Very Sad:(

I am sorry to hear about Bailey. Our dogs become such a huge part of our family. We are a family w/3 choc & 1 yellow lab also & they are part of who we are.
I pray for comfort for you & your family.

I am so sorry. Your family (including Bailey, of course) will be in my thoughts and prayers. She looks like a beautiful "puppy".

Randi...I am so sorry about your dog. I have seen her pic and she is a cutie. I do remember putting down my 1st dog, he had a tumor in his neck and did not survive the surgery. I know a bit of what you are going through and your are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending {{{{HUGS}}}
Thank you guys soooooo much! I'm going to get a second opinion from another Dr. but i have a feeling it's going to be the same from the 1st doctor.
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. I know this is hard for you, but you are doing what's best for your dog and not allowing her to suffer any more. When we had to put our bulldog down a few years ago (at age 13), my DH and me, our vet and his wife, all hugged each other, with me crying my eyes out. I'm happy to say that we now have two more dogs. And while they'll never replace our bulldog, one of our new dogs (in my avator) was a rescue from a high-kill shelter. I don't know, it's like when one door closes, another one opens. Hang in there!
I had to do this back in May with my cat and then a week or so later, I found another one of my cats passed away, and yet another missing - still has not returned. I feel your pain to the core of me - I truly do. I know it's a small consolation, but take comfort in knowing that you are making sure your "baby" doesn't hurt anymore. We're here if you need to talk.
Honey, I'm so sorry. I just went through this several month's back with one of my sweet neighborhood kitties. Another has cancer but he's not showing symptoms yet. I pray for strength when he does. I'm sending hugs and prayers to you and yours for this terribly painful thing you have to do. Courage.
My mom and I just got back from visiting her. she wagged her tail a little and was glad to see us then she layed back down. my whole family is going tonight to put her down when they get off work. 11 1/2 years is a long life for and english lab she's been a very healthy dog:) I will miss her so much:(
It's hard i have to put away her food bowl, bed and all her toys in the basement. I am balling right now:(
Thank you all for understanding
This is my first time repling to anything, but I just want to let you know how sorry I'm and about your dog and I know exactly what your going through. We had to put our sheepdog down last wed.. I still can't talk to any one about it. I can't help cring even typing this to you. Hopefully you will feel better in time. Pets are a very important part of a family.
So, so, sorry. I am hoping and praying for the best in this situation. I am feeling for you and your family. We have a young boxer puppy and I can't imagine life without him. My sympathies.;( . deb

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