I have 2 friends here who are college graduates who say the word supposebly. And yes, I've "confronted" them both on it!

I had never heard that word before I moved to Wyoming. But I'm sure it's all over LA too. I have another friend who is almost finished with her PhD. She is 30. She doesn't live here now but was here for a couple of years. She writes a blog. Her spelling and grammar are both HORRENDOUS!!! Here's an example:
breaks - these are what you use to slow down on a bike...or in a car
allot - something that happens all the time
Itallians - you know, from Italy
Spanyards - yup, from Spain
bar tender - this is someone who tends a bar

herritage - as opposed to heritage
peddles - these are what you put your feet on to push the cranks on your bike to go fast
woring - this is what you do when you stress about things
councilor - she used this word to refer to her therapist
ingrediance - as in ingredients for a recipe
prepair for dinner - to get ready for dinner
competetuive - as in being competitive in school
fairy - that big boat that takes you across the water (as opposed to ferry)
This is just a small sample. I wouldn't be so mortified (well, okay, I would) if she wasn't writing her dissertation for her PhD! How have all of these professors let her get this far in college??? Or high school??? How was that fair to her? Letting her through did her no favors. Her mom responded to her blog once and same thing. And she wants to teach at the college level. All of this spell check stuff isn't helping anybody. And yes, I had a typo in my post on the Hardcores today.

Caught it too late to edit it. Darn! I had happy fingers. But I'm pretty lax on these boards because this is just chatty. But a typo and not knowing how to spell anything when you are getting your PhD and you want to teach are two very different things. Scary.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France