouts up to and including the CTX series.


I agree with Kathryn. It is normal for your waist to expand when you are in your 40's. (but we can still fight it). There is a lot of reading material explaining the changes your body is going through preparing for menopause. Search the web for menopause.

I've read in several places that this type of core work will increase your waist size because of the increased muscle mass. However, I agree with others here that if you balance it with traditional core work and either lighten up or eliminate the weight you should get some wonderful looking abs!

Thanks everyone for your input, I appreciate your suggestions re: foregoing the use of weights and just focus on toning and traditional ab work ...plus work on eliminating the layer of flab hiding those toned abs!:)
I have had the same question recently. I have been doing extra oblique work (especially from ME and CW) and I have started to notice that my clothes are tighter in the waist. It is good to hear that others have noticed this type of change as well. I believe that I haven't been doing as much traditional ab work as I would like, so this will give me some encouragement to break out MIS and LL.



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