VHS to DVD Question


Hi, I have one of those vhs/dvd combo machines. I just started getting workouts on dvd, and of Cathe's just have the Intensity Series on dvd. I doubt I'll buy the older cardio routines on dvd to replace my vhs, but was considering replacing some of my strength vhs with dvd, more for programming options. My dvd player has the capability just to hold one dvd at a time. I was looking at the PH/MIS/BodyMax dvd and was thinking this might be a good option for say combining biceps from all three workouts, etc. Is there any benefit to purchasing the S&H and PS on dvd over just keeping my vhs versions????


Hi Stacy,

It would depend on how you use the PS Series. I usually do the whole upper body workout in one day instead of two, and it is nice not to have to fast forward the VHS tape to where I need it.

If you plan on using the workouts as they were designed, then there is no need to purchase DVD.

Hope I have been of some help:)

> Is there any
>benefit to purchasing the S&H and PS on dvd over just keeping
>my vhs versions????

I agree that it depends how you use the workouts. For me, often I use S&H, but just do two sets instead of 3 of all the exercises. On video this is a pain in the behind because you are always fast forwarding.

Even just for the ability to skip through the workout and/or change the order its worth it!

- happy to spend your money!

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