Here, here on the caution about cheese but pasta is a good source of protein. Wheat eaten in a diet that includes legumes will give you a complete protein. Go for the fiber. Whole wheat pasta will give you 5-6 grams of fiber as opposed to 2 in white semolina but both are ok.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
Bobbi - Thanks for your post. It was very informative. I grew up in a third world country where human and animal suffering was acute. I used to shut my eyes or look away quite often in order to cope. I still have a tendency to do that. I think you are right about these products that are often labelled 'free range' etc. Thanks for that eye opener. Although I do believe that its probably natural that man eats meat and always will, I do not think there is anything natural or justifiable about the way thousands of animals are suffering due to the inhumane methods used to mass produce meat/ animal products. Its easy to forget about the story behind a product on the supermarket shelf, especially if it is one that we desire, but I guess we all need to be made aware of it. Its up to us then as indidividual consumers to do our part in putting an end to inhumane farming techniques. I believe that the more people are made aware, the more responsible their choices will be and hopefully that will make a difference. I guess I too need to do my own research before reaching out for those eggs and cottage cheese. Thanks once again for the post.
Thank you, Prfitness. I always say once awareness is there, there's no turning back. Learning the steps to take is a journey and an adventure. Every little thing adds up too and one small step can impact lives, one at a time. To think that making more humane choices for animals helps people and the environment makes me hopeful that the wealth and resources of this world can belong to all of us, benefit all of us. I email the representatives in Washington and Arizona a lot, asking them to save the world, feed the world, all of it, not just the one's that are politically advantageous. People before profits. Automakers and Pharmeceutical companies can still be disgustingly rich, even if they get a little poorer by bowing to the greater good. Nations with no resources need us as much as those with stocks of oil and it's a crime against humanity to not find a way to feed everyone when there's more than enough. Knowledge is power. Being heard is too. The way I see it, I am part of a grassroots movement, small but growing and I am hopeful change will come. I have been emailing the AZ reps about the Kyoto agreement, the drilling they want to do in Alaska, aid to Africa to name a few, and, interestingly, I just got called to report for jury duty in May. I wonder if that's a coincidence? Fortunately, I consider that a priviledge and I am happy to report. Speak out and fight for everything you believe in. Together we can be a formidable force for change!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver

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