Video Suggestions



I know many folks here use Cathe exclusively, but I was wondering if anyone can recommend a video that combines weights and cardio and some floorwork. I love being able to do weights and cardio together. I find that my lower half is shaping up nicely because of the floorwork. I sometimes switch back to using the Firm tapes because they help to lean me out as I am about 5'10 and looking for the lean and muscular look. I am not looking to pack on size. On that note, can anyone recommend how to use Cathe's tapes to lean out. I have her weight tapes exclusively because her cardio videos are too high impact for my poor knees.
Hi, Kimmy! I think you might like Cardio and Weights. It's total body circuit training. I found the cardio very easy to modify due to low impact because I have foot woes. Also, Legs and Glutes is a thing of beauty and the floor work rocks. I love Power Circuit from CTX. It's fun cardio (but not too tricky) and it includes lower body circuit training. You could combine it with upper body work from the workouts you own.

If you keep your diet nice and clean and work your cardio and strength faithfully, you should have no trouble leaning out.

I alternate between heavy weight/low rep strength and light weight/high rep strength workouts, staying with one type or the other for a period of weeks or even months depending my my fitness goals. I try to get at least 4 days of cardio in per week. My cardio has become very moderate these days but that has not been a detriment to my leanness. :) For strength, I work each body part twice per week with at least one day between workouts. I am doing bonus work for shoulders and triceps because they are weak points. I am lighter and leaner than I was when I ran enthusiastically and it's something I can't get over. Strength training is key to leanness and heavy training gives wonderful results. I am a hard gainer so I have stayed small muscled but they are defined and I think it's due to less cardio and more strength, especially slow and heavy training. Good luck with your program! I hope this ramble is helpful! :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
Step, Pump & Jump from the Body Blast series is also a fun circuit type workout. It consists of hi/lo aerobics, step and weight work. It's a lot of fun and very energizing.

Bobbi's suggestions are great. Cardio and Weights is another one of my favorites as is Legs & Glutes. The floor work on L&G is phenominal. I have been using it in a rotation for going on my fifth week and my legs are looking soooo much better.

If you have it your budget, I find that Cathe's DVDs are the way to go. They seem pricey at first but when you see how versatile they are because of all the variations in mixing and matching workouts, they're worth every penney. I look at them as an investment in myself.
Thank you for the suggestions. I will have to get the Legs and Glutes video. I like to work total body. I have several of Cathe's video's but I have found that I must mix in other videos as well or you find yourself doing the exact same exercises.

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