wages for a recreation facility manager


Dear Cathy,
I have had a terrible time trying to find some information on what a reasonable wage would be for a recreation facility manager/director. I have searched the web and have not come upon any websites that can help me. If anyone out there has any idea of what something reasonable would be, I'd really appreciate a reply. I might also add I do not live in a high metropolitan area. It's a nice sized area but nothing huge. Help?!
Hi Patti!

I don't exactly know what your job description entails and/or what your credentials are to give you a specific answer. Also, some companies pay by salary and some per hour. But IDEA: The Association For Fitness Professionals conducts an annual industry compensation survey. Perhaps this survey will be helpful to you. While I have a copy of their latest survey at home, I have the results of 1998 here with me now. Their survey breaks things down into a lot of categories which influence the pay scale, but overall, it displays the minimum wages earned, maximum wages earned and the mean for all those who participated in the survey.

The pay for fitness/program director by SALARY was:

Minimum/1 hour per week/$2,400.
Maximum/60 hours per week/$71,400
Mean/39 hours/$31,095

The pay for fitness/program director PER HOUR was:

Minimum/1 hour per week/$5
Maximum/40 hours per week/$50
Mean/8 hours per week/$19

Again, there were many factors considered in this survey that influenced the results. It really isn't fair to just display it like this, however, I thought it would atleast give you some idea of what to possibly expect. We have IDEA on our links page. If you're interested, perhaps they can send you an issue of their fitness magazine that contains this survey. It would be in the January 2000 issue of IDEA SOURCE. Hope this helps.

Hi Cathy,
I just wanted to write and thank you so much for responding to my question, it was very helpful in that I went back in my IDEA Source, and have found the Januay 2000 issue and am looking at the survey now, thanks again! With 4 kids I sometimes don't have time to look very carefully at each issue to find what articles are in them. So, thanks to bringing my attention to that..

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