Video Fitness Road Trip Pictures

SNM Videos

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-00 AT 10:02AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-00 AT 11:37 PM (Est)[/font]

From left to right:

From Left to right

BOTTOM ROW: Deb B, Suzanne M, L.H.Meritt, Joyce I, Eulonda S, Lorrayne, Judy SP, Nancy C, Geraldine M, Brenda F, Kristin A, Denise M, Camille, Ayisha, Jeffrey (Cedie's little boy).

2ND ROW FROM BOTTOM: Caryn, Marian Z, Susie F, Jackie D, Amy Steppe, Sheila C, Renae B, Abbe, Angela, WWWendy, Cathe, Clare, Felicia, Joni O, Beth M, Amy K, Angela M, Kathy M, Lynne L, Andrea, Cedie

3rd Row From Bottom: Kathy G., Tammy C., Loraine T., Lydia, Cleda, Lezly H., Amy B., Germaine, Sharon T., Nichole T., Janet K., Valerie C., Kelly B., Clarence, Pamela P., Joanna B., Lisa

In the above group photo, please let us know if we have missed anybody’s name or made any mistakes.
We’ve also posted some pictures and even a 6 minute film clip from the Road Trip’s Saturday class. The film clip is best viewed using a cable modem or DSL. You can view with a 56k modem but the picture will not be very clear due to the motion and constantly changing camera angles.
We will have some more clips of the entire trip and some more pictures up within the next few weeks.:)

Click on the link below to see more pictures and to view the film clip of Saturdays morning/afternoon class
I love the streaming video! Looks like everybody had a killer workout and loads of fun. I hope to join in someday :)
"Corrections Department"

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-00 AT 09:16AM (Est)[/font][p]Oh My, I don't know what happened here. Poor Chris and Adam must have had a hard time deciphering all of those lines and arrows covering the group photo. I'm on my way to watch my little service dog Addi graduate today but I will make sure Chris makes the changes today. For now I will quickly list the corrections here. Sorry for the mistakes everyone.

From Left to right

BOTTOM ROW: Deb B, Suzanne M, L.H.Meritt, Joyce I, Eulonda S, Lorrayne, Judy SP, Nancy C, Geraldine M, Brenda F, Kristin A, Denise M, Camille, Ayisha, Jeffrey (Cedie's little boy).

2ND ROW FROM BOTTOM: Caryn, Marian Z, Susie F, Jackie D, Amy Steppe, Sheila C, Renae B, Abbe, Angela, WWWendy, Cathe, Clare, Felicia, Joni O, Beth M, Amy K, Angela M, Kathy M, Lynne L, Andrea, Cedie

It looks like the third row is correct. Its just that Kathy G starts a little lower than the others on the left. And all the way to the right there is a gap between Joanna B and Lisa.

I think that is right now. I'll be back tonight. Be sure to email Chris if I made a mistake. Thanks, you all look great!
RE: "Corrections Department"

Give Addi a hug and a kiss for me. I hope you don't have to go there and ignore him like you did when you went to see Dakota :-(
I still don't know how you can do it, but that is a great gift that you give to that organization!

RE: Congratulations Addi!

Sniff Sniff! Well I made it through the very emotional ceremony. My little Addi is all grown up and has a new mommy for life :'( :)! His recipient is wonderful and has a huge heart. I gave her a graduation gift consisting of Addi's first collar, his I.D. trainee badge, a photo album and video tape starting with the day we picked him up (6 weeks old)to the day he was returned for level 2 training (one year old). Thanks for your thoughts Nancy.
RE: "Corrections Department"

Hi Germaine! Actually three weeks ago I went to a "meet the recipient" dinner. That was where I was not allowed to acknowledge Addi's presence in any way (a painful and heart wrenching dinner). At graduation the same rules applied but I was given special permission to meet with Addi (unharnessed)in a quiet area to say my goodbye. I will be forever thankful for that oppurtunity. You, too, do a lot for the organization that you are involved with so I'm sure you can relate to these emotions completely. Give Shadow and Rhapsody a big hug for me :)!

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