Vitamins - blech!


Am I the only person here with this problem? I cannot take vitamins to save my life. I keep trying, trying, trying to take a daily vitamin but the result is the same: I am either really nauseous for hours afterwards or else I actually throw up. (Sorry, TMI, I know.) Even when I was pregnant I could never take prenatal vitamins. I try to be careful that I am eating a lot of whole foods and grains and such to try to get everything the natural way, but I know there are days I fall short.

Any suggestions, ideas? I am seriously thinking about taking kids' chewables - the kind you can get in the health food store, they're not quite so loaded with sugar as Flintstones. :)


I hate them too but for me it works to take them after a meal and with LOTS Of water. Still hate them though.

I did just read (in Health magazine, I think) an article about what the professionals do to make sure they get a balanced diet and all the vitamins & minerals they need in a day and one doctor said she always takes a Flintstones chewable to get the good things but avoid the big pill you have to swallow. I too thought I wouldn't want the extra sugar , so I like your idea.;-)
I might even use it for my teenaged daughter who's dr. recently said she needs a multivitamin and who nearly DIED when she saw the size of the multivitamins she needs to swallow each day!:eek:

I dont' know if I was any help, but I think you're on track with the idea of a chewable.
I have the same problem. I actually did throw up many times with my prenatal ones! I finally found that if I take my vitamin as I am getting in to bed for the night, I have no problems with nausea. Hope that helps!

Do you take them with food? I used to feel sick every morning from taking them until I started taking them immediately after eating breakfast. If that's not the problem, I don't see any reason why the chewables wouldn't work!

Good luck!
I used to get sick taking multivitamins too but here are two things I thought would work. I take them now after I eat a good breakfast and with a lot of liquid. I was told if you get the nauseus feeling, then you should have food in your stomach. Also, when I was pregnant, I would take the prenatal vitamin after dinner because my stomach would be fuller then, and by the time the pill would be digested and the sick feeling I would already be in bed so you won't feel it over night. Any of those things could work for you.

Here's a children's chewable that's not bad on sugar, No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Flavors, No Preservatives, No Wheat. No Gluten, No Soy, No Dairy, Yeast Free, No Aspartame.

Also, there is a Centrum Chewable, tablet one per day that is orange flavored multivitamin/multimineral. I don't have a link, but it can be found at Walmart or most anywhere. The Centrum is not marketed as a children's vitamin, just a chewable.

I've given both to my picky DS and they seem to have no problem with either one.


Ladies, thanks for all of your responses!

I have taken vitamins at every time of day to no avail. Empty stomach, full stomach, with crackers, with fruit, with juice, along the yellow brick road, etc. :) It's verrrrry frustrating and at this point my SO thinks it's just a phobia for me, so I am "making" myself throw up! Hah! Anyway, I am definitely looking into the chewables. Perhaps they are not as potent (but perhaps that's half the battle). We'll see.

Thanks again!
The multis that contain iron bother my stomach quite a bit, but once I switched to vitamins without iron and took it with a meal, I no longer had any problems. :)
Try chewables, liquid, or powder (that you mix with juice or in a smoothie). I think tablets are pretty much useless anyway.


Nature’s Plus makes a natural pineapple flavored chewable multi-vitamin and mineral supplement for adults. It is a fructose-sweetened vegetarian formula. Each one has 10 calories with 2 grams of sugars. Like you, I cannot handle vitamin pills. I have no problems with these even if I take one before I eat. They have no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives either.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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