Video to dvd switch


Active Member
Here is my dilema. We just got a dvd player and I recently bought the express series in vhs format. I would now much prefer to have it as dvds. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do or am I pretty much stuck with what I have unless I want to spend more money.
I sold all of my VHS tapes to my sister and ordered the DVDs. Try selling them to family or friends or, for that matter, post them on eBay or the Firm's ya ya boards. I have never done that but that is what the Catheites recommend when questions like yours surface.

I hope this at least gives you some direction. :)

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-11-02 AT 07:02PM (Est)[/font][p]e-mail SNM and tell them you want to change your order to DVD. I've heard a lot of people doing the same thing -- they just found out they'll be getting a DVD player for Xmas. SNM is too busy to read the thread -- you are better off e-mailing/call them. I don't think you are stuck with the VHS...

Hi Lora-Kate -

I was just in the same situation. I purchased the VHS and then found out about the DVD player that is coming for Xmas so I simply emailed SNM directly and asked to switch over. Whoever takes care of customer service over there is top notch. My order was switched over, billed out to my credit card and confirmed within 24 hours. If you can swing the extra cash, DVD is the way to go.

Take good care-

Your friend in fitness-
Snickerdoodle. :-cool

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