UTI – Help Needed

Hi Wayne,

I too had bladder urgency and frequency for years with no infection. After many, many years with no diagnosis and a LOT of discomfort, I was eventually told I had Interstitial Cystitis. It is a problem with the lining of the bladder that in some cases develops small hemorrhages that cause pain and discomfort when the bladder starts to fill with urine. The least little bit causes you to feel unusual pressure that you normally could wait hours for. It's hard to diagnose unless a doctor actually goes in and looks around inside your bladder fully distended. I was so glad I had a diagnoses and relief through medicine and therapy.

I am certainly not sure if this is what you have, but don't go too long feeling uncomfortable. There are a lot of avenues to check even though you have no infection. I went years of no one listening to me and putting me through all the same tests that amounted to nothing. I've even started a support group for this and other related problems for women's pelvic pain as well.

Hope you are taken care of real soon, I know how uncomfortable and tiring it can be with the lack of sleep.

Take care and let us know how you are,


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